February 6, 2019: Lecture Evening on Reconciliation by Aydin Soei, based on his book ”Forsoning, fortælling om en familie”. Venue: Dramalokalet, Blok AB, Munkevængets School
This was an event, sponsored by the Cross-Cultural Committee of Kolding Deanery in cooperation with Munkevængets School with the theme on reconciliation. The invited guest was Aydin Soei, a journalist and sociologist. He came as a refugee from Iran, grew up in Denmark; regarded as a conflict-seeking boy and identified as a son of a father who killed the father of his best friend.
He himself has authored a number of books, which gave readers the understanding into the anger and frustration of the second or third generation immigrant youths – who wrestled with their identity crises and difficult integration process. Aydin Soei is a favorite speaker many places in Denmark on criminality and radicalization of the young people. He is a model of a good life in spite of the difficulties in life. As a writer, he has also interviewed and worked for children and young people who have wrestled with cultural conflicts in upbringing and faced difficult challenges in a new culture and loss of identity.
Those who attended the lecture evening were church leaders, teachers and youth leaders. While partly referring to other books he has written, he focused his presentation on his auto- biographical novel, “Forsoning, fortælling om en familie”.
“Forsoning” is Danish word for reconciliation. The book gives insight into how he was able to reconcile with his past and succeeded to develop his potential after some inflicted physical and psychological wounds. Thanks to adults like his own mother and particular teachers in school, who gave him the unconditional loving support. A challenge to those who teach and work for children and young people in schools and other institutions!
There was a very good dialogue after his presentation. People were free to raise questions. It was a good inspirational evening to those who critically look at the Danish integration system, and to those who work for children and youths of multi- ethnic backgrounds.
It was an evening on literature, open to critical reflection and yet provides inspiration in dealing with and relating to children and youths, who have crises in their upbringing and struggle with their well-being in a new home or new country.
The evening was a touching journey to Aydin Soei’s redeemed and reconciled life, a document on necessary reconciliation, which is also available in the book market.
Supporting Documents:
- The placard on the event, distributed for information in Danish language
- The list of activities in observance of Inter-Faith Harmony Week in Kolding
- Power point presentation on the Lecture Evening in photos
Support submitted: Elizabeth Padillo Olesen