Archive of Reports
2019Below is the list of WIHW reports that were submitted for the year of 2019.
1. Macau Interfaith Network, prayer breakfast
Country: ChinaEvent date: 2019-02-01
End date: 2019-02-01
2. Yoga in the Dome
Country: United StatesEvent date: 2019-02-06
End date: 2019-02-06
Candlelight Yoga in the Dome is BACK in Spring 2019! Don't miss the opportunity to fill the Dome with candlelight, serenity and good vibes. All are welcome to this free...
3. Scarf Collection for Pearls of...
Country: United StatesEvent date: 2019-01-19
End date: 2019-02-03
For World Interfaith Harmony Week and because of the common bond I share with young Muslim women regarding modesty and virtue, I’m collecting scarves to bring to the Pearls of...
4. Firenze Comunità In Cammino –...
Country: ItalyEvent date: 2019-02-03
End date: 2019-02-03
"Florence Communities Walking Together - to meet, to know and to welcome each other" is an event promoted by the Municipality of Florence together with many different religious, faith, and...

5. General Medication provided to all...
Country: PakistanEvent date: 2019-02-01
End date: 2019-02-07
Organized Free medical camping under the supervision of WIHW from King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein of Jordan: 1 - Blood tests 2 - Blood Grouping 3- Diabetic tests 4- Blood...
6. Role of Media to Promote...
Country: NepalEvent date: 2019-01-30
End date:
7. Interfaith Dialogue on Current Issues
Country: NepalEvent date: 2019-02-08
End date: 2019-02-08
The National Coordinator of Dharmik Chautari Nepal, Mr. BP Khanal took the initiative and invited the religious leaders on a roundtable interfaith dialogue. All together 17 prominent leaders from Hindu,...
8. Muslim woman takes interfaith harmony...
Country: NigeriaEvent date: 2019-02-02
End date: 2019-02-02
As part of this year international inter-faith week and Harmony celebration, A Muslim woman Hajiya Ramatu has Visited southern kaduna church “The church of Christ evangelical and Life intervention ministry...
9. ???? ??? ??????? ????????????? ????...
Country: NepalEvent date: 2019-01-25
End date: 2019-01-25
January 25, 2019 by Chautari Post Online ???????/?????/ ???? ??? ??????? ??????????? ??????? ????? ?????????? ????????? ??? ????? ? ?????? ?????? ??????? ????????? ?-????? ?????????? ?????? ??? ? ??????? ??????...
News Link:
10. Solidarity Peace Prayer
Country: PhilippinesEvent date: 2019-02-02
End date: 2019-02-02
In celebration of the World Interfaith Harmony Week, we offer a solidarity peace prayer for the victims of Sulu bombing and Zamboanga City blast. This event was initiated by the...
11. Support Yemen childern
Country: YemenEvent date: 2019-02-06
End date: 2019-02-07
As a participation in the World Interfaith Harmony Week, we completed our first stage of our campaign to support Yemeni childern who are suffering from the war and we targeted...
12. 2019 Clergy / Faith Leaders...
Country: United StatesEvent date: 2019-02-07
End date: 2019-02-07
Clergy, faith leaders, and other leaders from the diverse faith traditions in NW Ohio come together for a continental breakfast and discussion. We will preview MultiFaith events to celebrate our...

13. Circle of Meditations and Prayers...
Country: BrazilEvent date: 2019-02-02
End date: 2019-02-02
The URI - United Religions Initiative - Cooperation Circle UNISOES - Union of Spiritualist, Philosophical, Scientific and Religious Societies and the House of United Religions join the initiatives of all...

14. InSpiRituals
Country: NetherlandsEvent date: 2019-02-09
End date: 2019-02-10
InSpiRituals is a performance with music, songs and rituals from 6 different places of worship in our neighborhood made by an artistic team of musician/composer, two choreographers, an videoartist a...
15. Interfaith Harmony Awareness and Appreciating...
Country: NigeriaEvent date: 2019-01-19
End date: 2019-02-07
In celebrating the week, Peace Revival and Reconciliation Foundation of Nigeria (PERREFON) has embarked on having interfaith harmony based interactions with different classes of people as is evident in the...

16. IV URI Goiás Walk Against...
Country: BrazilEvent date: 2019-01-20
End date: 2019-01-20
The Areião Park in Goiânia was again the scene of a beautiful interfaith confraternization: the IV URI Goiás Walk Against Religious Intolerance: walking together we understand each other. It was...

17. The Importance of Interfaith Harmony...
Country: PakistanEvent date: 2019-02-07
End date: 2019-02-07
To bring change and create awareness in students of higher studies of Babudin Zakaria University Multan the program will be organised by Department of Islamic Studies and reseach Center BZU...
18. Honolulu World Interfaith Harmony Week
Country: United StatesEvent date: 2019-02-01
End date: 2019-02-08
This third Honolulu World Interfaith Harmony Week has grown to three events. (1) An Annual Interfaith Breakfast with the religious leaders of our island. (2) The National Baha'i Center will...
19. Public Audience in the Legislative...
Country: BrazilEvent date: 2019-02-07
End date: 2019-02-07
Public Audience in the Legislative Chamber of the Federal District of Brazil, event co-organized by the URI Cooperation Circle Brasilia along with the secretaries of Human Rights and Racial Equality...
20. Ecumenical and Interfaith Act “Solidarity...
Country: BrazilEvent date: 2019-02-09
End date: 2019-02-09
The URI Cooperation Circle Campinas, with great partnerships and supporters, held an Ecumenical and Interfaith Act themed “Solidarity to the victims of Brumadinho and defense of the environment: Campinas for...
21. Technology and its impact on...
Country: EgyptEvent date: 2019-02-07
End date: 2019-02-07
We see lots of Youths don't follow any rules of morals in their behaviours either with talking with their parents inside homes , or in their street with their neighbors...

