WIHW Interfaith Tour – Lilongwe, Malawi (7416)
It is sometimes difficult for organizations to acknowledge the United Nations Days as per its calendar, due to different reasons, but it comes to our priority to celebrate, acknowledge and observe World Interfaith Harmony Week, because of our history of religious intolerance in our communities. For instance, in 2015, there was serious violence between Muslims and the indigenous people which lead to several serious injuries, especially on women and children. After several meetings between community members, we were able to reach reconciliation, and realise that the root cause is misunderstanding of our different religious traditions and beliefs. It is against this background that the United Religions Initiative Lilongwe Central CC is organizing an interfaith tour, to visit different places of worship and learn more from our different faith leaders. Lilongwe Central CC is partnering with Mangochi CC and YASED CC in the Lilongwe region of Malawi, to host an interfaith tour for WIHW. The tour will visit St Peters Anglican …