An Orthodox Dialogue with Islam: Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras / Eastern Christianity in Interfaith Context

In by OxfordInterfaithForum



Country: United Kingdom
City: Oxford
This event is the last one of our four sessions dedicated to the WIHW 2023. In 1968, Athenagoras, Patriarch of Constantinople, invited the French Orthodox theologian, Olivier Clément, to Istanbul, to explain the student uprisings and social turmoil of May 1968. Clément spent several weeks at the patriarch’s side, in constant conversation. He wrote the Dialogues with Patriarch Athenagoras on his return to France. (Dialogues avec le Patriarche Athénagoras, Paris, Fayard, 1969, 2nd Edition, 1975) This session focuses on one aspect of their dialogue, the interaction of Christianity with Islam. Athenagoras proposes that Islam is “a rebirth of the faith of the forefathers and patriarchs.” In his book of dialogue with Islam, Un Respect Têtu (1989), Clément writes: “Islam summons us to the mysterium tremendum of the Inaccessible One, the imminence of the judgment, the eschatological nature of the feast to which we are invited.” More information: