World Interfaith Harmony Month

In by [email protected]

Wanted to give you information on World Interfaith Harmony Month’s impact on me. I have been deeply touched by the services during this month which were so focused on “love of the good and love of the neighbor”.  The talk by Jesuit Father Patrick Twohy was a highlight for me as he, in such a heartfelt way, spoke of his many years “on the res” living with Indigenous Peoples on both sides of Washington’s mountains with utmost respect, listening and learning and being with them as they are moving forward from their history of government repression, discrimination, disrespect and breaking of treaties. He spoke of the wisdom learned from elders and how they all honored the Creator together. His way of working, I hope, will be a model for me of how to live with all my neighbors and heart-listen to and respect them, especially those who are marginalized. The service was made even richer by the contribution of SisWinKlae Laurel Boucher who always is a source of “love of good and love of the neighbor” with her comments about her recovery from ‘forced Catholic religion’ to her joy in the Creator and healing practices of her coastal people.