Archive of Reports


Below is the list of WIHW reports that were submitted for the year of 2021.

From: To:
1. Interfaith harmony week; Christian-Muslims mobilizes...
Country: Nigeria
Event date: 2021-01-31
End date: 2021-01-31

As the world commences  United- nation World international interfaith week and harmony  which usually start from First week of February every year 1st-7th  ,and the essence is to promote harmony...

Country: Uganda
Event date: 2021-02-04
End date:


3. 1 Million Meditations and Ecumenical...
Country: Brazil
Event date: 2021-02-01
End date: 2021-02-05

Dear Sirs :   Pax Metaphysical center will participate INTERFAITH HARMONY WEEK 2021. From Feb 1st to 5th at 3Pm Brazil time we will broadcast live on Instagram, Youtube and...

4. Organization of Brotherhood Day celebrations...
Country: India
Event date: 2021-01-25
End date:

Organization of Brotherhood Day celebrations in Delhi India under UN Interfaith Harmony Week 2021 of United Nations Inter-Religious Harmony Week

5. Nations Of Love
Country: Pakistan
Event date: 2021-02-05
End date: 2021-02-07 developed and published videos regarding Quran, Bible and Torah both in English and Urdu. dressing myself according to their religions in video. So I am first Interfaith Actor. Amir...

6. Religion at the time of...
Country: Canada
Event date: 2021-02-02
End date: 2021-02-02

Mutifaith Conference online presented by Eight Various Religions of the World moderated by Chief Andrew Victor

7. A New Meal For Everyone...
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-03
End date: 2021-02-03

Sponsored by the Poway Interfaith Team (POINT), in Poway California; the morning will include a Fun, Informative VIRTUAL POT-LUCK/ZOOM Event with participants pre-submitting pictures of their favorite breakfast food(s) which...

8. Report on the World Interfaith...
Country: India
Event date: 2021-02-01
End date: 2021-02-06
Country: Pakistan
Event date: 2021-02-01
End date: 2021-02-07


10. Rumifa Talk Series “The Role...
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-04
End date: 2021-02-04

Rumi Talk Series The topic of the talk will be: “The Role of Interfaith Dialogue in Building a Culture of Reconciliation“ Date: Thursday, February 4 at 6 pm.  It will be...

12. In the Name of Human...
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-04
End date: 2021-02-04

You can register for the event from our Eventbrite page: The Legacy It is hard to exaggerate the legacy of the meeting between St. Francis of Assisi and Sultan...

13. Ann Arbor - Toledo First...
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-05
End date: 2021-02-05

The monthly Ann Arbor - Toledo First Friday Zoom Dances of Universal Peace on Friday, February 5, 2021, will be dedicated to World Interfaith Harmony Week.  The dances are led...

14. Gateways to Joy, World Interfaith...
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-07
End date: 2021-02-07

The MultiFaith Council of NW Ohio will conclude its observances of World Interfaith Harmony Week with the Sunday Service at First Unitarian Church of Toledo, conducted by guest minister Judy...

15. Service of Universal Worship
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-01
End date: 2021-02-01

The MultiFaith Council of NW Ohio monthly Universal Worship Service for February will be dedicated to World Interfaith Harmony Week.  Representatives of eight faiths will present readings and music or...

16. World Interfaith Harmony Week Annual...
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-03
End date: 2021-02-03

In order to keep everyone safe during the pandemic, this event will be a free registration event on our Zoom account and uploaded to YouTube.  Every attempt will be made...

17. Documentary Movie
Country: Mauritius
Event date: 2021-01-25
End date: 2021-02-15

The Council of Religions (CoR) has embarked on a project to produce a documentary movie, entitled ‘Religions in Mauritius,’ with the aim (i) to spark dialogue and encourage relationships based...

18. Welcoming 2021: Building Strategic Approach...
Country: Indonesia
Event date: 2021-01-28
End date: 2021-01-28

The 1000 Abrahamic Circles Project is an organization focusing on interfaith dialogue between three Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christian, and Islam. Our main project is a circle program, where each religious...

19. World Interfaith Day: Moving In...
Country: Indonesia
Event date: 2021-02-05
End date: 2021-02-05

On 5 February, we also conducted a webinar to commemorate World Interfaith Day with school students' target audience. The webinar has been able to be carried through as a result...

