The Suspended Time

In by tavolointerreligioso



Country: Italy
City: ROMA


The Suspended Time

World Interfaith Harmony Week 2021

The period of the pandemic we are going through, marked by rules, norms and colors, has broken the flow of the time in which we were immersed.

We are waiting for the way out, the light at the end of the tunnel of disease and we live almost in a time suspended between what we remember from before and what we hope for after.

In this "suspended time" we want to let the voice of ancient texts speak to wake us up and prepare for the "after" by reuniting with the "before" through the inspiration they can offer us.

During the Week for Harmony between Faiths 2021, the Interreligious Table of Rome will share day by day a reflection and inspiration from the traditions of faith with a short intervention: a pill to take care of ourselves and others in this time and in all times.

Pills of reflection from the Sacred texts accompany us for a week from 1 to 9 February towards the launch of a series of webinars related to the reflection that arises in the suspended time we are living to think and / or re / think about the first and the after:
February 18 - Safeguarding health
March 18 - The cycle of life
April 22 - Ecology
May 20 - Work
June 17 - Religions and science