Event Reports 2023

Below is the list of WIHW reports that were submitted for this current year.

From: To:
41. Communicating With Care Breakfast
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-01
End date: 2023-02-01

Sponsored by the Poway Interfaith Team (POINT), in Poway California; the morning will include a Fun, Informative in-person breakfast with guest speaker Rev. Dr. Stephen Albert leading a discussion about...

42. North America Pot-Luck Party
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-02
End date: 2023-02-02

The World Interfaith Network is bringing together scores of Interfaith Groups throughout North America which will be celebrating World Interfaith Harmony Week together virtually in 4 different time-zones. From 4-8pm...

43. WIHW 2023. Nigerian pastor organise...
Country: Nigeria
Event date: 2023-02-07
End date: 2023-02-06

The general overseer of Christ evangelical and life intervention ministry kaduna pastor yohanna buru has flag -up 2023 world international interfaith week and harmony through organizing community dialogue to mitigate...

44. Grassroots campaigns to promote Peacebuilding...
Country: Nigeria
Event date: 2023-02-08
End date: 2023-02-07

Grassroots campaigns to promote Peacebuilding among youths ,and religious tolerance As part of this year world international interfaith week and harmony celebration in kaduna state north western Nigeria Pastor yohanna...

45. Il Ruolo della Religione per...
Country: Italy
Event date: 2023-02-02
End date:

Online event- Il ventesimo secolo ha visto un incredibile miglioramento delle condizioni della vita umana, un fatto possibile dovuto agli straordinari progressi della scienza. Allo stesso tempo è stato anche...

46. Northern Clerics Mobilise Special Prayers,...
Country: Nigeria
Event date: 2023-01-28
End date: 2023-02-01

Northern Nigeria Christians and Muslims are mobilizing preachers to offer special prayers and fasting to God to end the prolonged Russian – Ukraine war, A head of this year’s (...

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48. Bridges
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-05
End date:

Bridges connects young people who are involved in their faith communities, and brings them together to consider how their faith calls them to action in interfaith dialogue. The themes for...

50. Walking Together in the Ligfht...
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-02
End date: 2023-02-04

Brothers and sisters committed to peace, justice, and ecological preservation from all religious and spiritual traditions around the world continued the legacy of Pope Francis and Sheikh Mohamed Ahmed El-Tayeb,...

51. SLEDP South Lakeland Equality and...
Country: United Kingdom
Event date: 2023-02-01
End date:

SLEDP South Lakeland Equality and Diversity Partnership 2 sessions at home every day of WIHW in support of WIHW. These will be at 7am and 7pm for half an hour....

52. Gathering Interfaith Association for service...
Country: India
Event date: 2023-02-01
End date: 2023-02-01

To be an effective instrument for Divine service, we must have a personal spiritual practice that sustains our living connection to the Divine within. Seva without spirituality is a sure...

53. Living Together Movement Consultation
Country: Pakistan
Event date: 2023-02-06
End date: 2023-02-06

Educational experiences that are active, social, contextual, engaging, and student-owned lead to deeper learning. The benefits of collaborative learning include: Development of higher-level thinking, oral communication, self-management, and leadership skills...

54. Interfaith Misinterpretation Corner
Country: Pakistan
Event date: 2023-02-05
End date: 2023-02-05

UN World Interfaith Harmony Week activity was based on Interfaith Misinterpretation corner where table talk was held with youth of different communities under references of different religions. Molana Shakil ur...

55. Interfaith Tour to Kartarpur Gurduwara...
Country: Pakistan
Event date: 2023-02-04
End date: 2023-02-04

UN World Interfaith Harmony Week 2023, activity is based on the motive to promote message of Interfaith Peace and Harmony in between religions . We got to know that the...

56. Diversity Event in Okara City
Country: Pakistan
Event date: 2023-02-03
End date: 2023-02-03

Activity was organized in Catholic church Mitchell's road renala khurd Okara to promote the message of LIVING TOGETHER MOVEMENT under the supervision of President of FACES Pakistan Mr Javaid William....