20. Women of Faith – Footsteps...
Country: Australia
Event date: 2021-02-10
End date: 2021-02-10

In celebrating World Interfaith Harmony Week for the first time in 2021, Whittlesea Interfaith Network will be hosting the Women of Faith - Footsteps to Whittlesea event.  This event will...

21. Celebrating World Interfaith Harmony Week...
Country: India
Event date: 2021-01-27
End date: 2021-02-09

Celebrating World Interfaith Harmony Week 2021 A Brief Report Fr Dr M. D. Thomas Director, Institute of Harmony and Peace Studies, New Delhi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On behalf of Institute of Harmony...

Country: Iran
Event date: 2021-01-29
End date: 2021-02-01

The chair foe Quranic studies and research conducts advanced studies and interdisciplinary research on social, political and cultural trends and movements  on Quranic studies in the world and promotes a...

23. Go on................It's near! ?????? ........???????...
Country: Egypt
Event date: 2021-02-03
End date: 2021-02-11

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24. World Interfaith Harmony Week Worship...
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-07
End date: 2021-02-07

Interfaith Community Sanctuary honors World interfaith Harmony Week as we share personal stories about walking an interfaith path with courage within this specially created Interfaith Worship Service. Join us in...

25. Religion and Politics Forum discussed...
Country: Japan
Event date: 2021-02-04
End date: 2021-02-04

The 2nd Religion and Politics Forum commemorats the World Interfaith Harmony Week on February 4th, 2021, in Tokyo, Japan. The Forum is hosted by the organizing committee composed of several...

26. The 5th Annual Interfaith Music...
Country: Canada
Event date: 2021-02-05
End date: 2021-02-05

Performers and presenters, from a diverse cross-section of faith communities and spiritual traditions, will share a selection that is sacred or inspirational.  As part of the local celebrations for the...

27. The Prayer of a hopeful...
Country: Iraq
Event date: 2021-02-03
End date: 2021-02-03

Interfaith Harmony Week is the first week of February, scheduled by the United Nations. This is a week of harmony, tolerance and living together. It is accepting and respecting the...

29. The Importance of Dialogue among...
Country: Georgia
Event date: 2021-02-02
End date: 2021-02-02

Tbilisi, Georgia—UPF marked World Interfaith Harmony Week with a webinar titled “The Importance of Dialogue among Religions.” The program, held on February 2, 2021, was also the inaugural event of...

30. Building Bridges across Boundaries.
Country: Norway
Event date: 2021-02-04
End date: 2021-02-04

Oslo, Norway—Five speakers addressed a UPF interfaith webinar with the theme “Building Bridges across Boundaries.” UPF-Norway organized the program to celebrate World Interfaith Harmony Week. One head imam from the...

31. Building Bridges across Boundaries.
Country: Denmark
Event date: 2021-02-04
End date: 2021-02-04

Copenhagen, Denmark—People can reach across borders, said five faith leaders at a UPF interfaith webinar. To celebrate World Interfaith Harmony Week 2021, UPF-Denmark held a webinar on the theme ”Building...

32. Building Bridges across Boundaries (Portugal)
Country: Portugal
Event date: 2021-02-07
End date: 2021-02-07

Lisbon, Portugal—Six religious leaders were the speakers at a UPF webinar celebrating World Interfaith Harmony Week. Approximately 70 participants joined the 1.5-hour event held on February 7, 2021. This year’s...

33. Heaven on Earth Mapping -...
Country: Austria
Event date: 2021-02-07
End date:

We started to invite members of all faith traditions to look on different Internet maps and search for sacred places in their neighborhood. On und everyone can add...

35. Sant Egidio Bxl Europe Interfaith...
Country: Belgium
Event date: 2021-02-03
End date: 2021-02-03

Titel Event Sant Egidio Bxl Europe Interfaith Harmony Conversation Date Event 3 February 2021 START & END of event 9am -10.30 am ORGANISOR Community of Sant’Egidio Sant’Egidio BXL Europe Rue...

36. Peace Hike with peace activists...
Country: Pakistan
Event date: 2021-02-07
End date: 2021-02-07

E HANDS commemorated World Interfaith Harmony Week by organizing series of activities. E HANDS engaged young people from different religious groups and provided them a platform to connect with like-minded...

