Interreligiöse Feier – World Interfaith Harmony Week

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Wir laden herzlich ein zu einer Interreligiösen Feier im Rahmen der „World Interfaith Harmony Week“veranstaltet von:Föderation für Weltfrieden – UPF AustriaFamilienföderation für Weltfrieden (Österreich)Frauenföderation für Weltfrieden (Österreich)Phravithetpunyaporn (Phramaha Boonthin) Wat Phutharam, Repräsentant des Thai Buddhismus, Schweden Sonntag, 11. Februar 2018 von 10:00-12:00hVeranstaltungsort: 1070 Wien, Seidengasse 28 10:00 Musikalischer Beginn mit dem „Vienna Peace Choir“Begrüßung durch die Präsidentin der Familienföderation für Weltfrieden„Frieden unter den Religionen – Frieden in der Welt“ – Beiträge von Vertretern der Weltreligionen11:00 World Peace Blessing Zeremonie für Ehepaare und Familien:Gebete des Segens von Vertretern der Weltreligionen.Buddhismus: Phravithed Punyaporn (Phra Maha Boonthin), Abt von Wat Phutharam, Schweden,11:30 Thailändische Tänze12:00 Mittagessen

A lecture & photo exhibition on religious pluralism in India.

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On the occasion of this year’s WIHW, the International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID) in Vienna will host on 6 February 2018 an evening event focusing on both interreligious and intercultural dialogue: a lecture & photo exhibition on religious pluralism in India.   Vienna’s community Rabbi, Schlomo Hofmeister, undertook a KAICIID-supported journey through India. He is a trained anthropologist and documented how people of diverse religious identities live in peaceful coexistence in different regions across India to highlight India’s unique, multireligious society and was accompanied by a professional photographer who documented the journey. Rabbi Hofmeister will provide the audience insights into the Indian interreligious experience and engage in dialogue with the audience. After the lecture, the photo exhibition will be opened.

Interreligious Breakfast (7725)

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Saturday, 17th of February 2018 UPF-Upper Austria and the Family Federation for World Peace Upper Austria will organize the Interreligious Breafast which has a long tradition here. But this time it will take place in a special location, the Vedahof in Gramastetten/Upper Austria with an interreligious church.

Blessings to the world and how wecan get Heaven on Earth (9716)

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Around a fountain near a river we put papers with prayers from the holy books from the Bahai' religion. So a lot of people, who walk through the park can read and discuss them. During this days we invite pupils from nearby schools to come and read the prayers and than write their blessings to the world on a special paper. So they can spread all over the world, where the water will flow and the clouds travell. We also will talk to them about the project and how we all together can create Heaven on Earth.


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As part of this year’s global celebrations during World Interfaith Harmony Week (WIHW), the International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID) hosted an evening buffet and networking event with participation from KAICIID’s Board of Directors, Advisory Forum and local religious and lay leaders. The event highlighted the significance of interreligious dialogue as a tool for overcoming communal challenges and provided a possibility to share and discuss best practice examples. KAICIID Secretary General, Faisal Bin Muaammar, welcomed numerous renowned members of the Austrian interreligious community and diplomatic representatives while emphasising the pressing need for interreligious dialogue: “I see today a much more urgent need to build bridges between different people and religions. I know that we all agree that dialogue is the best way to create a sense of shared values and respect between diverse groups. A shared sense of common principles and goals supports social cohesion. Social cohesion supports robust communities that resist discrimination and bias”. The KAICIID Secretary General was joined by …

Let’s Make Heaven On Earth Again

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as one of our World Interfaith Harmony Week 2017 projects I started a new facebook page: Let’s make heaven on earth again to connect people, who work for this aim. URI CCs are of course a big part in the and I am working to fill the country collections with groups I get to know. Now we show the film about the building of a tower for a “Bell for peace and friendship” – with subtitels in English. Maybee some of you like the idea, that brings great joy to people of all age. We are still searching for little stones from all over the world. With blessings to all of you, not only in this week. Elisabeth and the team of the United Religions CC Lienz/Austria

Bell for peace and friendship (7734)

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In summer 2016 the Interreligious Team URI Lienz/Austria built a tower for a bell for peace and friendship. During the World Interfaith Harmony Week we inform people all over Austria and the URI gropups worldwide about this project and show the film about the process and the blessing ceremony on top of a mountain. With subtitles in english. We would be happy to get more stones from all over the world for the tower,

Let's make Heaven on Earth again (8638)

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This is an ongoing project to bring people together, who work for Heaven on Earth. in various fields: Nature, Social work, Religions, Peace ,….. There is a WIKI to show, who, which institutions, media, education options and so are working for this aim to. It is based on the project from Martin Rutte in Canada:

What can religions do for a peaceful society (2058)

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Very interesting lecture with Univ.Prof.Dr.Ansgar Kreutzer from the Catholic University in Linz/Austria about the topic, what religions can do for a peaceful society. He will point out, that every person has the wish to be seen in a good way. If someone feels deprived the possibility raises, to get agressive against others. The best way to more peace seems to be to learn more about the other religion, person, situation of life.

Weltwoche der interreligiösen Harmonie, Stift Melk

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Anlässlich der Weltwoche der interreligiösen Harmonie, die von der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen im Jahr 2010 ins Leben gerufen wurde, laden der Abt des Stiftes Melk, Abt Georg Wilfinger, und das Bundesministerium für Europa, Integration und Äußeres am Donnerstag, dem 2. Februar, ab 11 Uhr zu einer Begegnung der in Österreich anerkannten Religionsgemeinschaften und dialoginteressierter Menschen verschiedener säkularer Lebenseinstellungen. Interessierte haben die Möglichkeit, an einem der drei inhaltlichen Dialoge teilzunehmen.

