World Interfaith Harmony Week 2019 Singapore One Blood One Humanity Harmony Centre of Singapore collaborated with An Nahdhah Mosque to organise series of events in conjunction with World Interfaith Harmony Week Celebration 2019. The overarching theme is “One Blood One Humanity”. The objectives of these programmes as followings: a) To utilize social media to create awareness on World Interfaith Harmony Week and the locals’ goodwill initiatives. b) To provide platform for faith leaders and youths to collaborate on interfaith initiatives. c) To empower youths of different faith to promote culture of peace and interfaith appreciation. d) To encourage faith communities to support World interfaith harmony week through blood donation drive. This celebration consisted of 4 main events. a) Breakfast conversation with 25 faith leaders representatives and youths of various faiths. b) Messaging of Peace and Orange Distribution by 70 interfaith youths to mass public. c) Inter-religious intercultural engagement with 100 participants of faith leaders, members of youths and community. d) Blood Donation Drive open to public at An Nahdhah mosque. Full report can be read in PDF attachment.