Cecilia St. King – Inner Peace Troubadour Concerts & Presentations
On the first night of the World Interfaith Harmony Week 2019, Cecilia St. King performed a concert LIVE on Facebook promoting the event. As well as singing original songs, dedicated to peace amongst nations, she reiterated the 2011 speech given by H.M. King Abdulla II at the United Nations and had a reach of over 12000 views and counting. Please see the attached video.
The second night on February 2nd at the Unity Church of Fort Myers, in Fort Myers, FL she performed a concert for World Interfaith Harmony Week in person and on the third day she performed at a Sunday service at the Unity Center, once again sharing the message of the World Interfaith Harmony Week.
Gearing up for this season of The World Interfaith Harmony she performed at the end of January at the Interfaith Cafe’ at the South Florida Civic Center and at the end of February, she brought two concerts to High Schools students in South Florida, near to Parkland. A most poignant location to share with the students the mission of World Interfaith Harmony Week. She wrapped up this period of time teaching peace by presenting a workshop in “The Connection Practice” a program that unites Empathy + Insight to create Connection. At all activities was Ms. St. King speaking about World Interfaith Harmony. In fact, 2019 was not her first concert for the World Interfaith Harmony Week. In 2012 Cecilia performed for the first ever, World Interfaith Harmony Week, sponsored by the United Religions Initiative.
Ms. St. King created a following of her own interfaith/harmony community the moment she began to sing over 17 years ago. Her songs teach us that when inner peace exists, harmony among diverse people of the world will surely follow. Throughout the world, those devoted to her music and words, know that she, speaks their truth. Cecilia St. King is an important voice for all who seek peace. She has performed for such venues, as The United Nations, The Parliament of the Worlds Religions and San Quentin prison, in schools, churches, hospitals and sometimes one on one house concerts for those homebound.
Her work has been endorsed by the United Nations, the MK Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence and The National Peace Academy. She is on the board of PEACE NOW an organization seeking 1 Billion signatures for world peace. Her work is an ongoing mission to create peace, tolerance, and love between peoples of all faiths.
Here are just a few quotes from those who have heard her sing…
- “The world needs to hear your music. Now, more than ever.” ~ Pete Seeger
- “You have a voice of raw dark honey. Raw with truth, raw with compassion, raw with sacred intensity and love. I salute your work and hope that thousands and hundreds of thousands will be able to receive from it what I have received, a transmission of the truth, from your heart.” ~ International Rumi Scholar – Andrew Harvey
- “Cecilia, thank you for the joy and play you share with such passion and generosity. Make a joyful noise!” ~ Kit Miller – Director M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence
- “As I listened to Cecilia sing her songs, I was inspired to hope for the future. I remember thinking if I listened to her sing those songs often enough, I could become a better person.” ~ Charlene Johnston – Democracy Fest
- “Dear Cecilia, You are awesome! Thank you for bringing your music to the High-Level Forum on the Culture of Peace yesterday at the UN. Please keep in touch. We should have you back at the UN again and again for your message of peace to us all.” ~ Ambassador Anwarul K. Chowdhury – Former Under-Secretary-General and High Representative of the UN
- “Peace Troubadour Cecilia St. King provided not only beautiful and inspiring music, her presence was part of the learning experience as 65 participants developed programs for positive change in their community. Through her music, she helped with the integration process as people connected mind & heart in deepening their commitment to peace.” ~ Dot Maver – President National Peace Academy
- “I saw Cecilia St. King last night at the Interfaith Cafe’ held at the Civic Center in Delray Beach. She was amazing. Such a beautiful, moving and inspiring performance. Her songs and stories are so powerful and she sings from the heart. I was alternately tearing up, laughing and everything in between. If you can book her, book her. If she’s playing near you, go see her. This is a very special woman and a very special performance. Don’t miss it!!” – Ilene Tuller – Audience Member
- “Cecilia has an inner spirit that shines through her smile. Her music reflects the beauty of her soul. You can hear and feel the inner peace and love when in her presence. We Are One!” David Gellman – Audience Member
- “Cecilia’s songs, from my perspective, are about lovingkindness, peaceful living, caring about other people, and the power of music for good thoughts, to help move all of us towards a better, more peaceful world.” ~ Marcy Anshen -Audience Member
- “I recently brought Cecilia St King to Maine for two concerts. Her songs of peace are personal and universal, upbeat and touching at the same time. Her passionate commitment to being a Peace Troubadour and communicating her vision through music transcends borders. More people have to hear this amazing, engaging songwriter and performer.” ~ Arnold Greenberg – The Left Bank Café, Blue Hill, Maine
To learn more about Cecilia St. King and her work please visit… http://www.CeciliaStKing.com