Religious Tourism Week & Religious Tolerance in Albania
On 22nd February 2023 was the opening of the “1st Religious Tourism Week” organized by the Forum of Religious Tourism, part of the Master of Science program in Religious Tourism of the Department of Theology and Culture, Logos University College. This first religious tourism week aimed to raise awareness about Religious Tourism in Albania, explain what religious tourism is, open a discussion with business people and show how it can help tourism in general to be a business stable. The first day of the program was more theoretical and tried to present what religious tourism is and some case studies considering religious tourism, cultural preservation and cooperation in this aspect. The second day of the Religious Tourism Week (23rd February 2023) had as its theme how religious tourism can help religious tolerance and specifically religious tolerance in Albania. The day was dedicated to the annual World Interfaith Harmony Week event, where religious communities around the world participate in a series of events to show their commitment to religious harmony and condemnation of religious violence. In honor of this annual activity, we dedicated our second day of “Religious Tourism Week”, trying to find out how the religious communities of Albania see this perspective of religious tolerance through the development of religious tourism in their country. On the third day of Religious Tourism Week (25th February 2023), we had the pleasure of presenting some of the projects of the students of the Master of Science in Religious Tourism program of the Department of Theology and Culture and also opened a discussion with people from the tourism business on how they see religious tourism. On this day, the goals of the second week of religious tourism were set, with the announcement of a project.