World Interfaith Harmony Week 2021 Message

In by zeinab



Country: Germany
World Interfaith Harmony Week Christian Muslim Greeting Message
The representatives of the Christian and Muslim communities in Eigeltingen, a modest town in southern Germany, perform prayers in each other's house of worship. The Catholic priest, Pastor Dominik Rimmele, recites a prayer on behalf of the local Christian Protestant community for Muslim friends in the prayer room at the Sufi Center Rabbaniyya. Sheikh E?ref Efendi of the Order of the Honorable Naqshbandiyya Aliyyah performs a prayer for the Christian brothers and sisters in the parish Church of St. Mauritius.
Sharing prayers in places of worship of each other’s community strengthens the bond of peace in the prayers and visually demonstrates the mutual trust between partners in faith.
Since it is not possible to host a joint live event due to the restrictions of COVID-19, we made a video for this year's WIHW. May our prayers and the message of peace be accepted.