254 – Riaz Ravat

In Letters of Support, United Kingdom by

Your Name (required)
Riaz Ravat

Title / Position
Faith Training Development Manager

St Philip’s Centre

United Kingdom

Your Message
I am delighted that Muslims and in particular King Abdullah II have been at the forefront of the initiative to create the World Interfaith Harmony Week. It complements the UK’s National Inter Faith Week which has made a positive difference to the well-being and relationships within and between different communities.
Throughout the world, we see acts of violence and aggression carried out in the name of religion. We must all work studiously to ensure that we reclaim our faiths from those who wish to disrupt and disregard the shared histories our faiths all have. No one man is an island and no single faith can achieve anything on its own. With pressing problems around the world we must stand together to better our world.