37. Talking about Race
Country: Canada
Event date: 2021-02-04
End date: 2021-02-04

A panel of four diverse young Canadians will speak about the changing concept of race from the perspective of their lives and beliefs. Organized by the Victoria Multifaith Society (VMS)....

38. PF/PFI Interfaith 'Harmony in crisis...'
Country: Netherlands
Event date: 2021-02-07
End date: 2021-02-07

As part of the World Interfaith Harmony Week / WIHW, Pagan Federation and PF International Interfaith coordinators are joining forces and organising an online gathering “Harmony in crisis..”The issue of...

39. IBS WIHW: Den Haag als...
Country: Netherlands
Event date: 2021-02-01
End date: 2021-02-01

Monday 1 Feb, 2021. 19:00 to  21:30 CET. Zoom meeting: The Hague as Compassionate City Are you interested in helping to realise this dream to make the Hague a 'Compassionate...

40. IBS- WIHW: Lichtgesprekken - over...
Country: Netherlands
Event date: 2021-02-03
End date: 2021-02-03

Wednesady 3 Feb 2021. 19:00 to 20:30/ CET Zoom meeting: 'Conversations about Light / Lichtgesprekken' Licht and Energy in complicated times. A short film with the theme 'Licht en Duisternis /...

41. A Heaven in a Wild...
Country: Taiwan
Event date: 2021-02-09
End date: 2021-03-07

l   Goals? 1.      To highlight and support interfaith co-operation by encouraging faith communities to focus on a common issue: We have only one Earth! 2.      Raise awareness of the ecological...

42. World Interfaith Harmony Week Observed...
Country: Austria
Event date: 2021-02-05
End date: 2021-02-05

Vienna, Austria—UPF-Austria held an online conference with the title “Interfaith Cooperation as a Basis for Social Cohesion.” Although UPF-Austria has a tradition of commemorating World Interfaith Harmony Week by organizing...

43. Webinar Looks at Interfaith Harmony...
Country: Switzerland
Event date: 2021-02-05
End date: 2021-02-05

Geneva, Switzerland—Korea’s religious and cultural heritage may provide clues for unifying the peninsula, experts told an online conference that was held in honor of World Interfaith Harmony Week 2021. The...

44. Czechs, Slovaks Celebrate Interfaith Harmony...
Country: Czech Republic
Event date: 2021-02-11
End date: 2021-02-11

Prague, Czech Republic—For World Interfaith Harmony Week 2021, the Czech and Slovak chapters of UPF held a webinar together. Around 50 participants joined the webinar on February 11, 2021. The...

45. Online Launch of The Sydney...
Country: Australia
Event date: 2021-02-09
End date:

The Sydney Statement    Building Bridges Between Believers from Different Religions???    Youth PoWR (Parliament of the World’s Religions) is launching The Sydney Statement?at on 9 February 2021. The...

46. Initiative for Interfaith Harmony
Country: Nigeria
Event date: 2021-02-01
End date: 2021-02-07

Intiative for interfaith Harmony is a program oerganized by Peace Revival and recounciliation foundation of Nigeria to mark the World Interfaith Harmony Week. As we all know, in recent times...

47. Event in The Mayors Parlour...
Country: United Kingdom
Event date: 2020-02-10
End date: 2020-02-12

The Mayor of Kendal Councillor Alvin Finch invited guests to an event an event to celebrate WIHW. The guests included SLEDP South Lakeland Equality and Diversity Partnership and SLIF South...

48. Scriptural Reasoning: An Interfaith Dialogue...
Country: Malaysia
Event date: 2021-02-23
End date: 2021-02-23

This is a closed event which was organized online via googlemeet. It is made online due to MCO in Malaysia at the moment. Two different faith believers (Christians and Muslims)...

49. Do religions threaten the French...
Country: France
Event date: 2021-01-30
End date: 2021-01-31

  Do religions threaten the French republic? How not to separate from each other. We must recognize it, in actual French society, religions do not only have bad press. They...

50. Rally of Hope Philippines
Country: Philippines
Event date: 2021-02-06
End date: 2021-02-06

This is a virtual event with the theme, “One Million People Praying for the Healing of the Nation and the World”, which will gather millions of Filipinos and citizens from...

51. World Interfaith Harmony Week Observed...
Country: France
Event date: 2021-02-07
End date: 2021-02-07

Paris, France—An interreligious conference was held online under the theme “Hospitality of Abraham.” The webinar took place on February 7, 2021, to conclude World Interfaith Harmony Week.

