Archive of Events

Below are the list of WIHW events that took place globally for the year of 2013.

The Imam and the Pastor

Start: Thursday 7th of February 2013 12:00:10 AM
End: Thursday 7th of February 2013 12:00:01 AM
Location: Women Multi purpose Center, Behind New Nigerian Newspaper, Kaduna, Kaduna, NG
INVITATION FOR THE SCREENING OF THE IMAM AND PASTOR FILM IN CELEBRATION OF WORLD INTERFAITH HARMONY WEEK 2013 The Interfaith Mediation Centre is a non-profit and faith based non-governmental organization. The organization was established in the year 1995 and part of its services includes conflict prevention and management within Nigeria and around the globe. Over the years, IMC has made tremendous effort in building bridges for cordial relationship between Muslims and Christians in Nigeria, through promoting the relevance of inter religious understanding in our communities. The objective of the World Interfaith Harmony Week is to propagate the love of God and love of the neighbor through forgiveness and tolerance. It is not a call to water down one’s faith but to respect our differences and personal beliefs and to unite around the basic principles that people of all beliefs agree upon, and to understand that harmony can come only if we build upon a foundation of dialogues. As part of the Centre’s efforts in celebrating the World Interfaith Harmony Week 2013 in Kaduna Nigeria, a documentary film was produced on the lifestyle of The Imam and the Pastor, the film depicts how they made remarkable transition from hate to forgiveness. It is both a moving story of forgiveness and a case-study of a successful grass-roots initiative to rebuild communities torn apart by conflict. The 2013 World Interfaith Harmony Week whose theme is “To truly achieve conflict prevention we must seek to build coexistence” will include a 40 minutes documentary film of the Imam and the Pastor, which follows a question and answer session, and it is expected that participants will be require to make a written document that will be evaluated by our Center, to ascertain the impact of the film to the peaceful coexistence of the faith communities. We wish to thank you in advance and hope you will be part of this year World Interfaith Harmony Week celebration. IMC will be responsible for your travels and meal will be provided for participants. Pastor Dr. James M. Wuye Imam Dr. Muhammad N. Ashafa Co-Executive Directors

Social Media Broadcast

Start: Friday 1st of February 2013 12:00:06 AM
End: Thursday 7th of February 2013 12:00:18 AM
Location: Anand Ashram Ubud, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, Ubud, ID
In addition to the "Youth for Interfaith Harmony" Gathering, Today Feb 1st in Bali, Jakarta, and Yogyakarta; we have also initiated a week-long social media broadcast by sharing a new quote everyday until the 7th of February, featuring thoughts of the saints of all traditions and religions on the theme of Interfaith Harmony

Interfaith Harmony Unlocks Man’s Internal Prison Walls

Start: Saturday 2nd of February 2013 12:00:14 AM
End: Monday 4th of February 2013 12:00:16 AM
Location: GOGI Offices Culver City, Culver City, US
The New Seminary for Interfaith Studies, (, in a collaboration with Getting Out by Going In (GOGI) (, will be hosting the FIRST ANNUAL INTERFAITH IN PRISON event in select California and Utah state prisons. Attendees at the group gathering will be asked to reflect on what “Interfaith” means to them and how Interfaith Harmony can unlock man’s internal prison walls. The essays and responses will be sent into GOGI and a 5 minute video will be produced to expand awareness of the event. More than 2.3 million men, women and children are in prisons in the United States. These individuals will benefit from the opportunity to learn of and experience the power of interfaith harmony. Through this effort, The New Seminary and Getting Out By Going In (GOGI) believe participating prisoners will become ambassadors of tolerance, peace and understanding in their institutions and communities once released.

Syria event at the media library

Start: Thursday 7th of February 2013 12:00:17 AM
End: Thursday 7th of February 2013 12:00:19 AM
Location: Anna sijainti, Helsinki, FI
Syria event at the Myllypuro media library in Helsinki gathers people to talk about the role of media and interfaith work in promoting dialogue, specially in Syria. Panelists: journalist Hannu Reime, sociologist Burhan Hamdon, editor of An-Nur Isra Lehtinen, URI co ordinator Lars Silén Hostesses: journalists Anne Hyvönen and Heidi Rautionmaa Music by Lars Silén and Meri-Sofia Lakopoulos Event is organized by Uskot ilman rajoja ry. / Faiths Without Borders and multicultural netmedia in co operation with Myllypuro media library of Helsinki city.

