The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Interfaith Windward Ohana and Interfaith Ohana Hawaii partnered to Clean Up the Hamakua Marsh – Kailua-Oahu Feb. 25, 2023. This was a 1st time event for the UN World Interfaith Harmony Week/month activities offered by the Interfaith `Ohana Hawaii collective. It was initially organized via Zoom, and all parties quickly reached consensus to conduct a cleanup project at the Hamakua Marsh in Kailua, Oahu, assisted by Rainbow Pharoah, from the Healthy Climate Communities. Among the participants were 6 residents from the Residential Youth Services Empowerment (R.Y.S.E.). RYSE is a nonprofit organization who work with homeless youth to reconnect with society including finding a spiritual home. Each participant introduced themselves and said why they had come to participate in a day of service.
Ms. Pharoah, is also the Executive Director of the Hamakua Marsh, and she provided the ground rules for the clean up of invasive plants and provided shovels and gloves. She shared the Hawaiian spiritual significance go the marsh and the importance of respecting it as a sacred space, caring for it, and restoring its natural balance. Everyone, both young and old, were taken on a short tour to view the marsh before getting down to the work at hand. Water and pastries were provided by the sponsoring organizations.
Faith traditions and community groups participating:
o The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – Kaneohe Stake
o RYSE-Residential Youth Services and Empowerment
o Unity Windward
o Interfaith `Ohana Hawai`i
o Windward Interfaith `Ohana
o Nu’uanu Valley Interfaith
o Windward Buddhist Mission
o Windward Soka Gakkai
o St. Christopher’s Episcopal
o Healthy Climate Communities
o Baha’is of Ko’olaupoko
A total of 32 Kaki to Kapuna (children to elders) participated. Everyone worked hard and went home happy to have met new friends and done something good got environment.
For more photos of this beautiful marsh and our day of service please see our event on our UN World Interfaith Harmony Week – Interfaith Ohana Hawaii Facebook page: