541 – Samsur

In Indonesia, Letters of Support by Staff


Parisadha Buddha Dharma Niciren Syosyu Indonesia


Your Message
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Interfaith Harmony Week is a profound moment for us all around the world to be reminded of our true nature as an altruist that longing to be harmonised with our surroundings in order to live sustainably. Paradoxically, we also have another nature as a selfish creature, have biases and subjectivities to perceive our identities as superior that often lead us into conflict and catasrophe causes. Thus, to embody a harmonised society is a relentless battle between selfishness and altruistic natures that all of us possesses. Our aim is to be make the altruist side prevail as our foundation to live, without necessarily dispose the other nature. Selfishness to some extent is still needed in order for us to survive, for instance to fulfill our appetite to eat.

Let us make this wonderful period full with peace-building activities, collaboration, and synergy among us to build a more sustainable world where peace and development find their way to remain exist.

With deep compassion,
Samanta Surya – Indonesia