410 – Interfaith Harmony Halifax

In Letters of Support by

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Interfaith Harmony Halifax

Title/ Position
Planning Committee

Interfaith Harmony Halifax


Your Message
Dear Friends,

Inspired by the ever-growing momentum of World Interfaith Harmony Week, the 2015 Parliament of the World’s Religions, and our own deep desire for peace and harmony in the world, we developed a ’declaration of interfaith peace and friendship’, which we invited local, regional, national and international organizations to sign.

30 declarations have been received to date from organizations representing education, government, media, business, diverse faiths, as well as community groups involved in peace, compassion, interfaith and contemplative work.

Our letter of support to you is Interfaith Harmony Halifax’s signed Declaration of Interfaith Peace and Friendship – please see attached.

May we and all those who have made similar declarations continue to live up to their commitment, and may the circle of ’interfaith peace and friendship’ continue to expand.

With every good wish, and deep appreciation for your good heart and efforts.

Kim MacAulay
On behalf of Interfaith Harmony Halifax

View Letter