IFIIE: World Interfaith Harmony Week

In News by

International Foundation for Interreligious and Intercultural Education

The United Nations General Assembly has unanimously established, the first week in February, as the World Interfaith Harmony Week. The resolution was first proposed by H.M. King Abdullah II of Jordan on September 23rd 2010 – Prince Ghazi later introduced it and explained it to the U.N. assembly. The operative text of the Resolution says, remarkably:

The General Assembly,

  1. Reaffirms that mutual understanding and interreligious dialogue constitute important dimensions of a culture of peace;
  2. Proclaims the first week of February of every year the World Interfaith Harmony Week between all religions, faiths and beliefs;
  3. Encourages all States to support, on a voluntary basis, the spread of the message of interfaith harmony and goodwill in the world’s Churches, Mosques, Synagogues, Temples and other places of Worship during that week based on Love of God and Love of the Neighbor, or based on Love of the Good and Love of the Neighbor, each according to their own religious traditions or convictions;
  4. Requests the Secretary-General to keep the General Assembly informed of the implementation of the present resolution.

The Foundation IFIIE strongly supports this initiative for its potential to sensitize to and improve interreligious understanding.