22. Brunch Fellowship
Country: DenmarkEvent date: 2019-01-20
End date: 2019-01-20
January 20, 2019 12:00 AM Country: Denmark City: Simon Peters Church, Kolding, Denmark Coming together as people of different nationalities and faiths to eat together and to hear a presentation...

23. Opening event of the Week...
Country: BrazilEvent date: 2019-01-21
End date: 2019-01-21
The URI Cooperation Circle MIR - Interreligious Movement of Rio de Janeiro celebrated the World Interfaith Harmony Week and the National Day to Combat Religious Intolerance (January 21 in Brazil)...
24. Spiritual Journey: Students Attend Islamic...
Country: United StatesEvent date: 2019-02-01
End date: 2019-02-01
Undergraduate students at Nazareth College, in Rochester, New York, came together to observe afternoon prayer at the Islamic Center of Rochester. To many students who attended, this was their first...
25. Celebrating Diversity and Sharing Traditions...
Country: GuatemalaEvent date: 2019-02-01
End date: 2019-02-08
The global Play for Peace community celebrated its diversity for World Interfaith Harmony Week. During World Interfaith Harmony Week, our Play for Peace clubs organized special activities around inter-religious dialogue...
Country: IndonesiaEvent date: 2019-02-16
End date: 2019-02-16
Tour for Peace is an event held by Young Interfaith Peacemaker Community (YIPC) Regional Jawa Barat. Our mission is "Building a peace generation through young peacemaker".
News Link:

27. Sprogcafè, a Danish language session,...
Country: DenmarkEvent date: 2019-02-07
End date: 2019-02-07
Sprogcafe/Learning Danish is an offer of the Cross-cultural Ministry of Kolding Deanery to foreigners, immigrants and refugees in Kolding who want to learn Danish language as one of the keys...
28. Breakfast event under the slogan...
Country: IraqEvent date: 2019-02-06
End date: 2019-02-06
Dialogue and Culture Organization under the slogan of “together for a bright future” is organizing an event for the “World Interfaith Harmony Week” On Wednesday, February 6,2019 from 10:00 AM...

29. The Seventh Sarajevo UN World...
Event date: 2019-02-04End date: 2019-02-10
International forum Bosna is continuing its tradition of holding the Sarajevo UN World Interfaith Harmony Week since its inception in 2013, and particularly after the success of the activities for...
News Link:

30. Solidarity Prayer for Healing and...
Country: PhilippinesEvent date: 2019-02-08
End date: 2019-02-08
This is a gathering of Muslim and Christian IDPs affected by the recent Marawi crisis. A prayer offering for those who died, missing, and traumatized by the said conflict. This...

31. Interfaith Municipal Ceremony
Country: BrazilEvent date: 2019-01-21
End date: 2019-02-21
The URI CC Curitiba helped and participated in an interfaith event at the City Hall of Curitiba on January 21, on the occasion of the National Day of Combat of...
32. Interfaith brakfast in Slovenia
Event date: 2019-02-06End date: 2019-02-06
Within the framework of the World Interfaith Harmony Week, various events are taking place in many countries in the world, strengthening cooperation between people of different beliefs, customs and views,...
33. Shabbat Haggadol
Country: United StatesEvent date: 2019-02-01
End date:
An Interfaith Shabbat hosted by Hillel and the Students Association for Interfaith Cooperation at the University of Rochester to kick off World Interfaith Harmony week observances on our campus. Students...
34. A Christian, A Muslim and...
Country: United StatesEvent date: 2019-02-07
End date: 2019-02-07
Students from the University of Rochester who attended and presented at the Parliament of the World's Religions in Toronto in November 2018 will do a presentation about their experience and...
35. Interfaith Breakfast Celebrating World Interfaith...
Event date: 2019-02-08End date: 2019-02-08
Join the Parliament of the World’s Religions for an Interfaith Breakfast Celebrating World Interfaith Harmony Week in commemoration of UN World Interfaith Harmony Week as part of our Interfaith for...

36. Circle of Meditations and Prayers
Country: BrazilEvent date: 2019-02-05
End date: 2019-02-05
The URI Fé Menina Cooperation Circle together with the URI São Paulo Cooperation Circle invited several religions, spiritual groups and native peoples for a Circle of Meditations and Prayers to...
38. Many Faiths, Many Books
Country: United StatesEvent date: 2019-01-17
End date: 2019-03-28
Many Faiths, Many Books is a three-part series sponsored by Interfaith Forum Greenville, SC and Hughes Library of the Greenville County SC Library System. Enjoy panel discussions with speakers from...
Country: IndonesiaEvent date: 2019-02-17
End date: 2019-02-17
Tour for Peace is an event held by Young Interfaith Peacemaker Community (YIPC) Regional Jawa Barat. Our mission is "Building a peace generation through young peacemaker". We are going to...
News Link:

40. Interfaith Harmony Conference & pledge...
Country: IndiaEvent date: 2019-02-06
End date: 2019-02-06
To co-ordinate and unite all interfaith at one platform and pledge to do at least one activity every six month for community development or as required in between. Starting with...

41. Lecture on Reconciliation by Aydin...
Country: DenmarkEvent date: 2019-02-06
End date:
An offer to students in school. Aydin Soei, a sociologist, who has written an authentic and biographical novel book on reconciliation - "Forsoning, fortælling om en familie"- will hold this...

42. Eenheid van Religie, Eenheid van...
Country: BelgiumEvent date: 2019-02-08
End date: 2019-02-08
Devotional meeting with readings from the Holy Scriptures of mankind on the oneness of religion and oneness of the Prophet-Founders of the world's revealed faiths, with late afternoon teatime -...