57. Media Conference on Interfaith Dialogue
Country: Pakistan
Event date: 2023-02-01
End date: 2023-02-01

The basic objectives of a group of interreligious dialogue in a neighborhood are the following: - Promoting the relationship between religious communities and convicts of proximity. - Understanding religious beliefs...

58. Interfaith Talent Show
Country: Pakistan
Event date: 2023-02-02
End date: 2023-02-02

Activity of UN World Interfaith Harmony Week organized by Youth Council for Interfaith Peace and Harmony affiliated with FACES Pakistan with the name Interfaith Talent Show in which Secratory Mr....

59. international e-seminar on world interfaith...
Country: India
Event date: 2023-02-04
End date: 2023-02-04

international e-seminar on world interfaith hamony week 2023 subject peace and positivity

60. Public sensitization about the role...
Country: Uganda
Event date: 2023-02-06
End date: 2023-02-06

Celebrating the progress made concerning dialogue between the different faiths in Uganda and all over the world

61. One Dish Interfaith Food Festival
Country: Pakistan
Event date: 2023-02-07
End date: 2023-02-07

UN World Interfaith Harmony Week activity of Interfaith One dish food Festival was organized at Head Office of FACES Pakistan where Leaders of National Council for Interfaith Peace and Harmony...

62. Interfaith Sunday Service
Country: Ireland
Event date: 2023-02-12
End date:

A Sunday Service with Hindu, Christian, Sikh, Scientology and Muslim representatives and prayers in celebration of World Interfaith Harmony Week. We get together with friends from various backgrounds and religions...

1Interfaith Sunday Service2Interfaith Sunday Service3Interfaith Sunday Service
63. Interfaith Feast
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-04
End date: 2023-02-04

INTERFAITH FEAST Date: Saturday, February 4, 2023 Time: 1:00 pm This event is In Person Interfaith Feast Sharing Stories of Interfaith Harmony Celebrating WORLD INTERFAITH HARMONY Week! Gather together with...

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64. defending Masters dissertation on interfaith...
Country: Iran
Event date: 2022-02-22
End date: 2022-02-22

In this time ,the MA student Mohammad Momen defended his thesis on " social behavior in the field of interfaith harmony under the guidance of Quran, Case Study-the Indonesian society"...

65. No Peace among Nations and...
Country: United Kingdom
Event date: 2023-01-30
End date: 2023-01-30

The Johannes Lähnemann Interfaith Peacebuilding Lecture Series organised by the Oxford Interfaith Forum Professor Dr theol. Johannes Lähnemann is Emeritus Professor and Chairman for Religious Education at the University of...

66. MultiFaith Council of NW Ohio...
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-01
End date: 2023-02-01

Clergy / Faith Leader Breakfast 2023 This annual free breakfast for faith leaders will be in person again this year. Our hosts are Grace Lutheran Church, 4441 Monroe St, Toledo,...

67. MFC Potluck, part of North...
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-02
End date: 2023-02-02

Our local potluck will be from 5 - 7 PM, Thursday, February 2, at First Unitarian Church, 3205 Glendale Ave, Toledo, OH 43614. We will fellowship locally and connect with...

68. Universal Worship Service on Loving...
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-06
End date: 2023-02-06

The theme of this Universal Worship Service is Loving Kindness. Eight faiths will present readings and poetry or music from their traditions. This is one of the MultiFaith Council of...

Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-01
End date: 2023-02-07

A week-long educational, social media (Facebook, Instagram) campaign aimed at spreading awareness and deeper understanding of diverse religious traditions and encouraging dialogue to build trust and friendship. Each day the...

70. Mawlana
Country: Afghanistan
Event date: 2023-01-28
End date: 7

This song is an Islamic song about peace love and children This video is for children that they struggle and hard work for all around the world Z Zainkhan Mawlana...

