Surrey Celebrates World Interfaith Harmony Week
This year for the World Interfaith Harmony Week, the Surrey Interfaith Council went all out in partnering with a wide variety of organizations which included the City of Surrey, the Surrey Central Library, the Global Clergy Association, the Multifaith Action Society, Northwood United Church, the Surrey BC Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Thien Ton Temple, the Fleetwood Christian Reformed Church, Brookside Sahib Gurdwara, Laxmi Mandir, Sri Singh Sabha Sahib, the Surrey Jamea Masjid, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, L A Matheson High School, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at BC, the Surrey Baha’i Community, the Worldwide Shift Disturbers, Nanak Guru’s Free Kitchen, the World Sikh Organization – Canada, Thind Singh Lawyers, Global Girl Power, Mustang Justice, and the Grassroots Cafe.
Events included an Interfaith Panel Discussion on countering hated in an interfaith world, the sharing of something sacred or inspirational at an Interfaith Music & Spoken Word Concert, a Community Interfaith Pilgrimage to various sacred spaces, an evening Devotional with prayers and meditation, an Interfaith Dinner to interact in an informal social setting, a One Billion Rising service project to support women & children in shelters & low income housing, and a Closing Ceremony with various fine arts presentations.
The themes threaded through the week’s activities included building vibrant neighbourhoods and learning about the diverse faiths and traditions of our neighbours. The Surrey Interfaith Council measured the success of this year’s wonderful celebration by the number of partnerships in the community and the diversity of participants. Everyone is looking forward to expanding the celebration in 2020! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gnd9UZL8Z5Nfc1GQPv_U0pqFdC9ZKZcO/view?usp=sharing