The Fraternity Walk: Project Report 2023 (Second Edition)
Organized to mark the UN World Interfaith Harmony Week, the second edition of the Fraternity Walk which ran from February 2 to 5, 2023 was characterized by a series of activities aimed at raising awareness about “our common humanity” and empowering survivors of interfaith conflicts with some basic skills and resources to rebuild their lives. Among other milestones, the success of this year’s Fraternity Walk earned us a congratulatory message from the UNESCO Headquaters in Paris, France and a feature story on UNESCO’s website. Still thanks to the success of the event, our President, Franca Ma-ih Sulem Yong, was invited to deliver the keynote address to 1000 legislators and delegates at the 146th Assembly of the Inter-Paliarmentary Union holding from 11-15 March in Manama, Bahrain titled : “Promoting peaceful coexistence and inclusive societies: Fighting intolerance.” Organized by the Afrogiveness Movement (#Afrogiveness) in partnership with Positive Youth Africa (PYA) and the Africa Initiative for Health and Research promotion (AIHRP), under the patronage of the National Commission of UNESCO, the Fraternity Walk engaged 1000 participants including Pastors, Imams and representatives of 4 Government Ministries in Cameroon(Ministry of Sports, Ministry of Youths and Civic Education, Ministry of Basic Education and Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization). It was climaxed on the International Day of Human Fraternity (February,4) by a race competition dubbed the Fraternity Race. The overriding mission of the event was to advance human fraternity while raising public awareness about values like; tolerance, forgiveness, empathy, human fraternity and habits like peaceful co-existence and harmonious cooperation between people of all religion, cultures or background.It saw an amalgamation of people from diverse cultural and religious, cultural,ideological and socio-economic backgrounds and it helped to foster social cohesion between youths in host communities and forcibly displaced youths (Internally Displaced Persons from Cameroon and refugees from 7 countries-Sudan, Rwanda, Central African Republic, Mali, Togo, Niger and Chad), whom all demonstrated the values of the International Day of Human Fraternity. during activities. The main activity of the event was sports and key to the event was using the unifying power of sports to foster values that thread our humanity., On a more general level, the project was successfully completed thanks to the strong commitment and involvement of the Afrogiveness team, and the reputation of the Afrogiveness Movement which has since 2018 achieved deep impact in advancing tolerance and peaceful co-existence between people of different faiths but also earned international recognition like the UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence,the Commonwealth Education Award and the Youth Movers Gold Award.However, the event came with some lapses which can easily be filled in future engagements if we apply the lessons learned from this edition. This report presents the activities, strengths, weaknesses and lessons of the event.Fraternity_Walk_Report_2023_WIHW_2023