43. World Interfaith Harmony Week
Country: BrazilEvent date: 2019-02-01
End date: 2019-02-07
On Friday (2/1), Saturday (2/2) and Wednesday (2/6) Carmen Balhestero is going to hold events about interfaith harmony at Fraternidade Pax Universal. The events are going to be focused on...
44. Harmonizing the world with a...
Event date: 2019-02-07End date: 2019-02-07
Over the years Benue state has been known with cases of internal crisis which valuables are destroyed and houses burnt families displaced and living in IDP camps House of Hilkiah...

45. Faith Leaders and Leaders of...
Country: United StatesEvent date: 2019-02-21
End date: 2019-02-21
Our next meeting and event are Thursday, February 21, Meeting at 9:15am gathering and 9:30am begin at the Veradale United Church of Christ, 611 N Progress Road, Spokane Valley, WA...
46. Common Word Conference
Country: PakistanEvent date: 2019-02-22
End date: 2019-02-22
The Common Word Conference will be held at World Peace Center Islamabad in Iqbal Town Hon`ble Mr Ali Nawaz Awan Advisor to the Prime Minister Pakistan will inaugurate the function...

47. World Interfaith Harmony Week 2019
Country: PakistanEvent date: 2019-02-07
End date: 2019-02-07
World Interfaith Harmony Week is based on UNGA Resolution A/65/PV.34 for a worldwide week of interfaith harmony. It was proposed in 2010 by HM King Abdullah II and HRH Prince...

48. Ethnic and Religious Diversity in...
Country: Myanmar (Burma)Event date: 2019-02-05
End date: 2019-02-08
This unique event is a national and international conference jointly organised by the Myanmar Institute of Theology (MIT) and the Protestant Faculty of Theology/University of Muenster (WWU), sponsored by the...
News Link:

49. Cross-cultural Women Encounter on Understanding...
Country: DenmarkEvent date: 2019-02-23
End date: 2019-02-23
Women of different nationalities and religions meet in their regular women's meetings every last Saturday in a month. To partly mark the InterFaith Harmony Week, the committee of Women Encounter...

50. Cumbrian launch of the third...
Country: United KingdomEvent date: 2019-02-05
End date: 2019-02-12
This will be the launch event with invited speakers from Cumbria Safety Partnership, Police & Crime Commissioner, Cumbria Fire Service, South Lakes Interfaith Forum & Chair of the South Lakeland...

51. Promoting Peace through Interfaith Harmony
Country: United StatesEvent date: 2019-02-23
End date: 2019-02-23
This event will include representatives from various Christian faiths, along with religions from Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism, in an inter-active discussion on how interfaith harmony can support peace. This...
News Link:
52. Forum on Early Detection on...
Country: PhilippinesEvent date: 2019-02-09
End date: 2019-02-09
This event is to create awareness the early detection on Breast Cancer
Country: PhilippinesEvent date: 2019-02-03
End date: 2019-02-03
World Interfaith Harmony Week 2019 continues its celebration on the third day of February, despite the heightened security in the city. On this special occasion, the National Commission of Muslim...
54. 13 Harmony Youth Day
Event date: 2019-02-02End date: 2019-02-02
This activity aims to create avenue for the young people of diverse cultures and religions to come together to experience and establish good relationships. This is a big gathering of...
55. Freedom of Speech
Country: PhilippinesEvent date: 2019-02-06
End date:
This activity is intended to the future voice of our society such as we want to inculcate in them the spirit of Truth, Sincerity and Forgiveness to promote Peace and...
56. Voices in the evening
Country: ItalyEvent date: 2019-02-09
End date: 2019-02-09
Music unites Religions. Jewish, Christian and Muslim musicians playing together in a church peace, dialogue and unity among fatihs.
57. Interfaith Music & Spoken Word...
Country: CanadaEvent date: 2019-02-02
End date: 2019-02-02
A wide variety of faiths & traditions come together for an evening of sharing something sacred or inspirational through music or spoken word performance or presentation. This year, a number...
58. World Interfaith Harmony Week Report...
Country: CanadaEvent date: 2019-01-19
End date:
World Interfaith Harmony Week Event Report February 2019. This is Internet Event started in February 2019, Which will continue forever, 24/7 days. Everyday new ideas including live broadcasting,videos, web pages...
News Link:
59. Panel Discussion – How do...
Country: CanadaEvent date: 2019-02-02
End date: 2019-02-02
This event is sponsored by the Surrey Interfaith Council in partnership with the Multifaith Action Society, the Global Clergy Association, the United Religions Initiative and hosted by Northwood United Church....
60. One Billion Rising Lower Mainland...
Country: CanadaEvent date: 2019-02-06
End date: 2019-02-06
Think Global, Act Local! This event provides a wonderful opportunity to work along side of our neighbours of many different faiths and cultures to make a real difference in our...
61. Interfaith Dinner
Country: CanadaEvent date: 2019-02-05
End date: 2019-02-05
This is an informal event sponsored by the Surrey Interfaith Council in partnership with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at BC. This is a wonderful opportunity to socialize over dinner with people...
Country: ItalyEvent date: 2019-02-05
End date: 2019-02-05
Tuesday 5 February h.10.00 a.m. Rome Commendatore Hall Monumental complex of the Holy Spirit Hospital- Rome After many preparatory meeting since June 2018, Religious Leaders from different faiths (Buddhist, Catholic,...
Country: United StatesEvent date: 2019-01-28
End date: 2019-02-28
We are hosting multiple events around the world in order to celebrate and promote the World Interfaith Harmony Week. Our events will be hosted from January 28. - February 28....
News Link:

64. World Religions - Online Learning...
Country: AustriaEvent date: 2019-02-09
End date:
During the WIHW 2019 we started an online platform on to invite people to study about world religions, philosophy, spirituality at home. It shows many possibilities in German and...
65. Worldreligions - Worldpeace - Worldethic
Country: AustriaEvent date: 2019-01-28
End date: 2019-02-16
Exhibition with posters and books about the world religions in a house for elderly people. Prayers from different religions and starting a "Rain of friendship".
66. Rain of Friendship
Country: AustriaEvent date: 2019-02-01
End date: 2019-02-07
We invite children, young people and adults all over Austria to writh loving thoughts on eatable paper with non toxic colours and send them with the water of a nearby...
Country: PhilippinesEvent date: 2019-02-07
End date:
Peace is a way of being and a way of living. The Celebration of the World Interfaith Harmony Week has been always promoting peace and harmony for the common good....
68. All Kerala Inter-School Interfaith Quiz...
Country: IndiaEvent date: 2019-02-01
End date: 2019-02-04
We are conducting an all Kerala Inter-school Interfaith Quiz contest for students up to senior secondary level on Saturday, 2nd February at Karickam International Public School, Kottarakkara, Kerala, India. We...