71. Universal Healing: Awakening the Heart...
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-01
End date: 2022-02-07

This year to celebrate World Interfaith Harmony Week (2023) Charter for Compassion and the RISE Team -Religion, Interfaith and Spirituality for Earth- have created a special experience for you: a...

72. Interfaith Youth Peace Conference
Country: Ethiopia
Event date: 2023-01-28
End date: 2023-01-29

On February 4th 2023, 500 faith and non-faith youths were gathered to commemorate #WorldInterfaithHarmonyWeek. Awareness about the #wihw, Freedom of Religion and Belief (#Forb4All), and discussions were undertaken for fostering...

73. Prayers for Peace by Saint...
Country: Brazil
Event date: 2023-02-01
End date:

- Saint Germain Daily Orientation. - Peace Meditation on Kwan Yin Blesses. - Ecumenical prayers for Worldwild Peace. - Saint Germain and Ascended Masters chaneled messages Instagram, Facebook and Youtube...

74. Women Encounter / Women’s Feast,...
Country: Denmark
Event date: 2023-01-28
End date: 2023-01-28

Women Encounter is an event for women of different nationalities, culture and religion that takes place every last Saturday every month. The Women's Committee has decided to plan two women...

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75. Celebrating Spiritual Ecology
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-08
End date: 2023-02-08

This interactive online event will offer participants simple ways to incorporate nature-based and creative aspects into everyday spiritual practice. It is designed to guide participants through the various simple activities...

76. Universal Healing: Awakening the Heart...
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-07
End date: 2023-02-07

This year to celebrate World Interfaith Harmony Week (2023) Charter for Compassion and the RISE Team -Religion, Interfaith and Spirituality for Everyone- have created a special experience for you: a...

77. Interfaith Music as Harmonious Sound:...
Country: United Kingdom
Event date: 2023-02-06
End date: 2023-02-06

To mark the World Interfaith Harmony Week, Oxford Interfaith Forum, in collaboration with Deus Ex Musica, presents a unique event combining performances of new sacred music with interfaith discussion. This...

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78. The Art of Sacred Sound...
Country: United Kingdom
Event date: 2023-02-09
End date: 2023-02-09

Art can help to break the misconceptions of Islamophobia and resolve the Western myth of the religious Other, including our Muslim neighbors. Islamic art is not monolithic; nevertheless, vision-centric calligraphic...

79. An Orthodox Dialogue with Islam:...
Country: United Kingdom
Event date: 2023-02-13
End date: 2023-02-13

This event is the last one of our four sessions dedicated to the WIHW 2023. In 1968, Athenagoras, Patriarch of Constantinople, invited the French Orthodox theologian, Olivier Clément, to Istanbul,...

80. Interfaith Collaboration through manuscripts -...
Country: United Kingdom
Event date: 2023-02-15
End date: 2023-02-15

Karma Pakshi is considered influential in the development of the reincarnate lama tradition, a system that led to the lineage of the Dalai Lamas. Born in East Tibet in the...

81. Universal Healing: Awakening the Heart...
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-02
End date: 2023-02-02

This year to celebrate World Interfaith Harmony Week (2023) Charter for Compassion and the RISE Team -Religion, Interfaith and Spirituality on Earth- have created a special experience for you: a...

82. Interfaith Dialogue: Where does One...
Country: United Kingdom
Event date: 2023-02-23
End date: 2023-02-23

Professor Admiel Kosman, Professor of Talmud and Rabbinic Literature at the School of Jewish Theology, University of Potsdam, and Academic Director of Geiger College in Berlin, Germany, will demonstrate the...

83. Universal Healing: Awakening the Heart...
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-03
End date: 2023-02-03

This year to celebrate World Interfaith Harmony Week (2023) Charter for Compassion and the RISE Team -Religion, Interfaith and Spirituality on Earth- have created a special experience for you: a...

