Bridging Faiths: Media and NGOs Unite for Interfaith Harmony in Iraq

In by dco

During the International Week and World Interfaith Harmony Week, DCO- Dialogue and Culture Organization for the 7th year celebrated tolerance among different religions. This year’s activity was an open dialogue titled “The Role of Media and Civil Society Organizations in Building Bridges of Understanding and Harmony among Religions”. This year was different because the dialogue didn’t solely focus on interfaith discussions; instead, it centered on the role of media and NGOs in fostering interfaith understanding and harmony in Iraq. Secretary of the Journalist Syndicate, media professors, journalists, NGO representatives, and representatives of religions such as Islam, Christianity, Yezidi, Zoroastrianism, Kakai, Sabbi, and Bahai participated in the dialogue. Throughout the conversation, it was declared that Iraq is fortunately a place of tolerance, coexistence, and harmony. The media and NGOs have always focused on showcasing this coexistence. They also talked about the hate speech and conflict between people on social media which is normally triggered by journalists and media centers, logical solutions presented from psychologist and religion researchers. The role of civil society organizations also discussed for introducing the laws, ethics, and regulations to the journalists.