Touring on weekend is an activity to fill holidays. However, Youths from all over West Java had some unique activities to fill their holiday with Tour For Peace. Tour For Peace is an annual event held by Young Interfaith Peacemaker Community (YIPC) Indonesia to commemorate World Interfaith Harmony Week (WIHW).
The event had already done on February 16-17, 2019 and on February 23-24, 2019. Tour For Peace 2019 invited 22 participants not just for recreation only, but also learning about differences and pluralism in West Java. The event aims to build a peace generation through young peacemakers.
Last weekend on February, We went to Motahhari Senior High School at Jalan Kampus II 13, Bandung to have a dialogue with The all Indonesian Assembly of Ahlulbayt Association (IJABI). IJABI is a Shia Muslim organization model of Indonesia. Shi’a Islam in Indonesia represents a small minority in that largely-Sunni Muslim country. There is a lot of cases of discrimination, negative campaigns, hate speech, and persecutions of Muslim Shi’a in Indonesia. It was a big step especially for muslim youths having dialogue with Shi’a and they learned everything about Ahlulbayt/Shi’a directly from Shi’a Muslim. All prejudices from muslim participants are clarified. Shi’a Muslims are need space and public discussion to answer misunderstanding between muslim in Indonesia.
After lunch, we had been prepared to go to Cireundeu Village, Cimahi city. Live in with Sunda Wiwitan culture and society was our last schedule. Cireundeu Village or Kampung Cireundeu is a cultural village located in Cimahi that Sunda Wiwitan people existed. Sunda Wiwitan is a religious belief system of traditional Sundanese. It venerates the power of nature and the spirit of ancestors (animism and dynamism). Altough Sunda Wiwitan is a part of diversity in West Java, most of them are having trouble with civil right #youth #interfaith