84. Universal Healing: Awakening the Heart...
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-04
End date: 2023-02-04

This year to celebrate World Interfaith Harmony Week (2023) Charter for Compassion and the RISE Team -Religion, Interfaith and Spirituality for Everyone- have created a special experience for you: a...

85. Pray for a Hopeful Heart
Country: Ghana
Event date: 2023-02-02
End date: 2023-02-02

Dialogue and Culture Organization arranged an event for the coexistence of religions for the sixth year on the first week of February', known as Interfaith Harmoney week. This year 2023,...

86. Der christliche Beitrag zum Frieden...
Country: Austria
Event date: 2023-02-08
End date: 2023-02-08

Die Coalition of Faith-Based Organizations lädt herzlich ein zu einer Konferenz im Rahmen der World Interfaith Harmony Week 2023 Der christliche Beitrag zum Frieden in Osteuropa - Brennpunkte Berg-Karabach, Kosovo...

87. « Religion in service to...
Country: Switzerland
Event date: 2023-02-07
End date: 2023-02-07

- 14h00 Musical welcome, Opening remarks - Jayhan, Vocalist and Composer - Heiner W. Handschin, Coordinator for IAPD Europe and the Middle East - Rev. Dr. Kuzipa Nalwamba, Programme Director...

88. Meditative Walk and Conversation
Country: Australia
Event date: 2023-02-07
End date: 2023-02-12

Meditative walks at Evera started privately in 2007. Five years later members of the public were invited to join after a a few presentations in the local Neighbourhood Centre. That...

89. Inside Interfaith
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-03-03
End date:

Young leaders from across the globe have started a monthly interfaith initiative. These leaders of diverse religious traditions, genders, and locations will take the opportunity to learn from one another...

Country: South Africa
Event date: 2023-02-08
End date: 2023-02-22

This project aims to facilitate and provide PLATFORMS to promote peace, a culture of coexistence, and interfaith understanding among GIRL STUDENTS FROM DIFFERENT FAITH schools. The project addresses a group...

91. Brotherhood Among Religions
Country: Denmark
Event date: 2023-02-04
End date: 2023-03-04

Celebration of UN International Day of Human Fraternity and the World Interfaith Harmony Week 2023

92. Interfaith breakfast about Fraternity
Country: Argentina
Event date: 2023-02-03
End date: 2023-02-03

An interfaith breakfast taking place at Buenos Aires Intercultural Dialogue Center Alba. People from different religious traditions will participate. We will share reflections on the importance of dialogue as bridges...

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93. UPF Ambassadors for Peace event...
Country: Denmark
Event date: 2023-01-28
End date: 2023-01-28

UPF Ambassadors for Peace appointment ceremony in preparation for the World Interfaith Harmony Week 2023.

94. Similarities between the different faith
Country: India
Event date: 2023-02-11
End date: 2023-02-11

The Speaker will be the Religious leader of different faith. Audience will be the common people of different faith. Speaker will be given 10-15 mins slot to keep their point...

95. Unity in Diversity: The Importance...
Country: South Africa
Event date: 2023-02-05
End date: 2023-02-05

The Turquoise Harmony Institute (THI) is dedicated to promoting peace and reconciliation in South Africa through interfaith dialogue and cross-cultural activities. In this regard we believe that the Interfaith Harmony...

96. Interreligious Harmony and Peace Dialogue
Country: Ethiopia
Event date: 2023-01-28
End date: 2023-01-29

February 3rd, 2023, a one day “Interreligious Peace and Harmony Dialogue” undertaken for observing #WorldInterfaithHarmonyWeek. Over 40 faith and traditional belief leaders including Orthodox, Muslim, Protestant, Catholic as well as...

97. China-Italia Education on the Silk...
Country: Italy
Event date: 2023-02-01
End date: 2023-02-01

China is a country with a great diversity of religion, with over 100 million followers of the various faiths.The main religionus are Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, China's Indigenous Taoism, along with...