Country: Bosnia Herzegovina
Event date: 2021-02-01
End date: 2021-02-01

NINTH SARAJEVO UN WORLD INTERFAITH HARMONY WEEK February 1–7, 2021 International Forum Bosnia is honoured to present its programme for the Ninth Sarajevo UN World Interfaith Harmony Week, to run...

53. World Harmony Week Stuttgart 7.2.2021
Country: Germany
Event date: 2021-02-07
End date: 2021-02-07

Harmony Week 7.2.2021 Stuttgart – report 3 Final. Link:Harmony Week 2021 Stuttgart- Film Motto: "Building bridges across borders" An event of the UPF- Universal Peacefederation and IAPD- Interreligious Association for...

Country: Italy
Event date: 2021-02-04
End date:


the art of chinese xinjiang uygur muqam
55. Universal Beingness Within The Whole...
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-07
End date: 2021-02-07

The Philosophy of Universal Beingness Within The Whole invited the greater community of all faiths and philosophical disciplines to join in a prayer meeting. The gathering focused on bringing peace for the...

56. The Sixth Conference of interfaith...
Country: Jordan
Event date: 2021-02-07
End date: 2021-02-08

The Sixth Conference of interfaith in Jordan –Zarqa District Organized By Christian Youth Club &Hashemite University since 2015 in collaboration with local NGOs Introduction: The World Interfaith Harmony Week was...

57. Seeds of Peace: Growing a...
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-02
End date:

The Southern California Committee for the Parliament of World’s Religionsand thePacific Coast Chapter of the Religion Communicators Councilpresent the 5thSeeds of Peace: Growing a New Alliance of Virtue A conversation...

58. Circles of Compassion
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-01
End date: 2021-02-07

Welcome to a week of Circle Gatherings hosted by the Charter for Compassion. Join us to witness intimate  conversations in various settings, from a family to a group of facilitators...

59. webinar on WIHW held by...
Country: Iran
Event date: 2021-01-25
End date:

In tis date some of the professors of MOU(Al-Mustafa Open University) clarified the importance of this week and the event for the world and the country for their students in...

60. Envision the Future of Education:...
Country: Canada
Event date: 2021-02-27
End date:

For description, refer to this link:

61. Come And Help Celebrate
Country: Australia
Event date: 2021-02-28
End date: 2021-02-28

Theme:  Love yourself as your Neighbour: grateful for life and at peace with yourself. Convener: Henk Bak Venue: Evera, Centre for Renewal  14 Forest Street Trentham Weekends 6-7 and 13-14, 21st...

62. Building Bridges Across Boundaries
Country: United Kingdom
Event date: 2021-02-01
End date: 2021-02-04

Dublin City Interfaith Forum and the Edinburgh Interfaith Association have devised a series of webinars engaging our faith leaders and communities in presentations and conversations aimed at fostering inclusion, harmony,...

63. World Interfaith Harmony Worship Service...
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-21
End date: 2021-02-21

World Interfaith Harmony Week “The Way of Service - Engaging with the World” Join Imam Jamal Rahman, and the congregation of Interfaith Community Sanctuary as we share about charitable activities...

64. International Women's Forum
Country: Denmark
Event date: 2021-02-27
End date:

The continuing lockdown of Denmark, because of Corona crisis,  prohibits us to gather people in face-to-face meetings,  we have therefore decided to hold this planned International Women's Forum online via...

65. IBS WIHW: in dialoog -...
Country: Netherlands
Event date: 2021-02-05
End date: 2021-02-05

Friday 5 Feb. 2021 19:00 to 20:30 /CET Online talk via Zoom with 3 religious leaders from diverse traditions, with the possibility to participate in the dialogue.

66. Kulttuuri- ja katsomusdialogi ympäristökasvatuksessa
Country: Finland
Event date: 2021-02-03
End date:

Miksi kulttuuri- ja katsomusdialogi on merkittävä teema ympäristökasvatuksen näkökulmasta? Kuinka ympäristötunteet vaikuttavat dialogiin? Kuinka voin hyödyntää dialogitaitoja työssäni? Tule etsimään vastauksia näihin kysymyksiin kanssamme keskiviikkona 3.2.2021 klo 12.30-15.30 järjestettävään verkkoseminariin....

