Archive of Events

Below are the list of WIHW events that took place globally for the year of 2013.

Spiritual walk at Terrassa

Start: Saturday 2nd of February 2013 12:00:16 AM
End: Saturday 2nd of February 2013 12:00:20 AM
Location: Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain, Terrassa, ES
Terrasa's Intefaith Council invites you to visit, in a spirit of love and goodwill, four places of worship from our town: A Mosque (Muslim), a Baptist Church (Bethel), a Catholic Parish (San Cristobal) and a Bahá'í Center. We will talk about datails of every place, share prayers and songs and a snack at the end of the visit. We look fordward to see you there!

Farah Siraj - Interfaith Concert in New York

Start: Saturday 9th of February 2013 12:00:08 AM
End: Saturday 9th of February 2013 12:00:09 AM
Location: , , US
In celebration of World Interfaith Harmony Week, jordanian virtuoso vocalist Farah Siraj will perform live in concert at Alwan for the Arts in New York City. Joining her on stage will be her ethnically diverse band, with world-class musicians from the Middle East, Europe, the United States, South America and Japan. Join us for a night of Arab Flamenco Jazz, where Farah performs Arab classics set to a Flamenco jazz context, as well as her original compositions from her award-winning album “NOMAD.”

Interfaith Concert by Farah Siraj

Start: Saturday 9th of February 2013 12:00:20 AM
End: Saturday 9th of February 2013 12:00:21 AM
Location: 16 Beaver Street, New York, NY 10004, New York, US
In celebration of World Interfaith Harmony Week, jordanian virtuoso Farah Siraj will perform live in concert at Alwan for the Arts. Joining her on stage will be her ethnically diverse band, with world-class musicians from the Middle East, Europe, the United States, South America and Japan. Join us for a night of Arab Flamenco Jazz, where Farah performs Arab classics set to a Flamenco jazz context, as well as her original compositions from her award-winning album “NOMAD.”

Interfaith Yoga & Meditation for United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week

Start: Wednesday 6th of February 2013 12:00:18 AM
End: Wednesday 6th of February 2013 12:00:20 AM
Location: 4 W 43rd St, NYC, New York City, US
Talk on Interfaith spirituality, Yoga, Mantra Chanting & Meditation by Guru Dileepji

Interfaith Celebration for United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week

Start: Saturday 9th of February 2013 12:00:18 AM
End: Saturday 9th of February 2013 12:00:20 AM
Location: 4 West 43rd Street, Manhattan, NEW YORK CITY, US
"LOVE ALL, SERVE ALL" Meditation, Interfaith Prayers, Spiritual Music, Dance, Panel discussion, Pot luck Party! Please bring your family and friends, musical instruments, flowers and vegetarian food! Organized by: International Gurukula Community, Inc. (501 {C} {3} Non-Profit) UTS – The Interfaith Seminary

Interfaith Meditation for United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week

Start: Saturday 2nd of February 2013 12:00:18 AM
End: Saturday 2nd of February 2013 12:00:20 AM
Location: Namaste Healing Center,80 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1104 (11th Floor), 14th St, NYC, New York City, US
Talk on Interfaith spirituality, Meditation and Kirtan/Bajans by Guru Dileepji

Interfaith Harmony, Peace and Nature

Start: Wednesday 6th of February 2013 12:00:09 AM
End: Thursday 7th of February 2013 12:00:19 AM
Location: Seven Mountains, Battambang, KH
Interfaith Harmony, peace and Nature Nature is the core of all living creature including human. Though we are members of different faiths but we are from and depending on the same nature. So here is where we can begin our journey o become peaceful coexistence, live side by side in harmony depending on the same source of environment, the food we eat and air we breath and the water we drink. We work together to protect our environment and nature, and that is also a wonderful opportunity to understand each other culture, way of life and build good relationship. Program Summary 6 February 2013 • Travel by buses from Battambang town to Seven Mountain community • Exploring forest, caves at the mountain area and talking with the community people • Tree planting ceremony • Religious views on Peace and Nature by religious leader of each faith • Public Education Slide and video shows as part of evening entertainment 7 February 2013 • Formal ceremony • Interfaith prayers • Tour the caves • Sitting circle meditation and reflection • Religious morning prayers for King Sihanouk • Return back Battambang town • Disperse

United for a Culture of Peace Through Interfaith Harmony

Start: Thursday 14th of February 2013 12:00:10 AM
End: Thursday 14th of February 2013 12:00:13 AM
Location: United Nations General Assembly Hall, United Nations Plaza, New York, NY, New Yord, US
H.E.Mr. VUK JEREMIC, President of the UNGA, UNESCO and the Committee of Religious NGOs at the UN invite you to a special event at the UNGA on Thursday Feb 14, 2013 from 10am to 1pm Featuring distinguished speakers, music, representatives of diverse religious traditions and a World Peace Flag Ceremony. Security check-in opens at 9am. Phot IS is required. Webcast live from the United Nations

The position of women in Germany. Christian and muslim perspectives

Start: Tuesday 5th of February 2013 12:00:13 AM
End: Wednesday 6th of February 2013 12:00:13 AM
Location: Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, Tutzing, DE
The conference wants to describe and to different positions in women in Christianity and Islam. Also it wants to overcome one-sided discussions on women in Germany and to promote a better mutual understanding in the German society.

