Report 1: Women Encounter: Women’s Stories and Feast
First Women Activity in observance of UN World InterFaith Harmony Week on January 28, 2023.
Women Encounter is a monthly event which takes place every Saturday in a month. Two women encounter events, were set aside in January and February to mark UN World Interfaith Harmony Week 2023.
Place: Simon Peters Hus at Islandsvej 4 in Kolding from 13-18 pm. Preparations at 1 and start of the program at 2 pm.
Who attended: 25 women and 10 children from 10 countries of origin Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lithuania, Afghanistan, Philippines, Bosnia, Denmark, Poland, Ukraine, Liberia, representing religions of Islam and Christianity, most of them came to Denmark as refugees and obtained residence permit, others are citizens, have acquired Danish citizenship by marriage and work, others are Ukrainian refugees coming to Denmark under Special Law because of war, and some refugees, still waiting for grant of asylum status, and those who are Danish citizens. Languages used in the meeting: Danish and English and translation into Ukrainian language… See full report below.