One Billion Rising – Lower Mainland Initiative
The One Billion Rising – Lower Mainland Initiative brought together a number of community organizations to provide basic necessity care packages for almost 1000 women and children in shelters and low income housing. The interfaith organizing committee spent months raising funds and awareness for this initiative and were delighted when the Surrey Interfaith Council sponsored the service project as one of their events during the World Interfaith Harmony Week. Almost 100 volunteers, mostly students from various faith communities, showed up on the evening of February 6, 2019, to work side by side to assembly and deliver the kits. Among the sponsors were the World Sikh Organization of Canada, the Worldwide Shift Disturbers, Local Congregations of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Guru Nanak’s Free Kitchen, Global Girl Power, Mustang Justice, the Singh Thind Lawyers and the Sri Guru Singh Sabha. http://www.icloud.com/photos/#0yFM9kbPrhVMiECZt6msLjLCQ