Building Our Global Community Through Faith
Country: United States
City: New York, NY
City: New York, NY
The New Seminary
420 Lexington Ave, Suite 300, New York, NY
"A widely separated family inherits a house in which they have to live together." This is the great new problem of mankind. We have inherited a large house, a great "world house" in which we have to live together-- black and white, Easterner and Westerner, Gentile and Jew, Catholic and Protestant, Muslim and Hindu-- a family unduly separated in ideas, culture and interest, who, because we can never again live apart, must learn somehow to live with each other in peace. ~ Martin Luther King
How can faith be used to build a global community and not divide it? How can faith based “enemy thinking “ due to different expression of belief in God be reversed? How can the focus of differences in the expression of faith be seen as a blessing and not a source of tension? These are a few of the questions our panel will address in our forum comprised of thought and community leaders from NGO’s building a Civil Society to community and faith leaders. Some of the featured speakers will be Dr. Jay Speights, Executive Director of The New Seminary and ecumenist, and Dr. Dorsey Blake, Presiding Minister of The Church for The Fellowship of All People and a mentee of Dr. Howard Thurman, who was one of the most influential theologians of the 20th Century and regarded as the primary thought leader of the civil rights movement and Martin Luther King mentor.Topic: Building Our Global Community(A World Interfaith Harmony Week) Time: Feb 4, 2021 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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