67. Interfaith Perspectives on Peace
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-07
End date:

In celebration of World Interfaith Harmony Week, join us for a panel discussion which presents Interfaith Perspectives on Peace. Join Zoom Meeting: Panelists include: Anna Ikeda, SGI Buddhism Rev. Will...

68. The Impact of Words: Countering...
Country: Afghanistan
Event date: 2021-02-01
End date: 2021-02-26

 80% of the people living on earth are driven by spiritual values and faith connects directly with and forms the basis of people’s values. Thus, it is important to provide...

70. Virtual Interfaith Harmony Breakfast
Country: United Kingdom
Event date: 2021-02-04
End date: 2021-02-04

A Zoom gathering for networking and resource sharing.

71. Play for Peace World Interfaith...
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-01
End date: 2021-02-28

Join Play for Peace in their Interfaith Global Games  Play for Peace develops compassionate leaders in areas of conflict and connects people and communities to build lasting peace. During the...

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72. Online event: Intensifying the Light:...
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-08
End date: 2021-02-08

The world’s great faith traditions teach us that even in the midst of darkness, light is always present. From the star atop the Christmas tree to the candles of Hanukkah,...

73. Spiritual Ecology: Nature and Creativity...
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-05
End date: 2021-02-05

This interactive event will offer participants simple ways to incorporate nature-based and creative aspects into everyday spiritual practice. It is designed so that participants are guided through the various activities...

74. EKATA - Cultural Diversity
Country: India
Event date: 2021-02-07
End date: 2021-02-07

Ganga Ram Sangeeth Trust intends to observe Interfaith Harmony Week which was adopted by United Nations Assembly by conducting an event ‘ -EKATA-Cultural Diversity ’The trust conducts this Live Performance...

75. Love – The Universal Credo...
Country: United Kingdom
Event date: 2021-01-25
End date: 2021-03-07

Love is a poem by Emett Fox - A Masterpiece of Peace. It  needs no introduction it just needs to be read, understood and shared - far and wide by...

76. Interfaith Buddies: Tackling Lockdown Loneliness...
Country: United Kingdom
Event date: 2021-02-03
End date: 2021-02-03

As Scotland endures another COVID-19 lockdown many people are experiencing 'lockdown loneliness'. For World Interfaith Harmony Week 2021, Interfaith Scotland is hosting an Interfaith Buddies event to bring people together...

77. 9º Scriptural Reasoning “Lidderazgo” I...
Country: Spain
Event date: 2021-02-21
End date:

😊Este domingo 21 de febrero a las 18:15 hrs te invitamos a tomar un café y un piscolabis  ☕🧁 con nosotros participando en la 9ª sesión de los Encuentros de...

Collage 1st Concierto MAD1r Encuentro - Cartel JOIRE-WIHWFACEBO_2
78. The Climate Crisis: Beyond Politics
Country: United Kingdom
Event date: 2021-02-24
End date:

Interfaith Scotland is hosting a Facebook live panel of esteemed speakers discussing the topic The Climate Crisis: Beyond Politics. Featuring Ross Greer, Green Party MSP Ravinder Kaur Nijjar, Religions for...

79. Faith Communities Serving Others Together
Country: United Kingdom
Event date: 2021-02-11
End date: 2021-02-11

One of the most powerful ways to promote harmony and understanding is to ‘serve’ others together and during the global pandemic local faith communities and interfaith organisations across Scotland were...

80. Come Dine Together - Hindu...
Country: United Kingdom
Event date: 2020-01-25
End date: 2020-03-08

  From Saturday 1st February 2020 as part of UN World Interfaith Harmony Week, nearly 20 families who have never met before came together as part of a new scheme...

81. Interfaith Café - A Voyage...
Country: Sri Lanka
Event date: 2021-02-06
End date: 2021-02-11

We , youth have been connected with each other as group, friends and colleagues. The time has come in which we all need to gather as a community. We Sri Lankan...

82. Building Better Together: An Interactive...
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-17
End date: 2021-02-17

Join Kehkashan Basu and Miriam Quezada from the Parliament's Next Generation Task Force for a virtual intergenerational conversation featuring reflections from Kusumita Pedersen (PoWR) and Pragna Vasupal (Green Hope Foundation)....

