Ambassadors for Peace Award Ceremony in Denmark
AfP January 23 – WIHW report Saturday January 28th, 2023, UPF Denmark held appointment ceremony in UPF Peace Center in Copenhagen in preparation for the World Interfaith Harmony Week 2023.
Six new Ambassadors for Peace, their family members and other guests participated.
After his welcoming remarks UPF secretary general Karsten Nielsen introduced following new Ambassadors for Peace:
* Wieslaw Podlach, priest at Sankt Annæ Catholic Church in Copenhagen.
* Phra Soodthibongse Soodthiwunbso, monk and founder of Wat Thai Denmark Brahmavihara Buddhist Monastery in Denmark.
* Pernille Louise Sejlund, composer, singer.
* Mohammad Zaif Akhtar, founding member of Minhaj Youth in Denmark.
* Dr. Nammuni Naveendra P. de Zoysa, buddhist.
* Metta Ai Kim Carter, singer, founder of Jazzmosphere, photographer, mentor and coach.
UPF chair Nobuhiro Igarashi introduced UPF’s vision for building a world of peace, the Ambassador for Peace program and principles of peace. He mentioned IAPD, Interreligious Association for Peace and Development, as one important associations of UPF with the vision that not only should religions cooperate with one another – Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, and others – they should also work together with the leaders of governments and civil society and the private sector, as partners, for the sake of building the world envisioned by our founders, our ancestors, and, indeed, all people.
Karsten Nielsen presented the new Ambassadors for Peace with their certificates, photos were taken before the closing remarks.
The event finish with lunch and togetherness.