Florence Communities Walking Together – to meet, to know and to welcome each other
The event “Florence Communities Walking Together – to meet, to know and to welcome each other” promoted by the Municipality of Florence together with 22 different religious, faith, and belief groups which are active in the City’s life was a complete success, celebrating the World Interfaith Harmony Week proclaimed by the UN.
More than 2,000 people participated. The walk started at 2:30 pm from the abbey of San Miniato al Monte, a place important to the former mayor Giorgio La Pira, first Italian politician pursuing the idea of Europe as an unique Country, and wound through the streets of the City up to Palazzo Vecchio – the town hall – where we arrived at 6:30 pm passing by the symbolic places of the various cults. Stages at the Lutheran church, at the Synagogue, in Piazza dei Ciompi – symbolically referable to the Islamic community – at the Badia Fiorentina (Catholic Monastery in town centre).
Under the banner of meeting, knowing and welcoming each other and surrounded by the unique mesmerising beauty of the City of Florence, at every stop one among the faith groups guested in its own temple, and welcomed the participants, while it was another faith group that was reading from their sacred scriptures, whilst a third different faith group was performing a song.
It is the first time that this event is organised in Florence. “The idea was born a few months ago and like all the beautiful ideas that come from the heart has grown on the street until today,” said Mayor Dario Nardella intervened at the closure of the initiative in Piazza della Signoria. “It is the first time – he added – that so many communities gather together to make a journey, it is a brick that we put away from dividing walls into the common home that is our community.
Florence is a universal symbol of dialogue, peace and acceptance that speaks to the whole world. I would like this journey to be repeated every year, involving people from all over the region and tomorrow we hope from all over Italy “.
Contact: Stefano Tigani ?+39 347 2562214?
Links to event website
Comune di Firenze • Comunicato stampa
Any other supporting documents (e.g. testimonies, news reports etc)
Ansa • Euronews • Rai News • Repubblica • Toscana Oggi • Corriere Fiorentino • La Sicilia