Our Actions 2019 World Interfaith Harmony Week in Matanzas Province, Cuba
The World Interfaith Harmony Week 2019 was celebrated in Matanzas Province, Cuba, during several days and including people from different religions and social contexts. Around 150 people participated in these moments of brotherhood and peace.
February 5th, Lic. Jorge Elias Gil Viant and MSc. Mayla Acedo Bravo shared the lecture A view of women in Islam, at the Christian Center of Reflection and Dialogue CCRD of Cardenas city, Matanzas, including present day aspects about Muslim women and main chalenges they have in life and society.
The lecture was well appreciated by 30 specialists of this Center, CCRD, with a donation of islamic books and printed islamic materials provided by the speakers. February 6th, in the morning, the members of Presbyterian Reformed Church in Cardenas city, Matanzas, enjoyed a similar lecture and recieved a donation of islamic books to the church library, for Christians and all people, since this library is public.
Afternoon around 100 people, Christians, Catholics and Muslims, were together in the opening of the art exhibition Our Actions, with paintings showing hands in help actions, promoting concepts about help each other all the time, as the Bible and the Koran say. Pastors Sarah Garcia Gomez and Alison Infante Zamora, by the Presbyterian Church, and Lic. Jorge Elias Gil Viant, by Islam, talk about peace and understanding. MSc. Mayla Acedo Bravo, Catholic, introduced the exhibition reading the text included in the flyer/catalogue prepared for the ocassion.
The Jazz Project Mestizaje, a music group from this Cardenas city, performed several music pieces as a concert, a real gift for this beautiful and special moment. February 7h, morning, Lic. Jorge Elias Gil Viant and Pastor Alison Infante Zamora, planted together the Occuje tree, a timber tree, in the garden of the church. Members of the Grosse Pointe Memorial Presbyterian Church, from Michigan, United States, visiting Cuba to help the Cardenas Presbyterian Church these days, joined their hands and prayers for this moment.
Pastor Peter Henry, from Michigan Presbyterian Church, shared with the presents texts of the Goslpels and talk about this actions of ecological character. Follow these days, 12th to 14th February, similar activities took place at The Matanzas Evangelical Seminary of Theology, SET. It was great enjoy a lecture, an art exhibition (in this case Our Prophets Art Exhibition, with 17 paintings showing koranic texts including 25 prophets we can find in the Bible and the Koran) and islamic books donation to the library of this Evangelical Seminary, to help students and professors of this important knowledge center, concerning references about Islam.
Also in this Seminary Lic. Jorge Elias Gil Viant with students and professors, planted a tree, to promote enviroment care actions. These two weeks in Matanzas Province, Cuba, celebrating the World Interfaith Harmony Week, was an important occasion to build together a better society, including people from different religions and open ways to extend and improve the knowledge we have about our skills to be better persons, through peace and love.
World Interfaith Harmony Week every year is an important initiative, began in 2010, Cuba this year celebrated. We want to thank the proposal King Abdullah II of Jordan made to the United Nations and we want to congratulate all people around the world working these days with these peace actions.