83. Together We Heal: Interfaith Perspectives...
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-23
End date: 2021-02-23

On Tuesday, February 23rd the Parliament of the World's Religions hosted a special observance of UN World Interfaith Harmony Week on the theme of healing and loving our neighbors. The...

84. ?????? ???????? ???? ?????????
Country: Egypt
Event date: 2021-02-07
End date: 2021-02-28

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85. Youth Forum 2021: Solidarity in...
Country: United Kingdom
Event date: 2021-02-25
End date: 2021-02-25

A Common Word Among the Youth (ACWAY) is pleased to have participated in UN WIHW since 2016, delivering local activities around the world under one common theme. Our aim is...

86. Nature, Peace and Harmony -...
Country: Canada
Event date: 2021-02-02
End date: 2021-02-02

As the world recovers from the debilitating impacts of the Covid19 pandemic that has wreaked misery globally, especially on the weak and the vulnerable, it is critical that the process...

87. Living Together Movement - Pakistan
Country: Pakistan
Event date: 2021-02-01
End date: 2021-02-07

The official observance of UN World Interfaith Harmony Week begins on Monday 1st February as organizers around the world come together to spread the message of harmony and peace among the followers of all the world’s religions, faiths, and...

88. Scriptural Reasoning Session: Leadership
Country: Spain
Event date: 2021-02-02
End date: 2021-02-02

El próximo martes, 02 de febrero, a las 19:30 hrs Arco Forum hará en línea la sexta sesión de los Encuentros #ScripturalReasoning transmitiendo este evento en Facebook, Twitter y en...

Insights Twitter post 6o SRInsights Instagram pre 6o SRInsights Instagram post 6o SR
89. 7º Encuentro "Scriptural Reasoning"| 12.02.2021,...
Country: Spain
Event date: 2021-02-12
End date:

📚 Este viernes, 12 de febrero a las 19:00 hrs tendrá lugar la séptima sesión de los Encuentros Scriptural Reasoning (SR) en el marco de la semana mundial de la...

Insights Twitter pre 7th SRInsights Twitter post 7th SRInsights Instagram pre 7th SR
90. Global Webinar Series WIHW 2021
Country: Germany
Event date: 2021-02-06
End date:

Baraza is delighted to partner with URI Europe to run an exciting series of webinars as part of UN World Interfaith Harmony Week. We have a variety of excellent speakers...

91. The Future of Religion: How...
Country: United Kingdom
Event date: 2021-02-02
End date: 2021-02-02

Interfaith Glasgow's "Voices from the Portal" dialogue series has invited people of all faith backgrounds to reflect together on key issues highlighted by the COVID pandemic. What, we have asked,...

92. Declaration, Letter of Support, Prayer...
Country: Philippines
Event date: 2021-02-01
End date: 2021-02-28

This year 2021 is the dawn of the second decade of the UN WIHW and ‘mark the inaugural day of the UN International Day of Human Fraternity on February 4.’...

93. Global Interfaith Forum for Transformation
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-01
End date: 2021-02-07

On behalf of the United Religious Initiative (URI) and the Institute for Applied Spiritual Technology International (IFAST Int), we are inviting you to attend the Global Interfaith Forum for Transformation...

94. Lux Cantorum Chicago “O Love”
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-26
End date: 2021-03-07

Lux Cantorum Chicago presents the first installment of her "Encounter" program (choral selections providing opportunities to musically experience the Divine), "O Love" by Elaine Hagenberg. The song speaks of the...

95. Interfaith messages from different places...
Country: Saudi Arabia
Event date: 2021-01-25
End date: 2021-03-07

96. Healing Ourselves, Healing Others: A...
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-05
End date:

The Northeastern University Center for Spirituality, Dialogue and Service was grateful to welcome Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar for a discussion on healing and peace in the face of adversity....

97. Daily Yoga and Meditation
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-01
End date: 2021-02-26

The Northeastern University Center for Spirituality, Dialogue and Service provided its students with daily yoga and meditative practice sessions throughout the month of February. Led by student affiliates of the...

98. Making Meaning: A Discussion on...
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-01
End date: 2021-02-24

The Northeastern University Center for Spirituality, Dialogue and Service in collaboration with affiliated student groups created an educational and community-building discussion series open to people of all religious, spiritual, and...

