Dialogue between religions
In the first week of February, Interfaith Harmony week. DCO- Dialogue and Culture Organization arranged a dialogue meeting for the preachers of 6 six religions in Kurdistan- Iraq. Annually we have a variety of activities during interfaith harmony week; for the fifth year, we gathered representatives of 6 six different religions, Kakais, Zoroastrianism, Bahais, Christians, Ezidi’s, and Muslims, in a dialogue meeting. Each representative came with five faith followers with their unique traditional clothes. Representatives of different religions gathered at the negotiating table for the sake of peace and coexistence. Each representative gave a memorable speech about the importance of coexistence and harmony where they live in the same motherland under the same sky. They discussed the main obstacles to this process nowadays, specifically social media, and suggested critical solutions. They addressed the message of peace and coexistence between their religions. And they insisted on spreading this beautiful coexistence to all classes of society and conveying the message of peace and coexistence from Kurdistan to the whole world. What made the activity remarkable and distinctive this year, unlike in previous years, was that in each religion, Six followers (believers) of the faith, each working in other different aspects of life, attended the meeting apart from preachers and religious mentors. For example, parliamentarians, provincial council members, judges, and university lecturers were present. They considered the message of peace and coexistence between all the different parties in society to solve humanity’s problems. In the end, the representatives of all religions prayed a special prayer to Allah almighty to ensure peace, acceptance, and coexistence between all religions, parties, and different classes of society.