Interfaith Harmony through Prayer, Study, Miinistry and Community

Start: Sunday 3rd of February 2013 12:00:07 AM
End: Saturday 9th of February 2013 12:00:09 AM
Location: multiple, multiple, US
The Dominican Sisters and Associates of Sinsinawa are participating in the World Interfaith Harmony Week in many diverse ways in their local communities within the context of the four Pillars of Dominican Life; Prayer, Study, Ministry and Community. Examples of the focus being brought to Interfaith Harmony by the Sisters and Associates during this week include: Prayer: Individual and Community Prayer for Interfaith Harmony through Meditation and Intention Study: Reading, researching and engaging in multi-media opportunities which expand our perspectives about other faiths and the Interfaith Movement Ministry: Relationship is the heart of our Ministry. Building relationships with other persons of good will and recognizing wisdom in all spiritual traditions Community: As a community of Dominican Sisters and Associates, connecting with the interfaith spirit of each other as well as participating in other interfaith events within our respective geographic communities

Inauguration of Ma'din Centre for Moderation

Start: Thursday 7th of February 2013 12:00:17 AM
End: Thursday 7th of February 2013 12:00:19 AM
Location: Ma\'din Campus, Malappuram, IN
Ma'din Academy, Malappuram, Kerala will launch a new initiative, in connection with Interfaith Harmony Week, namely Centre for Moderation. The inaugural session will be held on Thursday 7th February 2013 at Ma'din Campus, Malappuram. Prof. Dr. KKN Kurup, Sayyid Ibrahimul Khaleelul Bukhari will lead the programme. Mr. Khalek Awang, the CEO of Global Moderates Movement Foundation, Malaysia will be the chief guest.

Harmony Meelad Rally

Start: Sunday 3rd of February 2013 12:00:16 AM
End: Sunday 3rd of February 2013 12:00:18 AM
Location: Malappuram, Malappuram, IN
As part of Interfaith Harmony Week, Ma'din Academy will conduct Harmony Meelad Rally, highlighting he need of tolerance and understanding. More than 10000 people are expected to attend with students from Ma'din Academy's various institutions.


Start: Saturday 2nd of February 2013 12:00:11 AM
End: Saturday 2nd of February 2013 12:00:13 AM
Location: Enter a location, Amman, JO
Dear all, Greeting of love and peace. In honoring the, Gathering for Happiness and Quested Peace UR CCs will organize a harmony building activity under the name “Building Inner Smile” by Madam Najwa Al Zahhar on Saterday, 2nd February 2013 at 11:00 am (Jordan Time) at URI Office (new office located at Al Madina Al Monawwarah Street, opposite Glorea Jeans , Al Bosol Commercial Building, Second floor). As we have limited space, we are targeting 20 participants from URI folks in Jordan, however, this is an open invitation for all URI community across the globe to join us in spirit. The World Interfaith Harmony Week (WIHW) was first proposed at the UN General Assembly on September 23, 2010 by H.M. King Abdullah II of Jordan and it was unanimously adopted by the UN and henceforth the first week of February will be observed as a WIHW. The idea of dedicating a week for interfaith harmony is based on the pioneering work of The Common Word initiative. This initiative, which started in 2007, called for Muslim and Christian leaders to engage in a dialogue based on two common fundamental religious Commandments; Love of God, and Love of the Neighbour, without nevertheless compromising any of their own religious tenets. The Two commandments are at the heart of the three Monotheistic religions and therefore provide the most solid theological ground possible. In love and peace

Interfaith Harmony - Healthy Life - Happy Nation!

Start: Friday 1st of February 2013 12:00:18 AM
End: Friday 1st of February 2013 12:00:21 AM
Location: Sport hall, Chisinau, MD
Christians, Muslims and Unificationists youth played together volleyball on the February 1'st 2013, in Chisinau city. This sport event marked the start of series of activities to observe and promote UN Interfaith Harmony Week in Republic of Moldova. All participants had enjoyed the sports and felt the power of unity as a team playing in mixed teams. Happy faces give us confidence that this will not be just one event, and more joined activities will follow as a proof that youth of faith has more things in common than differences.

Peace Generation Bandung

Start: Thursday 7th of February 2013 12:00:09 AM
End: Thursday 7th of February 2013 12:00:16 AM
Location: Setrasari, Bandung, ID
Meeting with Peace Generation Bali to celebrate with those from different faiths who are interested in promoting peace. Attendees will be Muslim, Christian and Hindu. The plan is to celebrate what has been done in the last year and to encourage each other to do more in the coming year.