Leaders offer statement for World Interfaith Harmony Week, Feb. 1-7
In News by Staff
January 28, 2025
In Psalm 150, the author says: “Praise the Lord with the sound of trumpet… harp… lyre… timbrel… strings… flutes… and loud clashing cymbals.” If you’re counting, that’s seven different instruments that are referenced, all of them praising the Lord. Imagine how all of those playing together would make for a joyful noise!
From February 1 to 7, people all around the world mark World Interfaith Harmony Week. It’s an initiative that arose from the United Nations in 2010, based on the desire to see people draw on the resources of spirituality, faith and religious traditions in support of the common good, rather than allowing those things to be co-opted to sow seeds or rivalry and violence, as they so often are. The year 2025 is the 15th anniversary of the launch of this global cause for justice and peace.
In the world of music, harmony refers to the idea that two or more distinct and often discordant sounds can be placed together in order to create a new and often more interesting sound. Each instrument or each voice needs to hit its own respective notes well to create this even more pleasing harmony. Applying this musical concept to world interfaith harmony, we hear a compelling call for how to engage in relationships between diverse religions and spiritual traditions.
Christians confess Jesus as a special incarnate revelation of God – divine wisdom lived out in human flesh. Yet we also know there are many beautiful expressions of wisdom in the stories, texts, ceremonies and spiritual practices of the vast human family. Jesus himself recognized this often and was unafraid to experience, affirm and learn from the truth and beauty found in the traditions and beliefs of others when he encountered them (Luke 7, John 4, etc.). We see the same spirit of openness displayed in the ministries and preaching of early Church leaders such as Peter (Acts 10) and Paul (Acts 17), among others. We can infer from these examples, therefore, that when we ourselves come to see such evidence of God’s self-revelation in the spiritual ways of others, we need not look at it as a threat or a challenge. Rather, we can understand it as another instrument to hear playing alongside our own musical melody, other notes to enjoy and to reflect on, both for the similarities and the differences they convey. Dialogue with and learning from others does not need to diminish the truth and uniqueness of our own particular song of faith. Instead, they can serve to enhance our mutual perception of the abundance of God’s mercy and grace.
We are grateful that, in these days of World Interfaith Harmony Week, members of our churches across Canada, together with many others around the world, are already planning to take part in multifaith opportunities, with open and generous hearts. We encourage many more to find occasions for engagement in your context. The struggles and sorrows of our world are too great for people of faith to respond to alone. In this time, when there are so many forces and factors at work that want to drive people into greater distance and distrust because they think and look and believe and pray differently from one another, World Interfaith Harmony Week is a witness to another way – one that is so desperately needed.
May God continue to lead us to live together in harmony, and in the fulness of time, conduct all things into their part of the great eternal symphony that is the reconciliation of all things. Amen.
Rev. Susan Johnson
National Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
The Most. Rev. Anne Germond
Archbishop and Acting Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada
The Most Rev. Chris Harper
National Indigenous Anglican Archbishop, Anglican Church of Canada
David M. Jones
President, Board of Elders Canadian District, Moravian Church Northern Province