Transforming Bigotry and Hate: From Awareness to Action
Country: United States
City: Florida
City: Florida
JAM & ALL Interfaith, Inc.
Christine E. Lynn College of NursingFAU College of Nursing, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, 33431
Law enforcement reports that hate crime incidents in the US have increased 30% since 2015, and identifies more than 1,000 hate groups in the US--75 of those are in Florida alone. If these statistics concern you, you will want to join us for this all-day conference that will help us understand root causes of hatred and bigotry and explore ways to create positive change.
- 9:00-9:25 a.m.: Registration
- 9:30- 10:45 am: “Managing Your Prejudices,” an engaging interactive session by Gail Price-Wise, founder and president of the Florida Center for Cultural Competence; she will lead participants in effective processes that will help make us aware of our own implicit biases and how to handle them.
- 10:45-11:00 a.m.: Break
- 11:00-12:00 noon: Panel of local faith leaders on becoming aware of hate and bigotry, in their communities and their wider faith traditions, and examples of their response to it. Moderator: Dr. Linda Geller-Schwartz, human rights advocate.
- 12:00-1:00 p.m.: Lunch and Networking. Box lunch provided to all registered attendees.
- 1:00-2:00 p.m.: Former White Supremacist Arno Michaelis. Once a leader of a worldwide racist skinhead organization and lead singer of the hate-metal band Centurion, Michaelis is now an educator for Serve 2 Unite, and is the author of the book “Life After Hate.” He will speak from personal experience about what draws people to White Nationalism and bigotry, how we can help prevent it, and how bigotry and hate can be transformed. Q & A following his address.
- 2:00-2:15 p.m.: move to breakout rooms
- 2:15-3:10 pm: Workshop groups led by skilled local leaders, where conference participants can share personal knowledge and experiences of bigotry and hate, and work together to create positive actions and responses to it in our community.
- 3:15-3:40 p.m.: Reports from breakout workshop groups with an action statement from each group.
- 3:40-3:55 p.m.: Arno Michaelis will summarize workshop recommendations and conclude the Conference with a “call to action.”
- 3:55-4:00 p.m.: Closing remarks.