98. Speaking Truth to Power -...
Country: United Kingdom
Event date: 2023-02-07
End date: 2023-02-07

Universal Peace Federation UK Interreligious Association for Peace and Development Speaking Truth to Power - Webinar World Interfaith Harmony Week 7 pm - 8.15 pm (GMT) February 7th, 2023 The...

99. The Timeless Question of Suffering
Country: Canada
Event date: 2022-02-05
End date: 2023-02-05

An interfaith Symposium moderator Councilor Karen Harper Religions participating Baha'i, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhism, Jewish Faith, Christian, New Thought and Islam

100. Youth Interreligious Meeting and Recommendations...
Country: Albania
Event date: 2023-02-15
End date: 2023-02-15

The Department of Women and the Department of Youth in IRCA for more than a year have been engaged in various interreligious activities in several cities of Albania in a...

101. All-Party Interfaith Caucus
Country: Canada
Event date: 2023-02-01
End date: 2023-02-01

The Multi-faith Summit Council of British Columbia is launching its inaugural All-Party Interfaith Caucus during the UN World Interfaith Harmony Week on February 1, 2023, via Zoom. Members of various...

102. Palette of PEACE
Country: Bulgaria
Event date: 2023-02-12
End date: 2023-02-12

On February 12 - Catholic Cathedral "St. Josif" in Sofia, Bulgaria will host an interfaith concert and art performance - "PALETTE of PEACE". The organiser is Bridges-Eastern European Forum for...

Country: Denmark
Event date: 2023-01-29
End date: 2023-01-29

It is gathering people of different religious backgrounds in town around food, songs and musical instruments. Participants bring food to the common table with food that represent tastes of their...

104. Celebration of the World Interfaith...
Country: Indonesia
Event date: 2023-02-05
End date: 2023-02-05

1. Activities and Results The Center for Dialogue and Cooperation among Civilizations (CDCC) and Inter-Religious Council (IRC) Indonesia have been organizing The World Interfaith Harmony Week in Indonesia since 2011....

Country: United Kingdom
Event date: 2023-02-11
End date:

For World Interfaith Harmony Week 2023, Interfaith Scotland will be gathering young people aged 18-30 from across Scotland to explore interfaith youth leadership and vision. Young people from diverse faiths...

107. WIHW 2023 celebration
Country: Philippines
Event date: 2023-02-01
End date: 2023-02-07

Silsilah Dialogue Movement together with our different partners groups, organizations and institutions throughout the years have been conducting series of activities for the WIHW 2023. This year, our focus is...

108. Celebrating People's resilience to protect...
Country: Philippines
Event date: 2023-02-01
End date: 2023-02-07

The Silsilah Forum areas in Mindanao also joined the celebration of the World Interfaith Harmony Week. Most of their activities were tree and mangrove planting, IEC on Climate resilience and...

Country: Cameroon
Event date: 2023-01-28
End date: 2023-02-05

Now in its second edition, The Fraternity Walk(TFW) is a World Interfaith Harmony Week(WIHW) benefit event which uses the unifying power of sports and arts to raise awareness about interfaith...

111. World Interfaith Harmony Week
Country: Pakistan
Event date: 2023-02-07
End date: 2023-02-07

World Interfaith Harmony Week (WIHW), was conceived to promote a culture of peace & nonviolence adopted by the UN General Assembly (resolution A/RES/65/5), declaring the first week of February each...

112. The Eleventh Sarajevo UN World...
Country: Bosnia Herzegovina
Event date: 2023-02-02
End date:

 Second Panel on Financial Policy and Social Justice Justice is to speak and realise truth in society. What contemporary humanity lacks most is surely a focus on Justice, in...

113. Webinar: Best Practices in Implementing...
Country: Portugal
Event date: 2023-02-27
End date:

This webinar will bring together a panel of grassroots activists from around the globe showcasing different kinds of interfaith and intercultural activities to disseminate and motivate people to the adopt...

