Archive of Events

Below are the list of WIHW events that took place globally for the year of 2013.

Muhibah Breakfast

Start: Thursday 7th of February 2013 12:00:08 AM
End: Thursday 7th of February 2013 12:00:22 AM
Location: Communities, houses of worship, shoping mall, schools, All City/Town, MY
7/2/13 - Muhibah Breakfast - Committee For Promoting Understanding and Harmony Among Religious Adherents (JKMPKA) Meeting (New Committe 2013) Location: Thean Hou Temple, Seputeh,Kuala Lumpur

Khutbah, Sermon and Prayers - Malaysia

Start: Friday 1st of February 2013 12:00:07 AM
End: Thursday 7th of February 2013 12:00:20 AM
Location: All Houses of Worship, , MY
All Houses of Worship

Neighbourhood Association - Malaysi

Start: Friday 1st of February 2013 12:00:07 AM
End: Thursday 7th of February 2013 12:00:20 AM
Location: Rukun Tetanngga, , MY
Rukun Tetanngga

Celebration of World Interfaith Harmony: United Nations Lunchtime Sacred Sound Retreat

Start: Thursday 7th of February 2013 12:00:13 AM
End: Thursday 7th of February 2013 12:00:15 AM
Location: United Nations Church Center, New York, US
Celebration of World Interfaith Harmony: United Nations Lunchtime Sacred Sound Retreat Co-Sponsored by ProjectHarmony, Spiritual United Nations and Institute of International Social Development - (New York, Kolkata, Geneva, Paris) 07 Feb 2013 Thur. {1:00-3:00PM } Location: NYC UN Community at UN Church Center, 777 UN Plaza, 10th Flr. (between 1st and 2nd Streets) Special Guest Karin Marcello, Sacred Sound Musician Invocation to the Divine by drum, kartals, conch, gong, shofar Quotes of multifaith traditions followed by a pot-luck lunch. Sound Healing and Integration with Quartz Singing Bowls, Bansuri Flute, RSVP: $10 if paid by 31 January or $15. if you pay at the door (Includes lunch and expenses of the room) [email protected] (917) 721-3312

Bridges of Faith: Thoughts and Practices on Birth and Death

Start: Tuesday 5th of February 2013 12:00:06 AM
End: Tuesday 5th of February 2013 12:00:09 AM
Location: Abbotsford Community Services, Abbotsford, CA
Abbotsford Residents will work cooperatively for cultural harmony at the Bridges of Faith Community Dialogue There is perhaps no other fear that grips our society more than xenophobia: fear of the stranger. In light of this, the Diversity Education and Resource Services program at Abbotsford Community Services has organized this Bridges of Faith event to provide an opportunity to celebrate the diversity of the various faith traditions that shape our community and work towards greater understanding and cultural harmony. Our hope is that as participants encounter those from other faith traditions, our collective fear will be dispelled and we will be freed to work together in order to bring positive transformation to our communities. All are invited to this event, titled Thoughts and Practices on Birth and Death, at which participants will have the opportunity to hear from members of diverse faith communities on various beliefs and practices surrounding the life milestones of birth and death. Also included in this event will be a question and answer session with the presenters, an opportunity for dialogue with others in attendance, a children's program (for ages 3-10), and refreshments. The event is part of a province wide initiative coordinated by the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation (funded by the Government of Canada and Embrace BC) to engage communities in inter-faith bridging. We are gathering in solidarity with the thousands that are meeting as a part of World Interfaith Harmony Week (, a UN initiative that started in 2007. Again, all are welcome to attend (on a first come, first serve basis). Pre-registration is required by Janurary 31st, 2013.

