MultiFaith Council of NW Ohio Clergy / Faith Leader Breakfast
Fifty-five guests attended the MultiFaith Clergy / Faith Leader Breakfast, in observance of World Interfaith Harmony Week, that was held Wednesday, February 5, 2020, 8:30 – 10:30 am, at Christ Presbyterian Church, 4225 W Sylvania Ave, Toledo, OH 43623. Twenty-six volunteers catered a deluxe continental breakfast, with pastries, fruit, yogurt, granola, juice and water. A local coffee shop, Black Kite Coffee and Pies donated coffee and tea. Clergy, faith and community leaders had a a good opportunity to mingle and chat with others , learn about MultiFaith Council activities, and to discuss collaborative solutions to their choice of three critical issues – what faith groups can do to alleviate 1. loneliness / isolation, 2. climate change, and 3. violence against faith communities.