69. Ripples of Kindness: An Interfaith...
Country: CanadaEvent date: 2019-02-09
End date:
All are welcome to join us for lunch in an atmosphere of friendship and hospitality on Saturday, February 9, 2019 at 12:00 noon, at the Sacre-Coeur Church located at 381...

70. Our Actions 2019 World Interfaith...
Country: CubaEvent date: 2019-02-05
End date: 2019-02-07
Three days sharing art exhibition, book donation, lecture and tree sowing. Christians ( Catholics and Protestants ) and Muslims, all together, to be enrich about experiences and knowledge from the...

71. Friday Sermon On the Subject...
Country: PakistanEvent date: 2019-02-01
End date: 2019-02-01
It will be at Jame Masjid Mai Saleem Akhtar in New Sohan Islamabad that before Jumma Prayer Allama Dr GR Chishti Khateeb of the Maslid will deliver the Sermon to...
72. Press Conference of Universal Interfaith...
Country: PakistanEvent date: 2019-01-31
End date: 2019-01-31
Allama Dr G R Chishti Chairman UIPM will address a Press conference at UIPM Head Office in Sohan Islamabad Pakistan to explain the way to register an event to celebrate...
73. `Alemi Hafta e Mazhabi Ham...
Country: PakistanEvent date: 2019-02-01
End date: 2019-02-01
The program name is Urdu the National Language of Pakistan means World Interfaith Harmony Week , Allama Dr G R Chishti Chairman Universal Interfaith Peace Mission and Anchor Roze News...
74. Interfaith Flag Hoisting
Country: IndiaEvent date: 2019-01-26
End date: 2019-01-26
India is celebrating its Republic Day on January 26, 2019. I am going to organize National Flag Hoisting Event in communally most sensitive area of Vadodara (Gujarat) India. Hindu, Islam,...

75. Surrey Celebrates World Interfaith Harmony...
Country: CanadaEvent date: 2019-02-01
End date: 2019-02-07
The Surrey Interfaith Council has partnered with a diverse group of faith communities and organizations to put on a number of opportunities for members of the community to get together...
76. Neighbors in Harmony
Event date: 2019-02-02End date: 2019-02-03
This initiative can be an occasion for neighbors to share how to develop better harmony among them and if needed, to ask for forgiveness for any attitude, feelings or situation...
77. Sharing the Gift of Life:...
Country: PhilippinesEvent date: 2019-02-07
End date: 2019-02-07
This activity aims to help babies and adults save lives, helping to overcome cultural and religious barriers. Physical and cultural sensitivities are considered and respected.
78. Symposium on Dialogue with Creation
Country: PhilippinesEvent date: 2019-02-06
End date: 2019-02-06
This special symposium is conducted to share alarming reality of Climate Change with a presentation of the movie, “11 Hour” with some documentaries for school leaders of Schools, universities, churches,...
79. Forum with the Tricycle Operators...
Event date: 2019-02-01End date: 2019-02-09
This activity aims to present to the drivers the essence of Interfaith Harmony in order to share also this spirit to the passengers
80. Interreligious Harmony Walk
Country: JapanEvent date: 2019-02-23
End date: 2019-02-23
“Interreligious Harmony Walk” will be held in Tokyo, Japan on Feb 23 related with UN Interfaith Harmony week. The theme of the event is “Let’s understand and realize the world...
News Link:
Country: IndonesiaEvent date: 2019-02-23
End date: 2019-02-24
Tour for Peace is an event held by Young Interfaith Peacemaker Community (YIPC) Regional Jawa Barat. Our mission is “Building a peace generation through young peacemaker”. We are going to...
News Link:

82. Sharing the message of the...
Event date: 2019-02-01End date: 2019-02-01
To build friendship and harmonious relationships among people of different religions and cultures and encourage all Muslim communities to spread the message of interfaith harmony
83. Schools Celebration of World Interfaith...
Country: PhilippinesEvent date: 2019-02-01
End date: 2019-02-07
This is a compilation of all the activities made by Department of Education schools in line with the celebration of World Interfaith Harmony Week. Each participating schools actively initiate events...

84. Cecilia St. King - Inner...
Country: United StatesEvent date: 2019-02-02
End date: 2019-02-02
Join us for an evening of inspirational story and song with International Recording Artist, Cecilia St. King - Inner Peace Troubadour for The World Interfaith Harmony Week. "The world needs...
85. Ecumenical Prayer
Country: PhilippinesEvent date: 2019-02-01
End date: 2019-02-01
As we celebrate the World Interfaith Harmony Week 2019 with the theme “Celebrating Truth, Sincerity and Forgiveness” the Department of Social Welfare and Development IX conducted their Ecumenical Prayer and...
86. Kite Festival
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-02-19
End date: 2019-02-19
Promote of Message of Unity through Social Integration
87. Interfaith Harmony Breakfast - Humanitarian...
Country: BelgiumEvent date: 2019-02-05
End date: 2019-02-05
88. ????????? ?????? ???????????? ?????????????? ?????????...
Country: RussiaEvent date: 2019-01-20
End date: 2019-03-07
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Country: IndiaEvent date: 2019-02-17
End date: 2019-02-17
I am going to organize Interfaith Blood Donation Camp as an Ambassador of Parliament of the World's Religions - orgainzed for Thalassemia Patients in collaboration with different faith organizations namely...

90. 2019 Celebration- World Interfaith Harmony...
Country: CanadaEvent date: 2019-02-10
End date: 2019-02-10
Co-sponsored by the Halifax Central Library, this is a time of music, prayers, dancing, and displays from diverse traditions and paths.

91. Poetic Reflections
Country: United StatesEvent date: 2019-02-05
End date: 2019-02-05
Poetic Reflections is a performance of violin/voice (Dr. Ingrid Gerling) and piano (Dr. Andreea Mut). Each piece in the program is based on meditation, sacred text, or religiously inspired poetry,...

92. World Interfaith Harmony Week 2019-Zamboanga
Event date: 2019-02-01End date: 2019-02-09
Silsilah continues to serve the UNI-HP-Z as secretariat of the WIHW Zamboanga Partners. Today the Silsilah Dialogue Movement (SDM) is recognized by many as the convener on the National Level...
93. Peace Wall: Mural Painting
Country: PhilippinesEvent date: 2019-02-01
End date: 2019-02-07
To engage student of different cultures and beliefs in a fun and inspirational activity of painting and doing inspirational work of art together with the aim also to understand the...
94. Community Partners Appreciation Breakfast
Country: United StatesEvent date: 2019-02-28
End date:
In celebration of the World Interfaith Harmony Week, Roswell Community Masjid (RCM) is inviting all its community partners of faith based organizations, educational institutions, city officials, non-profits, etc. to a...
95. The Conference for Social Justice
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-01-29
End date: 2019-01-29
This event was organized by Who is Hussain and held at Lighthouse at thee Lakshman Kadiragamar Institute Colombo 7 on 29 January 2019. Key not Speaker was Dr.P,Saravanamuttu (Executive Director-Center...
96. World Interfaith Harmony Week "One...
Country: SingaporeEvent date: 2019-01-24
End date: 2019-02-09
The "One Blood One Humanity" is the overarching theme for this year's World Interfaith Harmony Week Celebration organised by Harmony Centre of Singapore, supported by An Nahdhah Mosque in Singapore....
News Link:

97. Painting Exhibition on Interfaith Harmony...
Country: DenmarkEvent date: 2019-02-01
End date: 2019-02-22
This is to foster public understanding on this world wide observance of the Inter Faith Harmony Week. There are 12 artists who will exhibit 2 or 3 of their paintings...

98. Community Interfaith Peace Concert
Country: United StatesEvent date: 2019-02-09
End date: 2019-02-09
As part of the United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week, Interfaith Paths to Peace presents. The Peace Concert uses music to showcase our diversity within one human race. The concert...
News Link:
99. Guerra e Pace – Il...
Country: ItalyEvent date: 2019-02-04
End date: 2019-02-04
The meeting is organized by: - "Interfaith dialogue group for the Peace of Cosenza", which includes representatives of religious communities in the city, religious and lay associations, including Coesistenza -...
100. Forum: Human Rights and Religious...
Country: SpainEvent date: 2019-02-20
End date: 2019-02-20
The Forum Abraham participates with the Pablo VI Foundation in the organization of a Debate on Religious Freedom and worship as a fundamental right of citizens. A right that entails...
101. Interreligious stoves, remembering Abraham
Country: SpainEvent date: 2019-02-13
End date: 2019-02-13
The Abraham Forum for interreligious and intercultural dialogue aims to carry out a series of activities within the framework of the Week of Interconfessional Harmony. All the activities will revolve...
102. International Interfaith Conference
Country: IndiaEvent date: 2019-02-08
End date: 2019-02-09
BIRDS is a Community Based Organization of the Society of the Sacred Heart Brothers which works for the upliftment and development of the backward and downtrodden communities in the state...
News Link:

Country: PakistanEvent date: 2019-03-06
End date: 2019-03-06
Inter-Cultural Youth Council decided to celebrate “United Nations Inter-Faith Harmony Week” on 06-03-2019. Since the Council deals in the affairs of Youth activities so it has decided to collect the...

104. Blossom Media’s Humanity First Conclave
Country: IndiaEvent date: 2019-02-03
End date: 2019-02-03
To participate in the cause of harmony and support the World Interfaith Harmony Week observed by UN, India based Blossom Media Pvt. Ltd. has curated an event titled ‘Humanity First...
News Link:

105. Shared Values among Faiths
Country: United StatesEvent date: 2019-02-01
End date: 2019-02-01
A Buddhist, a Christian, a Hindu, a Jew, and a Muslim will come together in a panel to discuss the central ethical and spiritual values of their faiths, showing that...

106. Aligning and Designing Sacred Thoughts,...
Country: Trinidad & TobagoEvent date: 2019-02-02
End date: 2019-02-23
Many sages have suggested that if one learns to align oneself with the universal sacred geometry, one can download the entire universe into one's self. All of the world's faith...
107. Sharing the gift of Interfaith...
Country: PhilippinesEvent date: 2019-02-07
End date: 2019-02-07
As a group with the nature to serve and are committed to touch the hearts of many people, especially the elders, the Zamboanga Caregivers Association joins the special celebration of...
108. Interfaith Photovoice NYC
Country: United StatesEvent date: 2019-02-10
End date: 2019-02-10
Interfaith Photovoice Cameras are everywhere, and everyone seems to be using a smartphone to snap and share photos. It is quite possible that one would find more cameras (in the...