Light a candle for respect, openness and peaceful co-existence Global chain of light ceremony February 3rd 2013

Start: Sunday 3rd of February 2013 12:00:00 AM
End: Sunday 3rd of February 2013 12:00:23 AM
Location: Global, Global, DK
The lamps are different, but the Light is the same. Rumi Light a candle for respect, openness and peaceful co-existence Global chain of light ceremony February 3rd 2013 The first week of February every year UN celebrates Interfaith Harmony Week. In Denmark we marked this in 2012 by lightning torches on the central Town Hall square of Copenhagen – Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus and Sikhs together. We’ll do it again this February, but we invite the entire world to participate. Let the light shine all over the globe to symbolise peaceful co-existence, joy and harmony between different faiths. We hope that you want to participate – whether by lightning a candle in privacy or lightning torches together in public. Every light is welcome and important. Even the smallest candle can create light and warmth in the heart of a friend or a stranger. Register We would like to hear from you with a contact person, country, and e-mail address, and if possible with a description of your light ceremony. Then we – when February 3rd approaches – will mail a list with all participating countries and publish it on our website: The list will be published only with the name of the country in question, without contact names and other contact information. Please send the above information on February 1st 2013 at the latest to: [email protected] Light a candle on Facebook You can also light a virtual candle on Facebook. Follow the link and please pass it on to your network:!/events/148247611994303/ You can see the Facebook page, even if you are not a Facebook user. Interfaith in Copenhagen Interfaith Harmony Week is celebrated in Copenhagen with a big experimental performance show with participants of all faiths. We will film the event and put a link on the above webpage and this site during February. SPREAD THE MESSAGE! PLEASE PASS ON THIS INVITATION! Kind regards, Anna Eskelund, Chairman Tro i Harmoni , Faith in Harmony – Denmark UN INTERFAITH HARMONY WEEK:

The Role of Interfaith Dialogue in Peace Building and Women Empowerment

Start: Tuesday 12th of February 2013 12:00:03 AM
End: Tuesday 12th of February 2013 12:00:06 AM
Location: United Nations Conference Room, Manhattan, New York, US
WORLD INTERFAITH HARMONY WEEK The Role of Interfaith Dialogue in Peace building & Women Empowerment February 12, 2013 / Tuesday / 3-6pm Date: February 12, 2013 - Tuesday Time: 3pm – 6pm Place: United Nations Conference Room RSVP: [email protected] The World Interfaith Harmony Week adopted the United Nations General Assembly’s resolution 65/5 aims to promote a culture of peace and non-violence through inter-religious and intercultural understanding, harmony and cooperation; there hence, supports elimination of all forms of intolerance and discrimination based on religion or belief. The international faith communities recognize the imperative need for raising awareness on empowering women by providing educational opportunities, especially for girls; collaboration on the implementation of sustainable educational programs; sharing best practices and supporting successful global initiatives throughout the world. Religions and beliefs play an essential role in understanding the status of women and girls education according to different faith communities across the globe. The panel aims to raise awareness on empowering women and discuss multiple perspectives, implications and misconceptions on girls’ education based on religions, traditions, and customs. Are the sources of gender inequality in life derived from social customs and traditions or do religions condone and strengthen this inequality? Does gender inequality stem from the foundational principals of the religions or life practices, which reflects the culture and traditions throughout the world? Facts: Gender disparity in educational opportunities Girls’ education remain elusive in less privileged regions of the world Understanding of faith traditions as a major barrier to education Dilemma: Violence & Peace justified in the name of Religion or God Underrepresentation of women in governance and politics Goals: Empowerment tools in reaching out to less privileged women/girls Advocate for Women/Girls’ rights in various communities and governments Collaborate with Interfaith NGOs, international communities and governments Support innovation and encourage new ideas that empower women’s educational, social, economic and political status to become more creative, and self-sufficient. Outcome: The panel will raise awareness on empowering women by providing educational opportunities for girls; eventually, it will impact greatly on women’s education, social and economic status, and eliminate inequality in women representation in governance and politics. The organizing committee aims to influence international community and policy makers in implementation of the United Nations’ resolutions and UN MDGs worldwide. The panel also will echo voices of the interfaith community in developing original perspectives on the topic, generating solutions to the problems, and supporting successful practices in less privileged parts of the world. Date: February 12, 2013 - Tuesday Time: 3pm – 6pm Place: United Nations Conference Room RSVP: [email protected] PROGRAM 3:00 PM Welcome Remarks - Hon. Ufuk Gokcen, Permanent Observer of OIC to the UN - Mehmet Kilic, Director of Center for Global Affairs, Peace Islands Institute 3:10 PM Opening Speech - H.E. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu – Secretary General of OIC 3:30 PM Panel 1- Government Perspectives, Policies and Implementations - Ambassadors of the Permanent Missions of Egypt, Nigeria, Brazil, Kazakhstan and the United States are invited. 4:45 PM Panel 2- Mobilizing Civil Society & Best Practices across the Globe - Joyce Dubensky, CEO of the Tanenbaum Center - Dr. William Vendley, Secretary General, Religions for Peace - Marie Claudine Mukamabano, Founder/CEO of Kuki Ndiho Foundation - Dr. Alp Aslandogan, President of the Alliance for Shared Values - Dr. Sarah Sayeed, Interfaith Center of New - York