Religionen in China. Freiräume und Grenzen (1819)

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P. Martin Welling SVD, Direktor des China-Zentrums in Sankt Augustin bei Bonn, wird in seinem Vortrag „Religionen in China – Freiräume und Grenzen“ an Hand der Situation der katholischen Kirche in China dieses Spannungsfeld und seine Auswirkungen auf das tägliche kirchliche Leben erläutern. Dabei sollen auch die letzten religionspolitischen Entwicklungen sowie die Bemühungen um eine Verbesserung des vatikanisch-chinesischen Verhältnisses zur Sprache kommen.

Peace Encounter at Melk Monastery, Austria (8126)

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On the occasion of World Interfaith Harmony Week, which has been instituted by the United Nations in 2010, the abbot of Melk monastery, Georg Wilfinger, invites all interested parties to a day of interreligious dialogue and encounter (in German language) between all state-recognised religious communities in Austria and people of various secular views. This event is organised in cooperation with the Task Force “Dialogue of Cultures” of the Austrian Federal Minstry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs.

World Interfaith Harmony Week Austria 2017

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Gemeinsam mit Flüchtlingen möchten wir für Täter und Opfer von religiöser Gewalt in der eigenen Familie eine Kerze anzünden. Mit der Bitte um Vergebung und im Bewußtsein unserer persönlichen Verantwortung für die Zukunft.

Einladung zum interkulturellem Festessen / Invitation to an intercultural dinner

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Einladung zum interkulturellen Festessen in Kooperation mit der Pfarre Leesdorf und dem Roten Kreuz Baden Ort: Pfarrhof – Pfarre St. Josef Leesdorfer Hauptstraße 74, 2500 BadenTermin: Sonntag, 24. Jänner, 2016, im Anschluss an 9:00 Gottesdienst (ca. 10:00) Die muslimischen Studentinnen und Studenten, die aufgrund der außergewöhnlichen Verhältnisse ihre Heimat verlassen mussten und nun in Österreich ein neues Leben beginnen wollen, werden durch viel Unterstützung der Stadtgemeinde Baden, der Pfarre Leesdorf, des Roten Kreuz Baden und zahlreicher Freiwilliger und Helfer betreut. Der Rotary Club Baden unterstützt eine Initiative der Lehrkräfte der BHAK und BHAS Baden und der ISCEC-Int. School, im Rahmen einer intensiven Ausbildung 50 Studierenden in 2 Klassen, nun auch mitfinanziert durch das BMBF, eine neue Perspektive in unserem Land zu geben. Für all diese Unterstützung wollen sich die Studenten bedanken, indem sie Sie zu diesem Essen einladen. Um freie Spenden wird gebeten. Diese gehen an das RK Baden und an die Pfarre Leesdorf. Wir bitten um Ihr Kommen, wodurch …

"Bell for peace and friendship"

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Ein Regenbogen über dem Ort wo die Glocke stehen wird, am 1. Tag der World Interfaith Harmonyweek ist ein gutes Zeichen. Habe heute auch die rechtlichen Bewilligungen von Stadtgemeinde und Bezirkshauptmannschaft erhalten.

Austria's President Fischer to Visit KAICIID during World Interfaith Harmony Week

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President Fischer to visit KAICIID during World Interfaith Harmony Week The Federal President of Austria, Dr. Heinz Fischer, will visit the International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID) on 2 February, in the context of the UN-endorsed World Interfaith Harmony Week, observed since 2011 during the first week of February. President Fischer will deliver a speech during an event that will be hosted by KAICIID’s Secretary General, Faisal Bin Muaammar, and that aims to promote tolerance and dialogue among the followers of different religions. HE Hussam Abdullah Al Huesseini, Ambassador of Jordan to Austria, will also speak at the event that will gather representatives of both the local and the international community in Austria. Jordan played a significant role in the establishment of the World Interfaith Harmony Week. KAICIID’s Secretary General said: “It is our honor to host the President of one of the members of our Council of Parties for this very special occasion. With this visit, Austria is once again showing …

Toward Peace and Reconciliation in Syria and the Middle East – The Role of Religions

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The Universal Peace Federation in cooperation with the United Nations Correspondents Association Vienna, the International Institute for Middle-East and Balkan studies and the Women's Federation for World Peace is organizing this conference. Speakers: HE Hussam Abdullah H. G. AL HUSSEINI, Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to Austria Rabbi Yaakov Luft, Mevaseret Zion, Jerusalem Father Joseph Saghbini, Greek Melkite Catholic Church, Lebanon Muhammad Effendi Jusuf Spahic, Mufti of Serbia Ms. Fatimah Almukhtar, „The role of Youth in Iraq“ Prof. Dr. Anis Bajraktarevic, International Institute for Middle-East and Balkan studies Prof. Dr. Enes Bayrakli, Turkish-German University Istanbul Dr. Ismail M. Yassin, former Prof., Damascus University, Syria Dr. Leo Gabriel, Initiative “Peace in Syria”

Bell for peace and friendship

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For 3 weeks people can see a new made bell and bring stones from all over the world for the tower. It will be build on top of a mountain near our town Lienz in Austria. The bell shows the symbols of 12 religions and the words "I ring for peace and friendship" The tower will be made of wood and with stones from holy places in the world. It will be finished this spring, as soon as the snow went away. Pupils will help to build it. During the WIHW we will talk about the project in churches, the refugee camp and in schools.