99. Interfaith Dialogue: Forgiveness and Reconciliation
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-03
End date:

The Northeastern University Center for Spirituality, Dialogue and Service in collaboration with affiliated student groups hosted an event centered on one of the three pillars of our mission as an...

100. Interfaith Celebration
Country: Canada
Event date: 2021-02-07
End date: 2021-02-07

A celebratory conclusion of the events on February 7th.

101. 36th Annual World Interfaith Festival...
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-07
End date: 2021-02-07

36th Annual World Interfaith Festival & World Interfaith Harmony Week Celebration - Day 14 (Gala Celebration) Date: Sunday, February 7, 2021 Time: 10 am - 3 pm EST (New York)...

102. Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Personal...
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-07
End date: 2021-02-07

Israel-Palestine peace forum and United Religions Initiative (URI) Cooperation Circle Unity is Strength is holding a free, online public event for World Interfaith Harmony Week, “Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Personal...

103. Extending Our Embrace
Country: Canada
Event date: 2021-02-24
End date: 2021-02-24

This online event seeks to widen our circles of compassion and care through inspiring story-telling and art from diverse faith traditions. Theme: Extending Our Embrace This United Nations' initiative seeks...

Country: Indonesia
Event date: 2021-01-30
End date: 2021-02-24

PEACE FROM INDONESIA FOR THE WORLD.   This year for the World Interfaith Harmony Week The Religious of the Sacred Heart in collaboration with  the State Islamic University – Bandung,...

105. Día Internacional de la Fraternidad...
Country: Spain
Event date: 2021-02-04
End date: 2021-02-04

¡Este jueves 4 de febrero es el Día Internacional de la #FraternidadHumana y lo celebramos donando sangre! La Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas proclamó el 4 de febrero como...

Report_WIHW_Spain_Blood Donation CampaignReport_WIHW_Spain_Outcome_Blood Donation CampaignIG_OUTCOME
106. 6o Cine CommUnity con el...
Country: Spain
Event date: 2021-02-04
End date: 2021-02-04

 El próximo jueves, 04 de febrero, a las 19:30 hrs Arco Forum en colaboración con Casa Turca de Barcelona proyectará en línea el documental #TheSultanAndTheSaint. // Next Thursday, 4th of...

107. 10º Encuentro Scriptural Reasoning |...
Country: Spain
Event date: 2021-02-25
End date:

📚 Este jueves, 25 de febrero, a las 19:30 hrs ARCO FORUM realizará en línea la décima sesión de los encuentros #ScripturalReasoning transmitiendo este evento en vivo en Facebook (,...

108. Covid 19: Pathways Forward- Working...
Country: Malaysia
Event date: 2021-02-03
End date: 2021-02-03

Discussing pressing issues that befalls the nation brought about by the Covid -19 pandemic and presenting ways to work together for the care and concern of the citizens.  

109. Love Songs for Our Neighbours:...
Country: Australia
Event date: 2021-02-28
End date: 2021-02-28

Music, especially sacred music, transcends and unites. It expresses the universal yearning that is shared by people all over the planet. During these difficult times of human health, planetary health...

110. “Religions at the Service of...
Country: Canada
Event date: 2021-01-28
End date: 2021-01-28

  “Religions at the Service of Fraternity in our World”: WIHW Celebration

from Denise-jan28-religions-at-the-service
111. Healing the Mind and Finding...
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-01
End date: 2021-02-01

UN World Interfaith Harmony Week is an annual event promoting mutual understanding, harmony and cooperation between all people regardless of their religions and faiths. Last year, we encountered global public...

112. international e-seminar on thought of...
Country: India
Event date: 2021-02-06
End date: 2021-02-06

shri p.k chaudhri mahila arts college sector-7 gandhinagar wellcome all to participate in  international e-semonar on thought of peace from great personalities

113. Prayers for the City
Country: South Africa
Event date: 2021-02-07
End date:

Online or in person, we can still pray well together. We, people of diverse faiths, gather on the first Sunday in February every year to pray for our city.  2021...

114. Covid 19 Our Common Goal...
Country: Nigeria
Event date: 2021-02-02
End date: 2021-02-07

As part of activities to mark the World Interfaith Harmony Week 2021, Interfaith Mediation Centre (IMC) embarked on a sensitization campaign on compliance to COVID-19 protocols using faith based approach...

