Love of the Good – Let us make our peace with Nature
Friday 1 Feb: Linda Tucker, Founder and CEO of the Global White Lion Protection Trust, gave us some insights into the role of the White Lions in bringing hope and a new paradigm in leadership to our world. As Faith communities, we need to play our part in nurturing love and respect for all of life so that our planet will still be here to support our grandchildren and their descendents. Let us make our peace with nature. Watch the full video of Linda’s presentation here.
Linda’s extraordinary journey began in 1991 when she and a group of friends were stranded one night in the midst of a group of angry lions. Terrified and convinced of their impending doom, their situation seemed hopeless until a Tsonga woman with a baby strapped to her back came walking through the bush, calmed the lions, and restored a sense of order. Years later, Linda returned to find that Tsonga woman and became her student, ultimately inheriting from her the title “Keeper of the White Lions.”
Linda’s task is to restore the values of LionHearted Leadership to the planet, bringing human systems back into balance and harmony with nature for the ultimate salvation of the planet and all life.
Restoring the legendary White Lions of the Timbavati to their endemic homeland and to their rightful place of sovereignty is symbolic of this broader mission. There is a legend that tells us that the task of the White Lions is to walk Love and Light back into the planet. Our task is to help them do it. We followed up this event by joining Linda and her partner, Lion Ecologist Jason A. Turner, for their parliamentary presentation on Tuesday 5 February.
And the Parliamentary presentations were successful, although there is still much work to be done! The Kruger Park had agreed to drop fences between themselves and local conservancies, thereby putting the lives of trophy animals at risk as hunting is still actively pursued on these conservancies. The agreement was put on hold as a result of Linda and Jason’s presentation.
Thank you Global White Lion Protection Trust and Linda Tucker Foundation for the amazing work you do in service to our planet and all her communities.