2018 Winners
The judges received 88 applications for the prize from over 1,232 events held in total. The judges are highly appreciative of all the efforts of all those who held events and applied for the prize. They wish they could reward all who held an event, but are consoled by the fact that good deeds are their own reward so that everyone who held an event—whether they applied for the prize or not—is a true winner.
In judging, the judges took into consideration the excellence of efforts, collaboration and impact of events. They looked carefully at efforts made despite scantiness of resources, but also took into consideration consistent efforts made over the years. They further took into consideration whether events were consistent with the text of the UN Resolution establishing the Prize. Accordingly, judges did not reward movements towards religious syncretism but rather rewarded events which respected each religion as it is. Finally, in accordance with the terms of the Prize, judges rewarded events specifically celebrating the World Interfaith Harmony Week rather than good interfaith work in general.
Accordingly, the judges are delighted to announce:
Interfaith Center of Melbourne

The Special Envoy of the President of the Republic of Indonesia for Interfaith and Intercivilizational Dialogue and Cooperation

Interfaith Glasgow
United Kingdom

Many, many congratulations to the winners and to all those who took part in World Interfaith Harmony Week 2018.
The prize-giving ceremony will take place in the last week of April, 2018 in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
All Praise belongs to God Alone.
The Judges
- HRH Princess Areej Ghazi
- HB Patriarch Theophilus III – Patriarch of the Holy City, Palestine and Jordan
- HE Sheikh Dr Ali Gomaa – former Grand Mufti of the Arab Republic of Egypt
- HE Bishop Munib Yunan – Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, and President of the World Federation of Evangelical Lutheran Churches
- Sheikh Usama al-Sayyid Al-Azhari – Professor at Al-Azhar University
- Father Nabil Haddad – Founder and Executive Director of the Jordanian Interfaith Coexistence Research Centre
- Dr Minwer Al-Mheid – Director of the Royal Aal Al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought