Sharing the Gift of Life: Blood and Milk Letting

In by Sebastiano DAmbra

With the mission of the Zamboanga City Medical Center to save precious lives, they gathered people who are willing to donate. Blood, from the students, teachers and other people who believes that donating their blood will extend somebody’s life and they still can continue to fulfill their hopes and dreams. Milk, from loving mothers who also want to share the healthy benefits of their milk to nurture babies who needs it. Through this, the Human Milk bank and the Hospital Blood bank can keep an adequate supply of these donations to continue to help people and save lives. As one with the celebration of the World Interfaith Harmony Week 2019, together we can do something good for others and offer something that no money can buy. This activity also aims to overcome cultural and religious barriers. Physical and cultural sensitivities are also considered and respected. It is indeed true that in sharing, we are blessed. The genuine effort and sincere love of the people who are willing to give without expecting something in return is the kind of people that the world needs. At the end of the day, the spirit of the World Interfaith Harmony Week 2019 was indeed celebrated meaningfully through an act of sharing and kindness. When we share, what matters the most is that we are being truthfully happy in what we are doing.