Press Conference 3.02 Kyiv Ukraine
As part of the World Interreligious Harmony Week 3.02 info-agency “Ukrinform” (Kyiv, Ukraine) hosted a press conference (, where representatives of various religions, the state and the scientific community spoke about the importance of this week. The event began with a joint prayer conducted by the Chief Rabbi of Ukraine and Kyiv Communities of Progressive Judaism of Ukraine Oleksandr Dukhovny. The moderator of the press conference, Bishop of the Apostolic Orthodox Church Serhiy (Vutyanov), resulted the activities of the All-Ukrainian Council of Religious Associations (VRRO): the VRRO participation in the presentation of the Ukrainian-Azerbaijani Multicultural Center, visitings of different communities, research project “Religious minorities of Ukraine and state-confessional relations “, meetings of representatives of VRRO communities with the students of Ukrainian secular universities and theological seminaries and academies. Within the WIHW framework the VRRO is planning many events for 2022. In particular, lectures dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the birth of Ukrainian philosopher Hryhoriy Skovoroda from Metropolitan of the Apostolic Orthodox Church Viktor Veryaskin, a series of online lectures offered by Rebbe Oleksandr Dukhovny and online classes by representatives of the Theosophical Society. And the continuation of the exhibition of photographs “Sacred Buildings of the World” and new events in the work of the World Parliament of Religions. Vice-President of the Ukrainian Association of Researchers of Religion (UARR) Liudmyla Fylypovych reminded that the World Week of Interreligious Harmony was introduced 10 years ago at the initiative of the UN. Professor noted that Ukraine is already part of the WIHW. This year it lasts from January 29 to February 28 – a whole month. To date, 346 different events are planned around the world. “When there is unity and understanding between very different communities, it inspires other communities to seek unity,” said Vyacheslav Gorshkov, coordinator for communication with religious communities at State service on Religious affairs. He stressed that in Ukraine, despite a fairly strong tradition of religious tolerance, it is necessary to build harmonious interfaith and interfaith relations. Therefore, with the support of the State Service, a number of bright projects are being implemented, and positive experience of interreligious cooperation is being disseminated. Mufti of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Ukraine “Umma” Sheikh Sayid Ismagilov stressed that the interfaith peace that exists today in Ukraine is the achievement of religious organizations and civil society. However, it is necessary to fight for the preservation of this peace, because the Russian aggressor will try to destabilize the situation in the country/ Oleksandr Dukhovnyi, Chief Rabbi of Ukraine and Kyiv of the Communities of Progressive Judaism of Ukraine, noted that the Jews of Ukraine are part of the Ukrainian people. He stressed that the “Week of Interreligious Harmony” will last for the community of progressive Judaism not a month, but a whole year. The peculiar result of the press conference was the speech of the head of the Center for Religious Studies and International Spiritual Relations Igor Kozlovsky. “Issues of dialogue, cooperation, harmonious existence are topical issues that concern the whole world. But they are special for Ukraine, because we are going through a crisis of historical times, when there is a threat of direct invasion by Russian troops. That is why it is so important to cultivate unity between all of us. ”