114. An Interfaith Dialogue on the...
Country: Switzerland
Event date: 2023-02-27
End date: 2023-02-27

This interfaith dialogue is a contribution to the World Interfaith Harmony Week by bringing together diverse religious and spiritual leaders and faith actors to provide theological reflections on the importance...

115. Southern Africa World Alliance of...
Country: South Africa
Event date: 2023-02-16
End date:

Join the Southern Africa branch of HWPL in a discussion aimed at celebrating "World Interfaith Harmony Week." This year religious leaders from various faiths will look at what the various...

116. International Church Service, Fellowship Meal...
Country: Denmark
Event date: 2023-02-05
End date: 2023-02-05

The regular church service, that takes place during the first Sunday every month, is used on this particular Sunday, February 5, which is within the global observance of WIHW during...

117. Youth Interfaith Program
Country: Canada
Event date: 2023-02-05
End date: 2023-02-05
118. Sacred Spaces Visits
Country: Canada
Event date: 2023-02-01
End date: 2023-02-12

Sacred Spaces Visits

119. Conversation Circles 2023
Country: Canada
Event date: 2023-02-04
End date: 2023-02-12

Library Conversations!

Country: Uganda
Event date: 2023-02-26
End date: 2023-02-26

A- BACKGROUND TO EVENT: 2022 has been a very busy one for the Nansana Municipality Interfaith family in Wamala Ward participating in the implementation of the (a) Parish Development Model...

121. IHH Final Celebrations 2023
Country: Canada
Event date: 2023-02-12
End date: 2023-02-12

Final Interfaith Celebrations for Halifax

122. Youth Interfaith Summit: We Stand...
Country: United Kingdom
Event date: 2023-02-06
End date: 2023-02-06

Religions for Peace UK Interfaith Youth Network (UKIYN) is participating in the Youth Interfaith Summit of the Faith & Belief Forum’s Youth Council. We will be introducing the work Interfaith...

123. Interfaith Conversation with Science: Can...
Country: United Kingdom
Event date: 2023-02-27
End date: 2023-02-27

Dr Stan Rosenberg, Executive Director of Scholarship and Christianity In Oxford (SCIO), and Vice President for Research and Scholarship at Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU), will discuss whether...

124. Interfaith Conversation: Can Aristotle’s Ideas...
Country: United Kingdom
Event date: 2023-02-20
End date: 2023-02-20

The session will focus on several psychological implications of the account of original sin in Gen 3:1-6 applying some ideas employed by Aristotle in his description of akrasia. In particular,...

Country: Malaysia
Event date: 2023-02-20
End date: 2023-02-20

Malaysia Interfaith Harmony Week Forum 2023's theme is in line with UN's World Interfaith Harmony Week 2023 theme "Love of God and Love of the Neighbour; Love of the Good...

126. Religious Tourism as factor of...
Country: Albania
Event date: 2023-02-22
End date: 2023-02-25

The Department of Theology & Culture of College University Logos and The Religious Tourism Forum will organise from 22nd till 25th February a Religious Tourism Week with the participation of...

128. Meeting and rehearsal JOIRE (Joven...
Country: Spain
Event date: 2023-02-11
End date: 2023-02-11

On Saturday, February 11, 2023, the Spanish Youth Interfaith Ensemble (Joven Ensemble Interreligioso Español - JOIRE), a formation that emerged by the initiative of Arco Forum within the framework of...

129. Fraternal Meeting of Muslim and...
Country: Spain
Event date: 2023-02-05
End date: 2023-02-05

Within the framework of the World Interfaith Harmony Week and in commemoration of the International Day of Human Fraternity, Arco Forum, in collaboration with the Santa Maria La Blanca Church...

130. Inclusive Football for the Interfaith...
Country: Spain
Event date: 2023-01-28
End date: 2023-01-28

Arco Forum organizes, in collaboration with Fundación La Merced Migraciones, a football match in Madrid, involving both newly arrived migrants and local people, who will form mixed teams. After the...

