“Race & Religion: Cultivating Anti-Racist Faith Communities” Event Report


Race and Religion Event Presentation: https://worldinterfaithharmonyweek.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Race-and-Religion-Event-Presentation.mp4 

This is an annual event organized by the Muslim Christian Liaison Committee in Canada (NMCLC) in collaboration with the Multi-Faith Centre at the University of Toronto and the Intercultural Dialogue Institute. 
NMCLC has a long-lasting relationship with the Multi-Faith Centre consistently organizing annual events on topics that are of interest and relevant to every day lives of university students, as well as members of our Christian and Muslim communities across Canada.  
Our event provides students a chance to meet with members of many Christian and Muslim organizations, and for NMCLC members to build positive relationships with one another. This results in mutually supportive interfaith groups formed between members and students, allowing them to live out World Interfaith Harmony Week’s (WIHW) purpose of “Love of God & Love of the Neighbour.”
In this “Race and Religion” event, we have truly lived out the 2021 WIHW theme of “Extending Our Embrace” to include event participants from all over the world which we normally couldn’t include for in-person events.  
The number of sleepness nights working non-stop in the many weeks before our event has proven to be worthwhile as shown in the “quotes from attendees” we have included in our event report. This has become a fruitful effort which event participants have much to take away.