Universal Healing: Awakening the Heart of Humanity: Day 7 – February 7
Universal Healing: Awakening the Heart of Humanity: Day 7 – February 7 This year to celebrate World Interfaith Harmony Week (2023) Charter for Compassion and the RISE Team -Religion, Interfaith and Spirituality for Everyone- have created a special experience for you: a daily offering of healing from different traditions of the world. Day 7 – Crown Chakra with Morgana Sythove and Donna Mills representing Paganism Delving deeper into the Spiritual connection Until we are capable of anchoring our consciousness in the Brow Chakra our mind oscillates constantly between the human Chakras. All individuals travel along their own pathway, have their own history and their own experiences – but at the end all inevitably reach the same goal, the same truth and the same reality. However, until then it is a long journey. Spirituality is about connection and being aligned with Mother Earth and the Universal Energy that every tradition looks toward. Delve deeper into spirituality and join us today! NOTE: Session 7 includes a ceremony after the closing words.