The Week of Rapprochement and Human Harmony (2nd)

In Algeria by

Rapprochement and Human Harmony along Globalization 1-From Clash of Civilizations to Dialogue of Civilizations 2- From Dialogue of Civilizations to Alliance of Civilizations 3- From Alliance of Civilizations to An Appeal to One Civilization to One World 4- From One Civilization to One World to Promoting Interfaith Dialogue of Religions The goal of the Event: The meeting aims to: -Contribute in upholding and consolidating the Concept of humanitarian cooperation which is founded mainly on mutual respect and strenthening the cultural and relationship between Nation. -Participate in supporting the notion of promoting the trends of humanitarian harmony, co-existence,tolerence and dialogue between cultures and civilizations – Link the theoretical goals and content of promoting Interfaith dialogue of religions within One civilization to One world. -To explain our project of hope: The Future of the Dialogue of Civilizations Along Globalization within Rapprochement and Human Harmony in our globalize World. Note: We already organized many International Conferences about dialogue of civilizations and cultures in …