Reconciliation Ceremony on the Peace Bridge

Start: Saturday 2nd of February 2013 12:00:14 AM
End: Saturday 2nd of February 2013 12:00:18 AM
Location: Forstmuseum Reichraming, Reichraming, AT
Young Jewish, Christian and Muslim people from Israel, Austria and Palestine built in the summer of 2009 together out of massive wood in the Austrian alps a bridge of peace. The peace project attracted great attention up to the President of the Republic of Austria. In the spirit of these young people, locals from the community of Reichraming, local religious, political and youth leaders will convene on Feb 2nd 2013 in order to join in the global UN World Interfaith Harmony week and make it a real local experience. Elder J. Reuben Silverbird will accompany with spiritual music from the native american tradition a ceremony of leaving behind old baggage and reconciling with "the other" by meeting on the peace bridge. After the ceremony, the mayor of the town of Reichraming, will invite the different stake holders to a strategic planning meeting, in order to develop further peace, inter-faith and sustainability initiatives in the area.

‘Peace, Unity and Universal Brotherhood

Start: Wednesday 6th of February 2013 12:00:10 AM
End: Thursday 7th of February 2013 12:00:22 AM
Location: Kirpal Sagar Academy, Punjab, India, Kirpal Sagar, IN
'Unity Day' Manifesto will be completed by all the religous leaders and personalities during the conference. (see program below) Today we aspire to sow a seed for all coming days and together we plead: Let us all be children of the same Father; Let us feel to be of one color and one race; Let us all be brothers and sisters of the same extended family; Let us have one faith: the faith in humanity; Let us belong to the same nation and speak the language of the heart; Let us have one opinion and enjoy understanding; Let us all help each other and treasure Life together; Let us all be women and men sharing the same destiny; Let us be at peace and listen to the universe together; Let us all have one intent and enjoy this present; Today we do not claim to be something; Today ‘I’ and ‘you’ do not exist; Today together we surrender to unity inside and outside ourselves; Today is Unity Day, the day of brotherhood and love. Kirpal Sagar 6th February 2013 2nd February 2013 Delegates of Unity of Man from US, Italy and India will travel to the Kumbha Mela in Allahabad to join the program on 3rd February, and collect suggestions for the ‘Unity Day Manifesto' from spiritual leaders and renowned personalities. On 4th the delegation will return to Kirpal Sagar. Program in Kirpal Sagar: 5th February 6.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m. Satsang (spiritual lecture) held by Biji Surinder Kaur in the Conference Hall New arrivals can optionally join the evening event, have a tour in Kirpal Sagar or recover from the journey in the Guesthouse. Meals between 6.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m. We suggest all the guests to reach not later than 5 p.m. Pick up from stations and airport will be arranged at any time. 6th February 10.00 a.m. – 1.30 p.m. Conference 1st part, Conference Hall 1.50 p.m. - Noon break, Guesthouse 3.00 p.m. – 4.30 p.m. Round table on the ‘Unity Day’ Manifesto 5.30 p.m. – Dinner, Guesthouse 6.00 p.m. – 11.00 p.m. Conference 2nd part, Conference Hall 7th February All the guests are welcome to take rest in the peaceful atmosphere of Kirpal Sagar; library, Sarovar and gardens are at your disposal. Meals at 08.00 a.m., 1.00 p.m. and 6.00 p.m. 8th February The delegates will deliver the ‘Unity Day’ Manifesto to all religious leaders and guests of honour. On 9th the 'Unity Day Manifesto' will be sent all over the world in a well-organized campaign proposing the 6th February as world wide annually recurring ‘Unity Day’.

The Imam and the Pastor

Start: Wednesday 6th of February 2013 12:00:13 AM
End: Wednesday 6th of February 2013 12:00:15 AM
Location: city library, ballarat, AU