PF/PFI Interfaith ‘Harmony in crisis…’

In by morgana



Country: Netherlands
City: The Hague


As part of the World Interfaith Harmony Week / WIHW, Pagan Federation and PF International Interfaith coordinators are joining forces and organising an online gathering “Harmony in crisis..”The issue of interfaith dialogue and the language one uses in order to engage and initiate honest and positive conversations is a topic that is ever present. Especially considering the interaction between the pagan/heathen communities and those of other faiths and how we build bridges to create harmony, more so in a world that is currently in the midst of huge transformations and transitions.Our guest speaker is Lyn Baylis from Pagan Seminary. She is an experienced interfaith practitioner and we are looking forward to hearing her insights and any best practice she is able to share with us concerning finding a common language, and a common ground on which we can build a more harmonious dialogue.