WIHW The World Interfaith Harmony Week February 1-7 2023 in South Lakeland England UK
SLEDP South Lakeland Equality and Diversity Partnership was delighted that WIHW World Interfaith Harmony Week was again celebrated in South Lakeland. The Mayor of Kendal Councillor Douglas Rathbone commented “It was energising as well as humbling to be involved in hosting one of the WIHW events for this year’s ‘week’ of events and has been good to experience, once again, the diversity of faith based communities in Kendal able to come together for it”. Councillor Guy Tirvengadum (Former Mayor of Kendal and Chair of SLEDP and founder of Kendal Unity Festival) commented “I am always delighted that Kendal puts on a variety of events in WIHW. It is wonderful that a small town is able to make an important contribution to the vital work of understanding each other and social cohesion”. Jacquetta Gomes (SLEDP Lead on Interfaith and Multifaith) said “South Lakeland is a wonderful place to live and I am pleased that it continues to offer opportunities to participate in WIHW”. SLEDP South Lakeland Equality and Diversity Partnership 7 Day Event SLEDP South Lakeland Equality and Diversity Partnership supported two daily half hour at home sessions every day of Inter Faith Week at 7am and 7pm. Participants read The Golden Rule and to undertook an appropriate practice from any faith or none (for example chanting, meditation, reading, reciting). The Golden Rule is available at https://worldfaiths.org/our-poster/ https://worldinterfaithharmonyweek.com/pec-events/sledp-south-lakeland-equality-and-diversity-partnership-golden-rule-2-sessions-every-day-of-wihw/ Thursday 2nd February 10-12 Event in The Mayors Parlour Kendal Town Hall The Mayor of Kendal Councillor Douglas Rathbone invited guests to an event to celebrate WIHW. The guests included the SLEDP South Lakeland Equality and Diversity Partnership Lead on Interfaith and Multifaith Jacquetta Gomes who assisted The Mayor in organising the meeting, the Chair and members of the SLIF South Lakeland Interfaith Forum Committee and representatives of local faith communities. A helpful and informative workshop was led by Karen O’Donoghue a SLIF committee member and member of Kendal’s Baha’i community. This was included on the Kendal Town Council Facebook page Kendal Town Council Facebook 2 February 2023 Wonderful to see a gathering in the Mayor’s Parlour as part of World Interfaith Harmony Week Friday 3rd February 10-12 Zoom Event An online zoom event was held with invited guests from local agencies and faith communities and organisations. This was hosted by Councillor Guy Tirvengadum (Former Mayor of Kendal and Chair of SLEDP). This event reviewed the work over several months of a small working group into how to develop local engagement between faith communities and organisations and local agencies. Possible future developments were discussed. WIHW Resources SLEDP is honoured that the booklet Cumbrian Supplement for the national booklet by South Lakeland Equality and Diversity Partnership (SLEDP) (Second Edition 2019), is on the WIHW website resources page and will have been used in WIHW 2023. WIHW webpage Resources https://worldinterfaithharmonyweek.com/resources/ Guides https://worldinterfaithharmonyweek.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Cumbrian_Supplement_for_the_National_Booklet-2009.pdf