Interfaith Buddies: Tackling Lockdown Loneliness Together

In by Dr Maureen Sier



Country: United Kingdom
City: Scotland
As Scotland endures another COVID-19 lockdown many people are experiencing 'lockdown loneliness'. For World Interfaith Harmony Week 2021, Interfaith Scotland is hosting an Interfaith Buddies event to bring people together from diverse faith traditions, to build close bonds of friendship, harmony and understanding. Two speakers from different faith communities will start the event with a presentation on 'Connecting through Conversation'. Participants will be partnered with a person from a tradition other than their own and will have an opportunity to explore what their faith tradition has to say about Love of God, Love of the good, Love of neighbour and what tools their faith traditions have to assist them in times of crisis. It is envisaged that this event will support people during the global pandemic and beyond by creating opportunities for individuals from the grassroots of Scottish society to build a deep and meaningful friendship with someone from a faith tradition other than their own. It is envisaged that these friendships will last well beyond the pandemic and the Interfaith Buddies scheme will be built upon in the years to come. Participants will be encourages to use their experience as Interfaith Buddies to reach out to others in their communities. The Interfaith Buddies event will be advertised via our Facebook, twitter and Instagram and the experiences of the participants will be captured on video and shared via Interfaith Scotland's YouTube channel.