Interfaith Foundation – World Interfaith Harmony Week

In News by

Interfaith Foundation

Rev. Peter Dewey writes:

The United Nations has declared the first week in February each year to be the World Interfaith Harmony Week .

I have only just heard about it from our friends in the USA connected with One Spirit and the Mystic heart Community. They are arranging  in the US to convene some form of get-to-gether at a social level in various towns and have selected the 3rd of February as the special day for the joint activity. We have been asked if we could also lead an interfaith activity on that day too. They are going for Interfaith Harmony Breakfasts where people of all faithe are invited to come. It would be good if we could also be inspired to do a similar project although it might be more practical from our point of view to run an Interfaith Coffee Morning with beverage, biscuit, cake and fruit. Some might even go for a party in Starbucks! A universal Service is an additional posssibility. I feel sure that if we put the suggestion out and about there would be quite a lot of response but it would need a proactive volunteer to be asked to inspire and coordinate the postgraduates into action. and keep a record of such happenings that take place .

It likely that the 'Interfaith Network' of faith leaders in London is aware of this UN initiative so I have contacted them to urge support and participation during the week. Likewise I have also contacted the Church of England through the Archbishops Interfaith Committees

Click the links above for further information from Tim Miner in New York who is doing so much to get all this off the ground. Some of you will have met him at our Ordination this year.

Best Wishes, 