115. Keeping the Faiths in Challenging...
Country: South Africa
Event date: 2021-02-01
End date: 2021-02-01

World Interfaith Harmony Week first prize winners describe the impact of winning the HM King Abdullah II prize. The aim of the discussion is to amplify the message of interfaith...

116. Animal Rights in the Abrahamic...
Country: Germany
Event date: 2021-02-23
End date: 2021-02-23

The event will be an online panel. Scholars and religious personalities from Christianity, Islam and Judaism will talk about the stand of animals in their religious traditions. Subsequently, the panel...

117. Seeds of this Emerging World
Country: South Africa
Event date: 2021-02-03
End date: 2021-02-03

The women's voices representing a number of traditions, weave a new vision of a world that is yet to come, and whose birth passage is the turbulence of a world...

118. Prayers for the Earth
Country: South Africa
Event date: 2021-02-06
End date:

This is a call to action for all people of faith. The great lesson of our time is that people of all faiths have common interests, such as our planet,...

WhatsApp Image 2021-01-29 at 16.31.53WhatsApp Image 2021-01-29 at 20.43.53WhatsApp Image 2021-01-29 at 20.43.03
119. 8º Encuentro "Scriptural Reasoning" I...
Country: Spain
Event date: 2021-02-21
End date:

📚 Este domingo, 21 de febrero, a las 11:00 hrs tendrá lugar la octava sesión de los Encuentros Scriptural Reasoning (SR) en el marco de la semana mundial de la...

Event date: 2021-02-26
End date:

People of all faiths and beliefs coming together to support their fellow man during these unprecedented times of global pandemic (Covid-19) We provide a safe community space to help alleviate...

121. Race and Religion: Cultivating Anti-Racist...
Country: Canada
Event date: 2021-02-03
End date: 2021-02-03

Participate in an engaging discussion on race, faith and fostering truly inclusive, anti-racist worship, spaces and faith communities. How do we overcome Racism as people of faith?

122. Friendship Meal: Pledge a Poet
Country: Singapore
Event date: 2021-02-20
End date:

To observe the World Interfaith Harmony Week 2021, the Harmony Centre had organized the Pledge a Poet Campaign.  It was an initiative bringing youth and individuals of different faith together...

123. Launch of World Interfaith Harmony...
Country: New Zealand
Event date: 2021-02-01
End date: 2021-02-01

Join the Wellington Interfaith Council in the launch of 2021's World Interfaith Harmony Week. The World Interfaith Harmony Week provides a platform - one week in a year - when...

124. Mayor of Wellington's Morning Tea...
Country: New Zealand
Event date: 2021-02-05
End date: 2021-02-05

Mayor of Wellington, Andy Foster invites Interfaith leaders and members of the Wellington Interfaith Council to: Morning tea to acknowledge World Interfaith Harmony Week 2021, with Wellington City Council Councillors....

125. Building Our Global Community Through...
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-04
End date: 2021-02-04

"A widely separated family inherits a house in which they have to live together." This is the great new problem of mankind. We have inherited a large house, a great...

126. Going beyond co-existence to co-thrive...
Country: United States
Event date: 2021-02-11
End date: 2021-02-25
127. Celebrating the oneness of Humankind
Country: United States
Event date: 2020-01-31
End date: 2020-02-12
128. World Interfaith Harmony Week 2021
Country: Nepal
Event date: 2021-02-04
End date:
129. Association International for Peace and...
Country: Peru
Event date: 2021-02-12
End date: 2021-02-12

Celebration of World Interfaith Harmony Week UN2021 “Building Bridges Across Boundaries” Video:Youtube On 12th February 2021, the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD) Peru branch, held the celebration of...

130. Interfaith harmony Campaign Team inducted...
Country: Sri Lanka
Event date: 2021-01-30
End date: 2021-02-28

IFHW 2021 Sri Lanka Launched : A special launching event organized by Ambassador of Peace Dr.Deshapriya S. Wijetunge -Director General SUNFO to induct National Advisory Committee to introduce, promote facilitate...

131. NPC -South North Exchange Visit...
Country: Sri Lanka
Event date: 2021-02-10
End date: 2021-02-12

Exchange Visit from South to North in Sri Lanka 10-12 February 2021 The Southern members' visit of the Northern Province will take place from 10th to 12th February 2021 in...

132. ???? ? ????
Country: Jordan
Event date: 2021-02-04
End date:

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