Webinar: Cultural and Religious Dialogue in Environmental Education

In by yhteisymmarrysviikko

In Finland the World Interfaith Harmony Week was themed this year “In Dialogue with the Environment”. The aim of the theme was to highlight both the importance of the natural environment and the actors of it. The theme of “ In Dialogue with the Environment” reminds us that the natural environment needs the cooperation of all of us. In addition, we want to draw attention to the diversity of our surroundings. We each create and support dialogue in everyday encounters. Do I know and recognize the diversity of my surroundings? The theme is also intended to highlight, for example, district actors and everyday encounters: discussion and dialogue skills in everyday life.
In Finland the week has been coordinated by Forum for Culture and Religion FOKUS for 10 years. FOKUS organized an event named “Cultural and Religious Dialogue in Environmental Education”, among of many other events. The event covered topics such as why are culture and religion important standpoints to take into account in environmental education, how are environmental emotions affecting dialogue, what does green colonialism mean or how can I use dialogue in my job. We had nine prestigious speakers from various educational and cultural backgrounds. The event was organized remotely and it gained numerous listeners. The recording of the event will be published later to reach out to even more people.
The event was part of a larger project to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of environmental education by taking into account the importance of cultural and religious dialogue. The target group of the project was environmental educators and, more broadly, educators who have an interest in environmental education or a responsible position in their work community on environmental issues. Environmental education has traditionally emphasized the scientific perspective. The project expands the understanding of the need for environmental education to take into account other aspects as well, such as the perspectives of culture, views and environmental feelings. The project provides guidance on the cultural challenges that environmental education and education for sustainable development must be able to meet in order for students to experience motivation and inclusion. The project produced a training package that includes the event in question and an educator’s guide published as an e-book.
The project page (only in Finnish): https://dialogikasvatus.fi/hankkeet/kulttuuri-ja-katsomusdialogi-ymparistokasvatuksessa-hanke/
The event page (only in Finnish): https://dialogikasvatus.fi/course/kulttuuri-ja-katsomusdialogi-ymparistokasvatuksessa/
Event’s Facebook-page (only in Finnish): https://www.facebook.com/events/430573621280268