109. 15th Annual Interreligious Prayer Service...
Country: United StatesEvent date: 2019-02-02
End date: 2019-02-02
This annual event brings together representatives from sixteen different religious and non-religious/humanist traditions to offer prayers and statements on behalf of peace and justice and the promotion of World Interfaith...
News Link:

110. World Interfaith Harmony Week
Country: AustraliaEvent date: 2019-02-20
End date: 2019-02-20
A celebration of harmony through interfaith

111. ACWAY World Interfaith Harmony Week...
Country: PakistanEvent date: 2019-02-25
End date: 2019-02-25
In the spirit of UN World Interfaith Harmony Week, the one-day project was a chance to educate the Shia muslim students about the misconceptions that exist related to Shia and...

112. World Interfaith Harmony Week Panel...
Country: AustraliaEvent date: 2019-03-06
End date: 2019-03-06
“There is no place on this wide earth from ocean’s boundless space to mountain’s highest peak where nature’s power is not divine and nature’s presence not a shrine.”

113. Spiritual Breakfast Gathering
Event date: 2019-02-02End date: 2019-02-02
Sitting around a table, having a continental breakfast, we will hear, briefly, about the seven year experiences of the “Spiritual Breakfast Club” members, and then we will have an open,...
114. Sacred Connections
Country: South AfricaEvent date: 2019-02-24
End date: 2019-02-24
Sacred Connections is a Cape Town Interfaith Initiative project born in October 2018, with the purpose of building community between people of diverse faiths and cultures. On the last Sunday...

115. World Interfaith Harmony Week -...
Country: AustraliaEvent date: 2019-02-03
End date: 2019-02-03
Celebration of World Interfaith Harmony Week on the theme 'Faith in Action: Community Benefits'. Held at at the Brisbane Baha'i Centre of Learning. Program included presentations by representatives of eight...
116. Better World organization Celebrates WIHW...
Country: IraqEvent date: 2019-02-10
End date: 2019-01-17
Interfaith Harmony Garden: Interfaith gardens will be made in two IDP (Internal Displace People) camps in which families of different faiths will be invited to work on the gardens...
News Link:
117. UNITY EARTH Lift Off &...
Country: United StatesEvent date: 2019-01-31
End date: 2019-02-05
UNITY EARTH, a global network of organizations and individuals standing together for unity and peace, recently completed a powerful series of events in New York City to celebrate United Nations...
News Link:

118. World Interfaith Harmony Week 2019
Country: IndiaEvent date: 2019-02-02
End date: 2019-02-02
The Euphrates Institute India Chapter organized a community dialogue on the occasion of World Interfaith Harmony Week where a local people were brought into contact with representatives from organizations such...

119. Peace & Interfaith Harmony
Country: PakistanEvent date: 2019-03-01
End date: 2019-03-01
Minority Coverage Foundation (M.C.F) Promoting love and therefore organizing the Peace & Interfaith Harmony . M.C.F. could reduce the distance among the communities and could bring the different communities closer...
News Link:
120. Open Hearts, Open Minds
Country: South AfricaEvent date: 2019-02-07
End date: 2019-02-07
This is the third of Cape Town Interfaith Initiative's four events to mark World Interfaith Harmony Week. CTII cohosts this event with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. We continue the theme:...
121. Campaign for Interfaith Harmony in...
Event date: 2019-02-01End date: 2019-02-28
SUNFO is the umbrella body of several networks and partners of Civil Society groups and members working for peace, harmony,well-being of mankind and Sustainable Development Goals. We will guide and...

122. Campaign for Interfaith Harmony in...
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-02-01
End date: 2019-02-28
SUNFO is the umbrella body of several networks and partners of Civil Society groups and partners working for peace, harmony,well-being of mankind and Sustainable development Goals. we will guide and...
123. Islam’s Jesus: An Invitation to...
Country: United StatesEvent date: 2019-02-02
End date: 2019-02-02
“I am confident that focusing on Jesus as a major figure in Islamic theology will be of interest to contemporary Christians, Muslims, and all people interested in Interfaith endeavors.” —...
124. 38-Children Donate Hair for Cancer...
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-01-20
End date: 2019-01-20
Action of Kindness : Over 1000 Children & teachers,Parents ,Villages etc of all religions donates their hair to Mahargama Indira Jayasuriya Memorial Cancer Patients Helping Center - INDIRA TRUST" Indira...
125. Interfaith songs,speeches and dances of...
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-02-04
End date: 2019-02-04
SUNFO Child Development Center, Anuradagama, Yatagala, Uragasmanhandiya, Sri Lanka planed as a part of SUNFO Campaign to Commemorate Interfaith Harmony week in Sri Lanka .In our event we conduct Interfaith...
126. Interfaith Civil Dialogue Facilitator Training...
Country: United StatesEvent date: 2019-02-09
End date: 2019-02-09
Join us to learn more about civil dialogue, gain practical skills and tools for facilitation, and increase our respect and understanding of each other and our community. Lunch will be...
127. Interfaith Gathering to Felicitate Service...
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-02-27
End date: 2019-02-27
A gathering of 2000 participants including the Cardinal, Apostolic Nuncio from Vatican, Arch Bishops,Buddhist,Christian,Hindu,Islam Religious Leaders, HE President, Hon.Prime Minister, Hon.Speaker, Hon.Leader of Opposition, Ambassadors , Minsters, Parliamentarians , Society...
128. National & Religios Harmony Towards...
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-03-01
End date: 2019-03-01
Interfaith Harmony for a Sustainable Sri Lanka- Summit at Light House Hotel,Galle, Sri Lanka headed by Hon.Karu Jayasuriya (The Speaker of the Parliament /SUNFO Patron) wich was attended Hon. Rajith...
129. Mosaic Harmony Presents: 4th Annual...
Country: United StatesEvent date: 2019-02-02
End date: 2019-03-02
Mosaic Harmony hosted The Fourth Annual United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week Concert on February 2, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at Temple Rodef Shalom, located in Falls Church, Virginia, U.S.A....