131. Round table: “The deconstruction of...
Country: Spain
Event date: 2023-02-15
End date: 2023-02-15

Within the framework of the World Interfaith Harmony Week and in commemoration of the International Day of Human Fraternity, we invite you to the celebration of the round table: "The...

132. Bringing Our Multifaith Neighbours Together...
Country: Australia
Event date: 2023-02-26
End date: 2023-02-26

Religious and community leaders from diverse traditions and people from the wider community are invited to hear clear information about the proposed First Nations Voice to be enshrined in the...

133. Ensemble avec Marie – Together...
Country: Belgium
Event date: 2023-02-04
End date: 2023-02-04

Together with Mary, these are meetings that are organised here in Brussels, in a cosmopolitan and international city where there is much diversity. The aim is to create a link,...

134. Feeding the needy - sharing...
Country: India
Event date: 2023-02-11
End date: 2023-02-11

Palki Peace will be sharing a free meal with the needy of Bankura, West Bengal on February 11, 2023. This is our contribution to WIHW. Everyone is welcome!

135. Harmony in a World in...
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-03
End date: 2023-02-03

OBJECTIVE In 2010, the UN General Assembly passed a Resolution proposed by King Abdullah of Jordan (A/Res.65/5) establishing the first week of February each year as World Interfaith Harmony Week...

136. Global Youth Interfaith and Intercultural...
Country: Qatar
Event date: 2023-02-11
End date: 2023-02-14

The Forum will bring together 75 young people from around the world, youth-led organizations, civil society organizations, policy makers and philanthropists to share practical approaches in promoting coexistence between people...

137. Highway To Heaven Association 2023...
Country: Canada
Event date: 2023-03-03
End date: 2023-03-03

Zoom meeting & YouTube Video presentation for the Highway To Heaven Association members totaling 30 religious institutions.

138. Faith: Tool or Weapon? Hate...
Country: Canada
Event date: 2023-02-23
End date: 2023-02-23

A World Interfaith Harmony Week Event organized by the National Muslim Christian Liaison Committee (NMCLC) in collaboration with the Intercultural Dialogue Institute (IDI). "Faith: Tool or Weapon? Hate and Discrimination"...

139. Faith In Action: New Year's...
Country: Canada
Event date: 2023-02-07
End date: 2023-02-07

"Interfaith Circle" invites you to join us in a World Interfaith Harmony Week Event. In this event, we will: - Share our Joys in 2022 and New Year Resolutions and...

140. Open Mic
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-04
End date:

Are you a young (or young at heart) artist or performer? We're calling for musicians, poets, comedians, storytellers, and artists from all faith groups worldwide to join us for an...

141. Universal Healing: Awakening the Heart...
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-05
End date: 2023-02-05

This year to celebrate World Interfaith Harmony Week (2023) Charter for Compassion and the RISE Team -Religion, Interfaith and Spirituality for Everyone- have created a special experience for you: a...

142. Universal Healing: Awakening the Heart...
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-06
End date: 2023-02-06

This year to celebrate World Interfaith Harmony Week (2023) Charter for Compassion and the RISE Team -Religion, Interfaith and Spirituality for Everyone- have created a special experience for you: a...

143. Interfaith Trivia: Teach Me Something...
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-18
End date: 2023-02-18

Interfaith trivia. Faith representatives share some interesting, unique/funny fact(s) about their founder and/or religion, 5-7 minutes each. Moderator: Dr. Jeff Nakama Sponsored by: Universal Peace Federation Point of contact: Reverend...

144. Sprogcafé or Learning Danish Language...
Country: Denmark
Event date: 2022-02-07
End date: 2023-02-28

Every Tuesday we have Sprogcafe, that is, teaching Danish language, free of cost to foreigners: refugees, foreign students, immigrants, guest workers, a help for their integration in Denmark. Volunteers are...

145. Universal Healing: Awakening the Heart...
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-01
End date: 2022-02-07

This year to celebrate World Interfaith Harmony Week (2023) Charter for Compassion and the RISE Team -Religion, Interfaith and Spirituality for Earth- have created a special experience for you: a...

