“Aloha: Where East meets West – A Significant Mo`olelo (story) from my religion”.
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Honolulu hosted a great in-person program at the Mosque in Kalihi. Honolulu on Saturday February 25th. A total of 8 world religions were represented for our third UN World Interfaith Harmony Week/Month. Each presenter had 7 minutes to share a significant story from their faith. Before each presentation, a brief intro of the religion was given by the moderator for the better understanding of audience. The theme for this year’s presentations “Aloha: Where East meets West – A Significant Mo`olelo (story) from my religion” is in keeping with the UN Resolution for the World Interfaith Harmony Week. Space was limited, but 35 guests attended in person and the program was recorded for a broader audience and shared on our FB page and Twitter account (@IslamHawaii) along with pictures from the conference. It has secured thousands of views already.