130. Prayers for the City
Country: South AfricaEvent date: 2019-02-03
End date: 2019-02-03
In this, the second of four Cape Town Interfaith Initiative events for WIHW, we invite the entire City to come together in Prayer. We start at the Siddique Mosque in...
131. Inter-religious peace Harmony Lecture and...
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-02-03
End date: 2019-02-03
Rev. Deliwala Buddharakkhitha Thero conducted the lecture with follow up workshop : Event held at Sri shailaramaya, Halpitiya, Rambukkana Speech by: Rev. Deliwala Buddharakkhitha Thero 2019. 02. 03 Time: From...
132. Envirionmental Cleaning Programme by Interfaith...
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-02-04
End date: 2019-02-04
Name Of the Organizer/ Reporter : Rev. Nepale Assaji Thero, Goal coordinator – Sdg Youth Concil Of Rambukkana Postal Address: sri shailaramaya, Halpitiya, Hiriwadunna Place Of the held: Halpitiya Temple
133. God's House celebrates 10 years
Country: SwedenEvent date: 2019-02-02
End date: 2019-02-02
Since the 1990s good relations have existed between Muslims and Christians (Protestants and Catholics) in Fisksätra through cooperation and respect of each other’s traditions. Fisksätra is a suburb situated outside...
134. Let us Make Peace with...
Country: South AfricaEvent date: 2019-02-01
End date: 2019-02-01
Launching Cape Town Interfaith Initiative's WIHW series of events in Cape Town, we partner with renowned conservationist Linda Tucker who presents a lunch time talk on why Nature is so...
135. A Speech and follow up...
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-02-03
End date: 2019-02-03
A special lecture and discussion with Christian Priests by visiting a Church Name Of the Organizer/ Reporter : L. G Kavishka Madushan Somathilaka – Goal Coordinator, SDG Youth Council Of...
136. Environment and Interfaith Peace &...
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-02-04
End date: 2019-02-04
Organized by the Anuradhapura District Scouts Association. Protect Lanka Foundation assisted. Actor Uddika Premarathna, Actor Wasantha Dukgannarala alsoparticipated as Special Guests,
137. 44 Interfaith Harmony Dialogue-Rambukkana
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-01-19
End date:
Thiswas held at Rambukkna SDG Youth Council Office and Senior Lecturer Mr.Jayathilake delivered the main speech. Event organized by the SDG Youth Council of SUNFO-Rambukkana ??? ?????? ????? ?????? ????...
138. World Interfaith Harmony Week: Humans...
Country: United StatesEvent date: 2019-02-02
End date: 2019-03-02
This event is a joint event with the Great Kansas City Interfaith Council, Kansas City Interfaith Youth Alliance, and Faith Always Wins Foundation. Entire event would be at Rime Center...

139. Intercultural Peace Programe
Country: IndiaEvent date: 2019-01-19
End date: 2019-03-05
A Cultural Youth Team of 30 members from Sri Lanka facilitated by Feel Sri Lanka Cultural Express (FSLCEx)Awrd winning Cultural Partners of SUNFO went to India and hosted by Alvas...
140. 6th Interfaith Youth Peace Camp
Country: PhilippinesEvent date: 2019-02-02
End date: 2019-02-02
The 6th Interfaith Youth Peace Camp was a gathering of youth aged 18-30 coming from different beliefs and faith traditions for a day of friendship, camaraderie and mutual respect, and...
News Link:

141. 37.Colective Meditation and Prayer for...
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-02-02
End date: 2019-02-02
Religions for Responsible Governance (RRG) is organizing a group prayer-meditation gathering on the 2nd February Saturday at 7.00 - 8.30 am at the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute,Colombo 7. The occasion...
142. Peace & Harmony Cultural Parade,
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-02-13
End date: 2019-02-13
??? ????? ?????? ???? 2019 ( ???????? ????? ?? ???????????? ????? ???????) IFHW Cultural Walk held at Halpitiya Temple on113-02-2019 ??? ????? ?????? ???? ?????? ????? ?? ??????? ???? ???????...
143. World Interfaith Harmony Walk in...
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-02-10
End date: 2019-02-11
SUNFO organized a Walk started from Independence Square Colombo on Feb 10, 2019 morning.
144. Calgary Interfaith Council 2019 UN...
Country: CanadaEvent date: 2019-01-31
End date: 2019-02-07
A week of interfaith programs devoted to the theme, "I Choose Civility: Listening, Caring, Engaging"

145. An Interfaith Seminar, “ Vaishnav...
Country: United StatesEvent date: 2019-02-23
End date: 2019-02-23
“Vaishnav Jan to Tene Kahiye” a spiritual Bhajan (Hymn) written in the written in the 15th century by a saint poet Narsinh Mehta in the Gujarati Language was a favorite...
News Link:

146. "Interfaith Harmony Walk & Assembly"...
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-02-16
End date: 2019-02-16
"Interfaith Harmony Walk & Assembly" on 16 Feb , 2019 in Eastern Province-Trincomalee District: KINNIYA . SUNFO Messenger of Peace B.M.Mujaheer (Chairman-CESDA) together with "SDG Youth Network of Sri Lanka...
147. 36. Independence Day for Harmony...
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-02-02
End date: 2019-02-04
On Feb 2 -4; Artist Lasath (SUNFO-SDGYNSL Media Coordinator with Fordyce YouthClub organized Interfaith Harmony, Pecae Art Exhibition at public Library Fordyce Estate Hatton and On Feb 4 Rally for...
148. Interfaith Harmony Walk & Hindu-Christian...
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-02-21
End date: 2019-03-21
Inter-religious Peace & Harmony Walk fro Kaithadi West Saraswathi Community Center to Mesalai Scion Church followed by Religious Harmony Meeting
149. 33. UN SDG 16-Inter-religious Dialogue,...
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-02-04
End date: 2019-02-04
Interfaith Harmony Week Commemoration-SUNFO Director General Dr. Deshapriya S. Wijetunge and Media Coordination Representative Malin Jayakody participated for awareness session of Interfaith Harmony at Don.Bosco University at Ahungalla. This will...
150. Interfaith Harmony Theme Song of...
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-01-19
End date: 2019-02-10
SUNFO initiated to take the message of Interfaith Harmony by a Song . This was created by prominent Youth Singer Mario Ananda and firstly launched at WIFHW Ceremony of SUNFO...
151. 34. Plantation Worker Dialogue of...
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-02-20
End date: 2019-02-20
Discussion focused Religious and social problems and isses faced by Hill Country people and how to solve those. Coordinated by Rimas Riyas.
152. Interfaith Harmony Peace Assembly -Colombo
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-02-05
End date: 2019-02-05
This Assembly organized by SUNFO was held at BMICH Colombo on 5 Feb, 2019. Apointed Peace Messengers and Peace Brigadiers as volunteers.
153. National Inter-religious Symposium
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-02-08
End date: 2019-02-08
This was held at Kadiragarmar Institute Auditorium, Colombo 7 on 8 Feb 2019 with over 250 delegates coordinated by Mr.Saman of National peace Council of Sri lanka
154. Interfaith Harmony & peace Meditation...
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-02-28
End date: 2019-02-28
We have planned a campaign of islandwide by an open request to all from SUNFO to join for a 2 minutes mediation/prayer/wish for Interfaith Harmony and Peace in Sri Lanka...
155. Celebrating World Religion Day
Country: MauritiusEvent date: 2019-01-20
End date: 2019-01-20
The Council of Religions (CoR), Republic of Mauritius celebrated the World Religion Day at the Bahai Convention Centre at Rose Hill, Mauritius on Sunday the 20th January 2019, on the...
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-02-16
End date: 2019-02-17
INTERFAITH HARMONY WALK & YOUTH ASSEMBLY at Chavakachcheri for WIFHW on 16- 17 February, 2019 These organized by "Sustainable Development Goals Youth Council of Chavakachcheri" affiliated to the"SDG Youth Network...
Country: MoroccoEvent date: 2019-03-01
End date: 2019-03-01
The idea is to offer on Friday, March 1, a “couscous of harmony” to my neighbors of all faiths to promote the living together and the values of tolerance. For...

158. World Interfaith Harmony week Assembly...
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-02-10
End date:
SUNFO Organized World Interfaith Harmony Week Assembly at Independence Hall, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka on Feb 10,2019
159. Justice Advocacy Workshop
Country: United StatesEvent date: 2019-02-03
End date: 2019-02-03
In celebration of World Interfaith Harmony Week, the Interfaith Environmental Network of Houston invites you to learn to effectively raise your voice for the voiceless at a Justice Advocacy Workshop...
160. Interfaith Student Leadership Retreat
Country: United StatesEvent date: 2019-02-08
End date: 2019-02-09
The Interfaith Center at The University of Vermont held its first ever Interfaith Student Leadership Retreat on February 8th & 9th, 2019. This overnight retreat brought together 15 undergraduate and...

161. International Interfaith Devotionals
Country: CanadaEvent date: 2019-02-10
End date:
People who speak English as a Second Language enjoy gatherings where they can speak their mother tongues to each other, especially when having meaningful conversations of the heart. Thus a...
162. “Sajda” – A Soulful, Spiritual,...
Country: United StatesEvent date: 2019-03-01
End date: 2019-03-01
Scriptures fro all the religions and Faith proclaim that all living being and everything is and in the image of almighty Supreme Divine power what we call God by various...

163. Appreciation to IFHW our Event...
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-02-10
End date: 2019-02-10
This was done at Independence Hall,Colombo 7 on 10 February, 2019 at the assembly.
164. Gandhi Peace Camp Preparation Meeting...
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-01-19
End date: 2019-02-08
Gandhi Peace Youth Camp Preparations: Prospective delegates for Youth Peace Camp- Rajasthan in India in early February had a dialogue and a Sramadana at "Mahatma Gandhi Non- violence Statue-Inter-religious Peace...
165. World Interfaith Harmony Week Drama
Country: Sri LankaEvent date: 2019-01-25
End date: 2019-02-28
World Interfaith Harmony week dram was produced by SDG Youth Club of CINEC hosted by SUNFO. They started training since January 25, 2019 and firstly showed the Drama Publicly on...
166. Chanting for Interfaith Harmony
Country: United StatesEvent date: 2019-02-08
End date: 2019-03-08
Enlisting the power of music, the latest neuroscience findings in Entrainment and ancient wisdom of the world’s spiritual practices we will guide participants into deep musical communion with each other,...

167. Concert of Three Cultures, 6th...
Country: SpainEvent date: 2019-02-09
End date: 2019-02-09
Arco Forum and UNESCO Centre Getafe-Madrid in partnership with 7 other organizations have organized in Madrid the 6th edition of Concert of Three Cultures (Concierto de Tres Culturas) which will...

168. Listening to the Statement from...
Country: AustraliaEvent date: 2019-02-17
End date: 2019-02-17
People of all religious and spiritual traditions and no tradition, are invited to gather with religious and community leaders from twenty organisations, to stop and listen to the Statement from...

169. Better World organization Celebrates WIHW...
Country: IraqEvent date: 2019-02-03
End date: 2019-01-07
Harmony Meal: Six families from different faiths of Muslims, Christians and Yazedi will cook traditional foods for junior prisoners in Duhok city.
170. Models of Hospitality Among Religious...
Country: CanadaEvent date: 2019-02-07
End date: 2019-02-07
Come and learn about models of hospitality as viewed in different religious and cultural traditions. Leaders of various faith groups will share their thoughts and experiences.