Nepal Celebrates World Interfaith Harmony Week

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On the very occasion of “World Interfaith Harmony Week 2018” there was an event organized by Universal Peace Federation Nepal on Feb 4, 2018 at Nagarjuna Academy, Lalitpur. There were 195 people from different Zone, Districts, community and   from different faith together with youth from colleges.  All were gathered there to continue the similar course of action of world interfaith harmony week. All spiritual leaders were there to celebrate the occasion and to tell about the interfaith harmony. They gave speeches one by one and prayed together for the holy cause and for the interfaith harmony. After completing the first session of the program there was a debate competition for the students on the topic interfaith harmony and the winners was rewarded.

Talk program on the significance of World Interfaith Harmony Week (4468)

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Representative, followers from different faith based organisation. NGOs, INGO\'s youths and other interested are being invited .The program will be started by reciting prayers from different religions.The talk will be mainly focused on the importance of the World Interfaith Harmony and the role to be played by the religious leaders, priest and the followers and non followers to maintain the harmony and peaceful coexistence in the community . The program also has a cultural presentation and tea/snacks at the end .