Compassion Cinema
2020-02-23 UNITED NATIONS INTERFAITH HARMONY CELEBRATION Organizer Frankfort Interfaith Council/Frankfort UN Ascn USA Frankfort, Kentucky Location Paul Sawyier Public Library – Community Room To celebrate both the 10th anniversary of the United Nations Interfaith Harmony Week and the 10th anniversary of the unveiling of the international Charter for Compassion declaration, the Frankfort Interfaith Council and the Frankfort Chapter of the United Nations Ascn – USA invited the public to view the acclaimed documentary I Am – a 1 hour 17 minute film pondering the questions “What is wrong with our world?” and “What can I do to make it better?” This event was held at what we called “the COMPASSION CINEMA” in the Paul Sawyier Public Library’s Community Room 2 PM, Sunday, Feb. 23. We had 65 attendees. 2 City Water and snacks were provided. Setting Welcoming table with Greeters provided Sign-in sheets, copies of the Charter for Compassion, Summary sheet of ideas gathered at our 2019 Interfaith Harmony Week event entitled “Compassion Café” and snacks and water. Team members wore badges with FIC logo and UN Logo as seen above. Attendees 65 attendees including 2 members of our City Council, 2 pastors of local churches, 4 heads of civic groups. A special welcome was extended to the governmental, church, civic and business groups requesting they consider adopting the Charter for Compassion as their working and guiding document. That would unite us all under the same umbrella of living by the basic tenant all faiths and people of good-will — namely the Golden Rule. Advertising/Coverage Our event was advertised in the local newspaper The State Journal every day during the week prior to our event. The event and the following flier were placed on the Interfaith Council’s Facebook page and e-mailed to all contacts for the Council and the Frankfort Chapter of the United Nations Association USA: (unable to attach flier.) The local TV station Channel 10 taped the entire event and continues to air it periodically. They have made a DVD available for purchase. Follow-up A robust discussion followed the viewing of the movie. All attendees were invited to the Interfaith Council’s annual spring Interfaith Fellowship event to be held May 31 and to our annual Community Pot-Luck luncheon held each August. Council members will continue overtures to governmental, church, civic and business groups requesting they consider adopting the Charter for Compassion as their working and guiding document. Our State House of Representatives has so adopted the Charter.