146. 8th Annual Interfaith Harmony Event...
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-13
End date: 2023-02-13

Local interfaith leaders who support the message of interfaith harmony, mutual respect and goodwill in the world’s churches, mosques, synagogues, temples and other places of worship based on the universal...

147. Ke Ala o Ka Poe...
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-10
End date: 2023-02-10

Come view artwork inspired by the sacred scriptures of all the worldʻs religions, with themes of love, justice, harmony and world peace, held at the National Bahá'í Center, in Honolulu....

148. Women Encounter: Focus on Women's...
Country: Denmark
Event date: 2023-02-25
End date: 2023-02-25

This is the second women's event we have planned out in observance of UN World Interfaith Harmony Week. The focus is on Women's Human Rights. There will be invited speakers...

149. Harmony Heart Concert
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-14
End date: 2023-02-14

Experience the positive message of love, peace and harmony with music presented by musicians and singers from around the world such as Germany, Australia, California, Hawaii, India, Japan and more....

150. “Niu Now, Reconnecting to the...
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-20
End date: 2023-02-20

This is a Premier of the showing of the film “Niu Now, Reconnecting to the Tree of Life” followed by a panel discussion about food security with Dr. Manulani Meyer...

151. A Significant Mo`olelo (Story) from...
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-25
End date: 2023-02-25

Panel Discussion: Each religion will present a moʻolelo that they feel is significant in their religion. The presenter will tell their story and explain why they chose that particular story....

152. Art Exhibition by 20 artists...
Country: Denmark
Event date: 2023-02-20
End date: 2023-03-01

Art Exhibition by more 20 artists on works of art that depict love, friendship, fellowship, religious symbols, care of natural environment at Kolding Library in Kolding town in Denmark on...

153. The Role of Interreligious Initiatives...
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-02
End date: 2023-02-02

Around the world, interfaith initiatives carried out by various civil society organizations, sometimes also promoted by governments or international organizations, help to establish networks of reconciliation and containment in contexts...

154. Aloha, Where East Meets West...
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-25
End date: 2023-02-25

Our goal is to introduce the LDS YSA's to their local interfaith community through service and introduce those in the interfaith community to the service aspect of our church. Each...

155. Tracing Religious Roots: The Abrahamic...
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-22
End date: 2023-02-22

Our traditions have more in common than differences: An Interfaith conversation tracing our common roots. Speakers: Rev. Dr. Cynthia Lynch – Christianity Ceyda Sablak/Matiullah Joyia – Islam Gregg Kinkley -...

156. “Building the Beloved Community” Celebration...
Country: United States
Event date: 2023-02-02
End date: 2023-02-07

In recognition and celebration of the 2023 UNs’ World Interfaith Harmony Week, the Interfaith Build for Unity Subcommittee of Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity–a diverse group of individuals from a...

157. Faith Meets Faith (A Muslim...
Country: Denmark
Event date: 2023-01-31
End date: 2023-02-02

Faith Meets Faith (Tro Møder Tro) program is one of our regular offers to schools. With an agreement with some schools in town, a Muslim Iman and a Christian priest...

158. Sprogcafe or Learning Danish to...
Country: Denmark
Event date: 2024-02-07
End date: 2024-02-28

Every Tuesday we have Sprogcafe, that is, teaching Danish language. to foreigners: refugees, foreign students, immigrants, guest workers, a help for their integration in Denmark. It is free of cost....

159. Bhaichara Diwas Samaroh in India
Country: India
Event date: 2023-02-02
End date: 2023-02-02

In India at Delhi (Makki Masjid), Meer Dard Road, organize "Bhaichara Diwas Samaroh" on the occassion of birthday Late Arif Baig (Ex. Union Minister, govt. of india) Under UN Interfaith...

BhaicaharaWith Dharam guru2With Dharam guru
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