Interfaith Tour

Start: Friday 1st of February 2013 12:00:12 AM
End: Friday 8th of February 2013 12:00:20 AM
Location: Rue Vaugirard Paris 75006, Paris, FR
Dear Sir, Madam, Allow me to draw your attention to an innovative project led by a dynamic team of young people which I hope will be of interest to you. It might not be completely in line with the World Interfaith Harmony Week itself, but we are sure you will find great interest in reading our proposal. A group of five young people (Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Agnostic and Atheist, respectively) have decided to join together in staging an unprecedented World Tour of inter-religious activities from July 2013 until June 2014. This project has emerged at a time when nearly all the world’s faiths are increasingly being exploited or held hostage by fundamentalists. Beyond the novelty factor, such a project holds huge potential, as it brings together young people from different religious and cultural backgrounds. We the organizers feel that this project must include not only people representing the world’s three major monotheistic religions, but also an atheist and an agnostic, in order to broaden the scope of scholarly enquiry and avoid focusing exclusively on religion per se, including an analysis of the transformation of religious practice in contemporary societies. The presence of religion can be felt in all social strata, and the facts show that the number of believers is on the rise. The impact religion has on many conflicts around the world may be it direct or indirect, deep or mild, blatant or subtle. Now more than ever, it is vital that we understand religions, believers, faith, institutions and divisions in order to move towards democracy and peace. Thanks to this World Tour, we seek to raise awareness about existing inter-religious projects and build bridges between different faiths and societies by giving the broadest exposure possible to every initiative that we encounter. We seek not to do inter-religious work ourselves, nor to preach an inter-religious gospel of any kind. Rather, out aim is to take stock of and publicize the actions of others in the field, for we believe that it is essential to break through the negativity and bias often proffered by the mainstream media and advocate a new style of journalism that offers genuine solutions. From the very outset we designed this project to have an international dimension because we would like to capitalize on increased individual interaction in order to promote the innovative concept of Active Coexistence. Moreover, we want to highlight the strength of young people and demonstrate that it is possible to get organized on an independent basis, with a view to upholding our sense of commitment and fighting against the stereotypes that are far too often associated with a generation that is actually full of hope. We believe that our project falls squarely within the objectives of the World Interfaith Harmony Week, even if it’s a much wider project. We share the conviction that solidarity and dialogue cannot be confined to the borders of France or Europe and that is necessary to build ties, share knowledge and experiences, with the rest of the world, especially in the developing world or in areas in crisis. Due to its inter-religious nature, our project may be atypical, but its fundamental aims are in line with those of more common activities, i.e. to foster greater understanding among the world’s peoples and to promote democracy and dialogue as pathways to peace. We already have contacts with major national media outlets for regular features in the written press as well as on radio and are also exploring other avenues with major television networks. A publishing house has already expressed an interest in releasing a book upon our return, and we are determined to maintain a high profile in the media and social networks. We have also started receiving our first official sponsorships, including not only the leading representatives of various religions but also from Alain Boyer (Director of the Interior Ministry’s Central Office of Religious Faiths for many years), Martin Hirsch (former head of Emmaüs France, former High Commissioner for Active Solidarity against Poverty, and High Commissioner for Youth) and many others. We are also in close contact with the Council of Europe’s North/South Center, with which we have already worked in the past. We would be honored to benefit from the support of the World Interfaith Harmony Week as one of our official sponsors, be it in the form of financial support or support in kind. It may also be beneficial for us to pool our networks and work on our project with any stakeholders you know along our route and, perhaps, inspire others to join us. It seems you didn’t have many opportunities to spread the Interfaith Week in France over the last few years, and we would be very interested, in line with our project, but also with Coexister (the French interfaith youth network), to organise events during the Interfaith Week in our 10 local offices in France (including Paris and 3 suburbs, Lyon, Marseilles, Lille and Strasbourg), starting in 2014. Furthermore, once we have completed this nine-month journey around the world, we have also planned a two-month trip across France to speak at schools and in seminars interested in our project to share our experience. We firmly believe in peer learning and will actively implement peer-based activities. We could also meet with you at the end of our trip and speak at your lectures if you wish. The journey will not end there, however, because we are thinking of repeating the experience in following years with a different team each time. Every journey will be an occasion to strenghten our ties with interfaith organizations abroad, and to promote our common goal, that we share with WIHW. Attached you will find an information brochure. We also have a full 16-page information file with detailed explanations of our project’s rationale and execution. Mark Twain wrote, “They did not know that it was impossible, so they did it.” We extend to you our best regards and hope that we may share a long and fruitful relationship.